10 research outputs found

    Spectral analysis of a coyote - hole blast

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    Seismic Device UVS 1504, possibilities of its Utilization

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    Department of Mining and Geotechnics for many years deals with questions of the technical seismicity. In the paper are given possibilities of utilizing the UVS 1504 device and results obtained from the measurement of seismic effects of blasting as well as others sources of bursts. The measurements showed that this device enables to measure parameters and to evaluate measured data quickly, reliably, and with a very high precision. The device enables evaluating individual time degrees of blasts, determining the law of attenuation of the seismic waves, and precise determination of the maximum charge permissible for futher advance of the blasting in given conditions

    Monitoring and advisory system for refractory materials fireing production in VS Koice

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    The tunnel furnace produces refractory building materials. Various types of building materials are fired in the temperature interval 1450-1700 C. The tunnel furnace is approximately 160 m long and consists of 53 moduls, each about length 3 m. Usually three zones of the tunnel furnace are considering: warming, firing and colding. The furnace works in upstream regime. The fired material moves againts the flow of cold air and combustion products. The fuel is the earth gas. The paper is devoted to pointing out some opportunities for the use of classical IBM PC compatible computers for the design of small on-line real-time systems. PC s data acquisition card provides high transfer rate for data transfer and primary processing of measured values of technological processes in a tunnel furnace

    Research of methods for quality evaluation of rocks desintegration by rotary drilling

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    The subject of the paper is investigation of the properties of concurrent vibro-acoustic signal in the process of rock massif separation with the method of rotary drilling. The aim is to investigate the possibilities of using this signal as an integrating information source for the purposes of identification of the process of separation from the viewpoint of efficiency of the set mode (pressure, revolutions, indentor) under current geotechnical conditions

    Carpathian Control

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    Abstract: The contribution deals with the task of client’s time synchronization on process monitoring and control in network environment. It specifies the principal activities and components of server part of application, describes synchronization in local network in Windows environment and synchronization on process monitoring with internet utilization. It cites examples of client’s synchronization implementation together with survey of the selected timeservers. Key words: time synchronization,www, monitoring, client, time server

    Wiener predicting filter as parameter model process of rock separation by rotary drilling

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    Adaptive filters can be used for signal processing. Their utilisation dwells in identifying an unknown system or process. The result of the adaptation process is finding an adaptive filter coefficient. The found coefficients represent a model of the identified system or process. This article deals with the possibility of adaptive filters utilisation while identifying the process of rock separtion by rotary drilling

    Seizmic response spectra

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    A computation of 1D and 3D seismic motion parameters was made and the influence of input parameters on these parameters were analysed. A modelling was realised on the examples of sedimentary structures geotechnical models. This comparison provides different spectral and frequencial values and spectral accelerations. The differences in seismic response spectra are influenced not only by properties of geological structures but also by the methodics of the soil structure interaction modeling and input time history spectral composition. However, the influence of geotechnical properties of geological structures on the output results are apparent. The modelling results of different input time history spectral composition, the Ricker impuls and the Gabor function were compared. In the area of cement factory in Rohožník, the new rotary kiln furnance is planned to be build. In the sense of STN 73 0036 the expert seismic judgment has been claimed. The standard and local seismic response spectra is computed for the place where the rotary kiln will be situated. The application of the local spectral acceleration in seismic load computations enables to save costs in comparing with the standard acceleration