3 research outputs found

    Cryphaea hortonae : a new species of mosses from Bolivia

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    Cryphaea hortonae Y. León. is decribed as new from Bolivia. It is next related to C. filiformis but differs by the leaf shape and the length of the awn of ther perichaetial leaves

    Cell wall structure of selected epiphytic mosses from a montane forest in the Venezuelan Andes

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    Cell wall cross sections of 15 mosses from a tropical lower-montane cloud forest were studied using scanning electron microscopy. The ramicolous understorey mosses, of fan, pendant and dendroid life-forms, generally have thick cell walls occupying &gt;30 of the total cross section; the species with the thinnest cell walls, Toloxis imponderosa, has the leaf surface densely covered with papillae. Two basic patterns of cell wall ultrastructure are present in the understorey epiphytic mosses with hanging life forms which, along with the papillose cell walls of T. imponderosa, could be complementary mechanisms for water conduction and retention by pendulous mosses. Species of the forest floor and of the larger branches in the canopy, mostly of mat or turf life-forms, show relatively thinner cell walls.</p


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    La lista de musgos de Venezuela, basada en bibliograf&iacute;a, est&aacute; disponible en internet en una base de datos con registros por regi&oacute;n y ecosistemas, fotograf&iacute;as y estado de conservaci&oacute;n, brindando un panorama de la diversidad, zonas por explorar y usos de las especies como bioindicadores. La base de datos contiene 991 nombres de especies y m&aacute;s de 5500 registros de localidades. La p&aacute;gina de internet contiene herramientas para su determinaci&oacute;n, noticias y aspectos importantes para difusi&oacute;n. El estimado preliminar por estados y familias muestra a M&eacute;rida con 437 especies, seguido de Aragua 214, Bol&iacute;var 204 y Amazonas 186. Entre las familias con mayor n&uacute;mero de especies se encuentran Dicranaceae, Orthotrichaceae y Pottiaceae