257 research outputs found

    Digital Transformation of the Banking Industry in Developing Countries

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    Purpose:  The study's objective is to test the impact of digital transactions on banking performance. Based on the previous research and the actual situations, it has been recognized that the critical role of digital banking is in developing the banking industry, especially in developing countries.   Theoretical framework:  In the next section, the study presents background information to promote the research. The digital transformation has changed how customers use financial services. This has pushed banks to adapt more quickly to the wave of digital transformation if they don't want to lose their valuable customer base.   Design/methodology/approach:  the methodology applied uses POOL, FEM, REM, and FGLS models to examine the impact of banking transactions made by digital technology on the bank's deposit and lending revenue. This article studies banking operations on digital platforms from 2012 to 2019 in developing countries.   Findings: The article's findings showed that digital banks' flexible products and services bring many benefits with a high level of interaction, such as supporting the relationship between customers and banks and improving operating revenue.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Practical implications enhanced the development potential of digital banking is relatively large, stemming from the market demand development orientation of the banking industry.   Originality/value: The paper's originality and value help banks invest in digital technology as the way forward to better serve their customers

    Public open spaces for the elderly in urban areas. A case study of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Public open spaces (POS) play an essential role in enhancing the elderly’s mental, physical, and social well-being, through socialization, outdoor activities, and exercise. A sharp rise in Vietnam's demographic profile toward an aging population over the last decade has raised the need for increased attention to POS. Based on a growing trend of aging in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) - one of the largest cities with a 9% population of elderly aged 65 and above (reported in 2019), is a prime candidate for a well-planned system of age-friendly POS. However, the lack of green spaces and, more importantly, spatial quality has limited the use of POS among the elderly in HCMC, where an estimated green area is sub-optimal (1.36 m² of land per capita). Additionally, Vietnam government institutions - have neither established guidelines for age-friendly urban spaces nor paid more attention to improving green open spaces. The wide academic-practitioner gap continues to challenge architects, landscape designers, and urban planners to apply their valuable research findings to practice. Through a case study of HCMC, this research aims to identify a practical design method for POS to meet the elders’ needs by comprising (1) the synthesis of age-friendly design guidelines, (2) impact factors and degree of association to the frequency and time spent in POS, (3) reasons, activities, and opinions of the elderly about POS, (4) network between the POS attributes and actions of users, and (5) models of POS for the elderly. In this paper, design guidelines, at their core, work as diffusion curves to bring academics closer to practitioners. At the same time, age-friendly policies for POS are rigorously reviewed to synthesize a framework that tailors effective procedures to match the needs of the elderly. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods, including survey questionnaires, in-depth interviews, expert interviews, and observation. The experiment was implemented between 2017 and 2018 in ten different types of POS, collecting 353 responses from a survey questionnaire. The actor-network-theory method analyzed observation data collected from study areas to draw a network among built attributes and the users' activities. Statistical analysis was conducted using Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests to identify the most significant impact factors in using POS. As a result, there is a significant association between social interaction and design features and frequency and time spent in POS among the elderly. Furthermore, the most influential design features in ten POS locations are open fields, pathways, vegetation, and benches, as they connect popular activities such as walking, slow-movement sports, and exercise and sports equipment. The new design guidelines are established by integrating the synthesized procedures and the results of an observational and statistical analysis to form concise language with the order of necessary factors. Remarkably, the method of this tailored approach has received multiple applause from professionals in landscape design for its relevance, acceptability, political expediency, viability, and adaptability. Future research directions are to broaden the application of the structure of POS to other age groups to minimize users’ conflicts

    Policies on Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Vietnam

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    This article traces the history of inclusive education policy development, laws that have been promulgated, and the dissemination of policy and legal rights and responsibilities through conferences, seminars and university coursework in Vietnam since 1995 when the responsibility for educating children with disabilities shifted from the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs to the Ministry of Education and Training. Numerous standards of practice related to roles and responsibilities and recommendations for improvemtns in policy and practice are shared as well as lessons learned from external evaluation efforts that will be valuable for further development and refinement of poilicies to forward inclusive education in Vietnam


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    This thesis “A study on the difficulties in writing essays of English-majored sophomores at Tay Do University” was conducted to examine the difficulties that second-year students majoring in English often met in writing essays. For this purpose, the participants in this study were 100 English majored sophomores in classes 14A, 14B and 14C at Tay Do University. The interview with 3 extended statements for English majored teachers and a questionnaire with 25 closed statements for students is used as instruments to collect the data. The data from the interview and questionnaire were collected to make clear and prove the problems that the students have had in writing essays. The study figured out some difficulties about background knowledge, vocabulary, grammar structure, idea arrangement and orthography in writing essays faced by English majors sophomores at Tay Do University. Besides, this study also helps students realize their challenges and improve their writing essays.  Article visualizations

    Investigating the elements influencing the psychological issues of reform school students

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    Reformatory students are those whose deviant behaviors and habits prevent them from receiving education under normal educational conditions. These students frequently lead a careless, undisciplined lifestyle, being unwilling to work and learn eager to play and demanding. Therefore, when they are admitted to reformatories with severe study and lifestyle requirements, they have great psychological difficulty adjusting to their new environment. Students’ psychological issues in adapting to reformatory learning and living regimes are difficult and psychological deficits make it challenging for students to adapt to reformatory learning and living conditions. In Vietnam, 665 students from reformatory schools were polled to determine the causes of psychological issues. According to the findings, a variety of elements contribute to students’ psychological difficulties. Individual student conditions such as health, awareness, attitudes and actions as well as inappropriate habits, living without goals or aspirations, etc. are on the subjective side of the equation. On the objective side are the students’ conditions, family, education and psychological obstacles brought on by less-than-ideal circumstances which will make it more difficult for community students to adapt. Both the new school and society must pay more attention to reformatory students in order to establish the conditions necessary for successful integration into the new school and ultimate readmission into society for these students


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Soybean yield, seed quality and thresh efficiency by mechanisation at different harvesting stages and postharvest ripening

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    This study determined the most appropriate and earliest soybean harvesting stage and the number of days of postharvest ripening with minimal effects on seed losses and quality when mechanical harvest and threshing were applied. Harvesting stages at four physiological maturities (60, 70, 80, and 90%) and various days of postharvest ripening treatment (1, 2, and 3 days) were applied for two soybean varieties DT12 and DT26. Harvesting at physiological maturity of 90% recorded the highest seed-shattering loss but the least seed damage (<5%) and highest seed quality, followed by a physiological maturity of 80%. There were no significant differences in seed yields between harvesting stages of 80 and 90% maturity. Harvesting soybeans at a physiological maturity of 60 and 70% resulted in no seed losses but a significant reduction in seed quality. To avoid adverse weather, an early harvest stage at a physiological maturity of 80% is suggested. Although postharvest ripening of soybeans for early harvest caused seed shattering losses (2-5%), it was necessary to ensure seed quality. These results indicate effective and practical methods for farmers at small households to use in early mechanical harvesting of soybeans
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