45,178 research outputs found

    Shock statistics in higher-dimensional Burgers turbulence

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    We conjecture the exact shock statistics in the inviscid decaying Burgers equation in D>1 dimensions, with a special class of correlated initial velocities, which reduce to Brownian for D=1. The prediction is based on a field-theory argument, and receives support from our numerical calculations. We find that, along any given direction, shocks sizes and locations are uncorrelated.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Resonant Relaxation in Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    We compute the leading, chiral charge-changing relaxation term in the quantum transport equations that govern electroweak baryogenesis using the closed time path formulation of non-equilibrium quantum field theory. We show that the relaxation transport coefficients may be resonantly enhanced under appropriate conditions on electroweak model parameters and that such enhancements can mitigate the impact of similar enhancements in the CP-violating source terms. We also develop a power counting in the time and energy scales entering electroweak baryogenesis and include effects through second order in ratios ϵ\epsilon of the small and large scales. We illustrate the implications of the resonantly enhanced O(ϵ2){\cal O}(\epsilon^2) terms using the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, focusing on the interplay between the requirements of baryogenesis and constraints obtained from collider studies, precision electroweak data, and electric dipole moment searches.Comment: 30 pages plus appendices, 7 figure

    High Metallicity Mg II Absorbers in the z < 1 Lyman alpha Forest of PKS 0454+039: Giant LSB Galaxies?

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    We report the discovery of two iron-group enhanced high-metallicity Mg II absorbers in a search through 28 Lyman Alpha forest clouds along the PKS 0454+039 sight line. Based upon our survey and the measured redshift number densities of W_r(MgII) <= 0.3 A absorbers and Lyman Alpha absorbers at z ~ 1, we suggest that roughly 5% of Lyman Alpha absorbers at z < 1 will exhibit "weak" Mg II absorption to a 5-sigma W_r(2796) detection limit of 0.02 A. The two discovered absorbers, at redshifts z = 0.6248 and z = 0.9315, have W_r(Lya) = 0.33 and 0.15 A, respectively. Based upon photoionization modeling, the H I column densities are inferred to be in the range 15.8 <= log N(HI) <= 16.8 cm^-2. For the z = 0.6428 absorber, if the abundance pattern is solar, then the cloud has [Fe/H] > -1; if its gas-phase abundance follows that of depleted clouds in our Galaxy, then [Fe/H] > 0 is inferred. For the z = 0.9315 absorber, the metallicity is [Fe/H] > 0, whether the abundance pattern is solar or suffers depletion. Imaging and spectroscopic studies of the PKS 0454+039 field reveal no candidate luminous objects at these redshifts. We discuss the possibility that these Mg II absorbers may arise in the class of "giant" low surface brightness galaxies, which have [Fe/H] >= -1, and even [Fe/H] >= 0, in their extended disks. We tentatively suggest that a substantial fraction of these "weak" Mg II absorbers may select low surface brightness galaxies out to z ~ 1.Comment: Accepted The Astrophysical Journal; 25 pages; 6 encapsulated figure

    Exploring Deep Space: Learning Personalized Ranking in a Semantic Space

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    Recommender systems leverage both content and user interactions to generate recommendations that fit users' preferences. The recent surge of interest in deep learning presents new opportunities for exploiting these two sources of information. To recommend items we propose to first learn a user-independent high-dimensional semantic space in which items are positioned according to their substitutability, and then learn a user-specific transformation function to transform this space into a ranking according to the user's past preferences. An advantage of the proposed architecture is that it can be used to effectively recommend items using either content that describes the items or user-item ratings. We show that this approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art recommender systems on the MovieLens 1M dataset.Comment: 6 pages, RecSys 2016 RSDL worksho

    The filter-house of the larvacean Oikopleura dioica. A complex extracellular architecture : from fiber production to rudimentary state to inflated house

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    While cellulose is the most abundant macromolecule in the biosphere, most animals are unable to produce cellulose with the exception of tunicates. Some tunicates have evolved the ability to secrete a complex house containing cellulosic fibers, yet little is known about the early stages of the house building process. Here, we investigate the rudimentary house of Oikopleura dioica for the first time using complementary light and electron microscopic techniques. In addition, we digitally modelled the arrangement of chambers, nets, and filters of the functional, expanded house in three dimensions based on life-video-imaging. Combining 3D-reconstructions based on serial histological semithin-sections, confocal laser scanning microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and focused ion beam (FIB)-SEM, we were able to elucidate the arrangement of structural components, including cellulosic fibers, of the rudimentary house with a focus on the food concentration filter. We developed a model for the arrangement of folded structures in the house rudiment and show it is a precisely preformed structure with identifiable components intricately correlated with specific cells. Moreover, we demonstrate that structural details of the apical surfaces of Nasse cells provide the exact locations and shapes to produce the fibers of the house and interact amongst each other, with Giant Fol cells, and with the fibers to arrange them in the precise positions necessary for expansion of the house rudiment into the functional state. The presented data and hypotheses advance our knowledge about the interrelation of structure and function on different biological levels and prompt investigations into this astonishing biological object

    Free-energy distribution of the directed polymer at high temperature

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    We study the directed polymer of length tt in a random potential with fixed endpoints in dimension 1+1 in the continuum and on the square lattice, by analytical and numerical methods. The universal regime of high temperature TT is described, upon scaling 'time' tT5/κt \sim T^5/\kappa and space x=T3/κx = T^3/\kappa (with κ=T\kappa=T for the discrete model) by a continuum model with δ\delta-function disorder correlation. Using the Bethe Ansatz solution for the attractive boson problem, we obtain all positive integer moments of the partition function. The lowest cumulants of the free energy are predicted at small time and found in agreement with numerics. We then obtain the exact expression at any time for the generating function of the free energy distribution, in terms of a Fredholm determinant. At large time we find that it crosses over to the Tracy Widom distribution (TW) which describes the fixed TT infinite tt limit. The exact free energy distribution is obtained for any time and compared with very recent results on growth and exclusion models.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures large time limit corrected and convergence to Tracy Widom established, 1 figure changed

    Avalanches in mean-field models and the Barkhausen noise in spin-glasses

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    We obtain a general formula for the distribution of sizes of "static avalanches", or shocks, in generic mean-field glasses with replica-symmetry-breaking saddle points. For the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) spin-glass it yields the density rho(S) of the sizes of magnetization jumps S along the equilibrium magnetization curve at zero temperature. Continuous replica-symmetry breaking allows for a power-law behavior rho(S) ~ 1/(S)^tau with exponent tau=1 for SK, related to the criticality (marginal stability) of the spin-glass phase. All scales of the ultrametric phase space are implicated in jump events. Similar results are obtained for the sizes S of static jumps of pinned elastic systems, or of shocks in Burgers turbulence in large dimension. In all cases with a one-step solution, rho(S) ~ S exp(-A S^2). A simple interpretation relating droplets to shocks, and a scaling theory for the equilibrium analog of Barkhausen noise in finite-dimensional spin glasses are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Infrared Behavior of High-Temperature QCD

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    The damping rate \gamma_t(p) of on-shell transverse gluons with ultrasoft momentum p is calculated in the context of next-to-leading-order hard-thermal-loop-summed perturbation of high-temperature QCD. It is obtained in an expansion to second order in p. The first coefficient is recovered but that of order p^2 is found divergent in the infrared. Divergences from light-like momenta do also occur but are circumvented. Our result and method are critically discussed, particularly regarding a Ward identity obtained in the literature. When enforcing the equality between \gamma_t(0) and \gamma_l(0), a rough estimate of the magnetic mass is obtained. Carrying a similar calculation in the context of scalar quantum electrodynamics shows that the early ultrasoft-momentum expansion we make has little to do with the infrared sensitivity of the result.Comment: REVTEX4, 55 page