24 research outputs found

    Reparação de estruturas de betão após incêndio

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    Um incêndio numa estrutura de betão pode provocar danos muito leves, cuja intervenção é simples e superficial, ou muito graves podendo exigir a demolição total ou parcial da estrutura. A seguir ao incêndio será necessário fazer uma avaliação e classificação dos danos seguida duma selecção dos métodos e materiais de reparação mais apropriados. Nesta comunicação apresenta-se uma visão geral dos diferentes aspectos da avaliação e classificação dos danos das estruturas após incêndio e suas técnicas de reparação

    Influência do processo de arrefecimento e do carregamento na resistência residual à compressão de betões normais após incêndio

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    O betão apresenta em geral um bom comportamento ao fogo, no entanto em incêndios de grande severidade e longa duração, os elementos de betão podem perder parcial ou totalmente a sua capacidade de carga. Por outro lado, as condições de extinção do incêndio têm uma influência significativa nas propriedades mecânicas do betão sendo a sua degradação tanto maior quanto mais brusco for o processo de arrefecimento. Com o objectivo de conhecer a resistência residual à compressão dos betões normais após incêndio realizaram-se um conjunto de ensaios em que se testou a influência do nível de carregamento e do processo de arrefecimento nesta propriedade

    Comparison between the human reactions in a simulacrum and in a real fire situation

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    Human reaction to a fire situation in buildings depends on the characteristics of each individual, of the building and the actual emergency situation. To minimize the consequences of an emergency fire situation in a building, it is important to have a safe, orderly and rapid evacuation. For this purpose the occupants should be trained to respond in an appropriate way. Therefore, it is necessary to assess whether simulacrums or fire drills are effective or not. In recent years, in Portugal, the number of fire simulacrums in office buildings, schools and hotels, among others, have increased. Taking as reference the Portuguese population, this article presents the results of an ongoing research project that compares the human behavior in a real fire situation with that observed in a fire simulacrum. The study was supported by a significant number of surveys conducted to the occupants who were involved in one of the two previous mentioned situations. The comparison between the actions undertaken by the occupants in both situations allows understanding if human behavior in a simulacrum reflects human behavior in a real fire situation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An ontological model for fire evacuation route recommendation in buildings

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    Guiding the occupants of a building to a safe place is an area of research that deserves the attention of researchers. Finding solutions for the problem of guiding the building occupants requires a perfect knowledge of the fire building evacuation domain. The use of ontologies to model the knowledge of a domain allows a common and shared understanding of that domain. This paper presents an ontology that has the purpose to deepen the understanding of that domain and help develop building evacuation solutions and systems capable of guiding the occupants during a building evacuation process. The proposed ontology considers the different variables and actors involved in the fire building evacuation process. The ontology development followed the Methontology methodology, and for implementation, the Protégé tool was used. The ontological model was successfully submitted to a thorough evaluation process and is publicly available on the Web.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An ontology for fire building evacuation

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    Guiding the building occupants under fire emergency to a safe place is an open research problem, and finding solutions to address the problem requires a perfect knowledge of the fire building evacuation domain. The use of ontologies to model knowledge of a domain allows a common and shared understanding of that domain, between people and heterogeneous systems. This paper presents an ontology that aims to build a knowledge model to understand the referred domain better and help develop more capable building evacuation solutions and systems. The herein proposed ontology considers the different variables and actors involved in the fire building evacuation process. We followed the Methontology methodology for its developing, and we present all the development steps, from the specification to its implementation with the Protégé tool.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Context-based multi-agent recommender system, supported on IoT, for guiding the occupants of a building in case of a fire

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    The evacuation of buildings in case of fire is a sensitive issue for civil society that also motivates the academic community to develop and study solutions to improve the efficiency of evacuating these spaces. The study of human behavior in fire emergencies has been one of the areas that have deserved the attention of researchers. However, this modeling of human behavior is difficult and complex because it depends on factors that are difficult to know and that vary from country to country. In this paper, a paradigm shift is proposed which, instead of focusing on modeling the behavior of occupants, focuses on conditioning this behavior by providing real-time information on the most efficient evacuation routes. Making this information available to occupants is possible with a solution that takes advantage of the growing use of the IoT (Internet of Things) in buildings to help occupants adapt to the environment. Supported by the IoT, multi-agent recommender systems can help users to adapt to the environment and provide the occupants with the most efficient evacuation routes. This paradigm shift is achieved through a context-based multi-agent recommender system based on contextual data obtained from IoT devices, which recommends the most efficient evacuation routes at any given time. The obtained results suggest that the proposed solution can improve the efficiency of evacuating buildings in the event of a fire; for a scenario with two hundred people following the system recommendations, the time they take to reach a safe place decreases by 17.7%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comportamento humano em caso de incêndio

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    Neste artigo apresenta-se uma breve síntese dos dados obtidos através de 4 inquéritos realizados no âmbito de uma tese de doutoramento com o objetivo de modelar o comportamento da população portuguesa em caso de incêndio, nomeadamente no que se refere a aspetos como, por exemplo, as reações dos ocupantes aos sinais de incêndio e aos sistemas de deteção e alarme automático, as ações que os ocupantes realizam antes de decidirem deixarem o edifício e o pânico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelling the Portuguese population behaviour under fire situation

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    O comportamento das pessoas em caso de incêndio tem um forte impacto no risco, sendo o reconhecimento desse facto a existência de dezenas de estudos sobre esta matéria e de diversos modelos da evacuação de edifícios que pretendem simular esse comportamento. Nesta comunicação apresenta-se um estudo em curso em Portugal (tese de doutoramento) com vista à construção de um modelo relativo ao comportamento de pessoas em caso de incêndio, o qual permitirá quantificar o acréscimo de tempo na evacuação dos edifícios devido a esse comportamento. O modelo será desenvolvido com base em perfis individuais de comportamento das pessoas, construídos a partir da análise de dados adquiridos no decurso do referido estudo. Esses perfis individuais dependem, essencialmente, das caraterísticas das pessoas como, por exemplo, da idade, do género, da formação, da capacidade de mobilidade, da familiarização com exercícios de evacuação e da relação que têm com o edifício.The people behaviour under fire situation has a strong impact on the risk, and the recognition of this fact is the existence of several studies and buildings evacuation models where they intend to simulate this behaviour. In this paper we present an ongoing study in Portugal (doctoral thesis) for the construction of a model for people behaviour under fire situation, which will quantify the increase of time in the evacuation of the buildings due to this behaviour. The model will be developed based on individual profiles of people's behaviour, constructed from the analysis of data acquired in the course of the study. These individual profiles depend mainly on the people characteristics, for example, age, gender, training, mobility capacity, familiarity with fire drills and the relationship they have with the building.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio