892 research outputs found

    The Increased US-Vietnamese economic trade relations improved the diplomatic and political relations between the two countries since the diplomatic normalization in 1995

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    Interdependence theory of liberalism with the core meaning that economic interdependence can foster peace had explained many case studies in the world. The purpose of this thesis is to prove that interdependence theory also explains best the Vietnam-US economic trade relations after the two countries normalized their diplomatic relations in 1995 with the meaning that the US-Vietnam's increased economic trade relations improve their political and diplomatic relation. After the Vietnam War ended, Vietnam-US relations were completely frozen. By 1995, the two countries normalized their diplomatic relations and they started to trade with each other. Up until now, the two countries achieved great trade development through both bilateral economic relations and international organizations. The strong development of US-Vietnam trade economic relations has improved their political and diplomatic relations. Based on interdependence theory of liberalism, this argument is proved by five main points: First, since 1995 the economic trade relations provided more valuable benefits than the wartime so that the two countries want to trade with each other and avoid conflicts. Second, the development and expansion of trade and economic relations have positive effects which spillover to other sectors, creating a favorable environment to promote military and diplomacy relations between the two countries. Third, increases in the trade and economic relations lead to enhance communication, cooperation, trust, dependency between the two countries thus reduce misunderstanding and the likelihood of conflicts. Then, when trade relations increase, common economic interests between the US and Vietnam also enhance, making the two countries closer to each other and likely to use negotiations and diplomacy to solve problems that do arise between the relations of the two countries. Finally, the economic trade relations of the two countries through international organizations provides forums for the US and Vietnam to communicate and solve problems that do arise between them. In future, it is predicted that the economic dependence between the two countries will develop further. Therefore, the US-Vietnamese political and diplomatic relations continue to be strengthened in the future

    Do Corporate Social Responsibilities Support Its Financial Performance? Evidence of the Listed Firms in Vietnam

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    In the latest decades, corporate social responsibilities (CSR) are incrementally noticed in emerging countries regarding to the surge of globalization and the advance of social concerns. However, there exist opposing arguments on how CSR practices influence a firm’s financial performance (CFP), either in theoretical or empirical perspectives, causing many managers’ hesitation in CSR engagement. This study, therefore, examines the impacts of CSR on CFP, considering the individual effect of each CSR endeavor by using the data from listed firms’ financial statements during the period 2015-2019 and panel regression analysis methods. The findings reveal inconstant effects of different CSR activities on CFP. Specifically, a firm’s fulfillment of shareholders’ and customers’ interests contributes to raise its profitability, while its engagement in the benefits of employees and creditors causes a reduction in financial returns. Interestingly, the correlations between firms’ responsibilies towards regulators and suppliers and CFP are statistically insignificant. Furthermore, we make pairwise marginal comparisons to identify the distinctions of CSR-CFP relations across industries. The results only indicate that listed firms in Utilities sector have the lower level of CSR intensity than those in Consumer Discretionary and Consumer Staples sectors. The implications and limitations are also discussed in this study


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    This thesis “A study on the difficulties in writing essays of English-majored sophomores at Tay Do University” was conducted to examine the difficulties that second-year students majoring in English often met in writing essays. For this purpose, the participants in this study were 100 English majored sophomores in classes 14A, 14B and 14C at Tay Do University. The interview with 3 extended statements for English majored teachers and a questionnaire with 25 closed statements for students is used as instruments to collect the data. The data from the interview and questionnaire were collected to make clear and prove the problems that the students have had in writing essays. The study figured out some difficulties about background knowledge, vocabulary, grammar structure, idea arrangement and orthography in writing essays faced by English majors sophomores at Tay Do University. Besides, this study also helps students realize their challenges and improve their writing essays.  Article visualizations


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    In this paper, we study the quantum teleportation of an unknown atomic state based on the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model, consisting of an effective two-level atom with a two-mode field in the generalized photon-added pair coherent state (GPAPCS). By applying the detecting method, we use a scheme that includes two two-level atoms and a cavity field to teleport the unknown atomic state from a sender to a receiver. The results show that the number of photons added to the field and the intensity of the initial field influence the average fidelity and success probability of the teleportation process. The time-evolution dependence of the average fidelity is also considered and compared for the field in the pair coherent state and in the GPAPCS


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    Encouraging hospitality students in reflective and transformative learning toward a global mindset becomes an imperative for developing their cross-culturally professional competency in preparation of the future career path development. Oversea exchange programs are among the initiatives to raise personal, professional and cultural awareness for the hospitality students in a pathway to encourage cross-cultural learning among students in similar fields. However, to what extent the development of a global mindset gained from the cross-cultural experiences could help undergraduate hospitality students gain their professional competency in terms of cultural skills in the hospitality and tourism context is the main issue to be described by this study. Content analysis has been conducted on in-depth interview data given by hospitality oversea exchange students who are both current students and graduated ones. The most popular modes of international student exchanges such as team project, assignment, presentations, and travel exchanges are taken into consideration to highlight deeper insights into a mutual interest between the cross-cultural experiences and the professional competency related cultural skills. The study reveals that cultural understanding needs to be experienced in the real setting context. Furthermore, we also discovered that cultural exchange outcomes are normally obtained in the daily informal practices instead of formal studies. However, the current study is constrained within few selected countries where students have been experienced and the current partnership between the home and host Institutions. This paper provides actionable guidelines and approach for integrating the critical component of cultural exchange program in the traditional curriculum program of hospitality


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    In this paper, we studied the quantum dynamic properties via the two-mode Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model where an effective two-level atom interacts with a field in a photon-added trio coherent state (PATCS). The quantum dynamic properties of the atom and the field were investigated via the photon distribution function, the second-order correlation function of the same and different modes, and the probability of finding the atom in the excited state in the cavity. The results show the dynamic properties of the atom and the non-classical ones of the field in the PATCS. In addition to the factors that affect these dynamic properties, such as the original field strength, the role of adding photons to the modes of the field in the PATCS is important when compared with the field in the original state as the trio coherent state.Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi nghiên cứu các tính chất động lượng tử thông qua mô hình Jaynes-Cummings (JC) hai mode, trong đó một nguyên tử hai mức hiệu dụng tương tác với trường ở trạng thái kết hợp bộ ba thêm photon (PATCS). Các tính chất động lượng tử của nguyên tử và trường ở PATCS đã được khảo sát thông qua các hàm phân bố photon, các hàm tương quan bậc hai cùng mode và khác mode và hàm xác suất tìm nguyên tử ở trạng thái kích thích trong hốc cộng hưởng. Các kết quả khảo sát đã chỉ ra các tính chất động của nguyên tử và tính phi cổ điển của trường ở PATCS. Ngoài các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến các tính chất động trên như cường độ trường ban đầu thì vai trò của việc thêm photon vào các mode của trường ở PATCS là rất quan trọng khi so sánh với trường ở trạng thái gốc ban đầu là trạng thái kết hợp bộ ba