2 research outputs found

    Czerwona lista porost贸w zagro偶onych na 艢l膮sku Opolskim i G贸rnym 艢l膮sku [Red List of threatened lichens in Opole Silesia and Upper Silesia]

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    The thirth regional list of threatened and allied fungi is presented. The list is a result of investigation studies in Opole Silesia and Upper Silesia in S Poland. The status of threat to the lichen and allied fungi species used has been determined according to the IUCN Red List Categories in version 3. l (2001). The data obtained were compared with historical ones. While assigning given lichen species to suitable categories of threat the geographic criterium of their occurrence ranges was accepted because most source data from the study area concerns the distribution and frequency of species. The Red List includes 536 taxa of lichens, lichenicolous and saprobic fungi, which constitute 72.9% of the local biota and 33.5% of Polish biota. The status of threatened biota has the following catego卢ries: Regionally Extinct (RE) - 80 taxa, Critically Endangered (CR) - 61, Endangered (EN) - 95, Vulnerable (VU) - 90, Near Threatened (NT) - 71, Least Concern (LC) - 22 and Data Deficient (DD) -117. The lichen biota of this region of Poland has been most human impacted

    Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Magurski National Park (Poland, Western Carpathians)

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    The paper lists 337 species from Magurski National Park (MNP): 314 lichens, 18 lichenicolous fungi, four saprotrophic fungi and one lichenicolous myxomycete; 112 of them are new for MNP, 75 are reported for the first time for the Beskid Niski Mts, and two are new for Poland. Selected species are accompanied by taxonomic notes and remarks on their distribution in Poland and other Carpathian ranges. First records of Intralichen lichenicola, Burgoa angulosa and Verrucaria policensis and a second record of Epigloea urosperma are given for the whole Carpathian range, and Fuscidea arboricola was recorded for the first time in the Western Carpathians. Halecania viridescens and Mycomicrothelia confusa are new for the Polish Carpathians. The records of Absconditella pauxilla, Collema crispum, Licea parasitica and Rinodina griseosoralifera in MNP are their second known localities for the range. 93 species, mainly rare or threatened in Poland, were reported from MNP in the 20th century but were not refound