140 research outputs found
Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart
Environmental Economic Hydrothermal System Dispatch by Using a Novel Differential Evolution
This paper proposes the Novel Differential Evolution (NDE) method for solving the environmental economic hydrothermal system dispatch (EEHTSD) problem with the aim to reduce electricity generation fuel costs and emissions of thermal units. The EEHTSD problem is constrained by limitations on generations, active power balance, and amount of available water. NDE applies two modified techniques. The first one is modified mutation, which is used to balance global and local search. The second one is modified selection, which is used to keep the best solutions. When performing this modified selection, the proposed method completely reduces the impact of crossover by setting it to one. Moreover, the task of tuning this factor can be canceled. Original Differential Evolution (ODE), ODE with the first modification (MMDE), and ODE with the second modification (MSDE), and NDE were tested on two different hydrothermal systems for comparison and evaluation purposes. The performance of NDE was also compared to existing methods. It was indicated that the proposed NDE is a very promising method for solving the EEHTSD problem
Acquiring knowledge used in information system development
Nowadays, knowledge is viewed as a significant asset for organizations. Consequently, knowledge management has become an important factor to take into account within and between organizations. This paper proposes an approach for acquiring knowledge used in information system (IS) development. It is argued that an IS development process may include several IS development and maintenance projects, which could be carried out in parallel, and each project may use its own software process and development method. In order to support the different activities of the IS development process, it is suggested that the development process itself needs an IS to manage its knowledge. We called this type of IS: Information System upon Information Systems (ISIS). An ISIS is considered as a new infrastructure which coexists with other IS infrastructures. It aims at managing the knowledge used in IS development. Knowledge management involves activities such as acquiring, analyzing, preserving, and using knowledge. In this paper, we suggest an approach for acquiring knowledge used in the IS development process, including its identification and organization
A Service-based Model for Customer Intelligence in the Age of Big Data
The dominance of the service sector in today’s economy gives prominence to customer intelligence as a means for enterprises to provide optimal service. In fact, the revolution of big data has generated a vast amount of customer data and reshaped the dimensions of science, management, and engineering within enterprises. The big data era also acknowledges the role of customers as value co-creators. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to propose a service-based customer intelligence model, hereafter called SBCI (Service-based Customer Intelligence) model, to guide the development and application of customer intelligence. Laid the groundwork upon the service science, the model is proposed with three levels: i) the network of service systems level for customer value co-creation, ii) the service system level for the science, management, and engineering dimensions, and iii) the service level for customer intelligence services
Customer Co-creation through the Lens of Service-dominant Logic: A literature Review
The proliferation of the service sector in the age of big data highlights the role of customers as co-creators for business value. Customer interactions on digital platforms make a significant contribution to the vast amount of big data. Considering the lack of systematic and comprehensive studies on this research stream, the objective of the paper is to conduct a concept-centric literature review on customer co-creation from the lens of the service-dominant logic and guide future research. The paper systematically synthesizes and categorizes 50 articles by the concept matrix to reveal the interrelationships among them. The result of the paper provides a holistic overview of value, resources, and mechanisms relevant to customer co-creation. Concrete ideas for future research directions are also proposed for enriching the academic literature and promoting practical implications. The paper holds important implications for accelerating customer co-creation for service providers to achieve big-data-driven competitive advantages
In recent years, e-collaboration systems have emerged as an essential enabler of communication and collaboration between enterprises. Current trends in the area of e-collaboration emphasize the importance of effective collaborative knowledge management support in e-collaboration systems. Our research aims at proposing an intelligent infrastructure for the reconciliation of knowledge management and e-collaboration systems. The objective of the paper is to introduce a conceptual framework for designing and building the new infrastructure that supports specific characteristics of collaborative knowledge management in e-collaboration systems. The paper articulates how this framework enables efficient knowledge exploration and exploitation, before concluding with implications and recommendations for future developments in this area
A Knowledge-Based Model For Context-Aware Smart Service Systems
The advancement of the Internet of Things, big data, and mobile computing leads to the need for smart services that enable the context awareness and the adaptability to their changing contexts. Today, designing a smart service system is a complex task due to the lack of an adequate model support in awareness and pervasive environment. In this paper, we present the concept of a context-aware smart service system and propose a knowledge model for context-aware smart service systems. The proposed model organizes the domain and context-aware knowledge into knowledge components based on the three levels of services: Services, Service system, and Network of service systems. The knowledge model for context-aware smart service systems integrates all the information and knowledge related to smart services, knowledge components, and context awareness that can play a key role for any framework, infrastructure, or applications deploying smart services. In order to demonstrate the approach, two case studies about chatbot as context-aware smart services for customer support are presented
Camellia hoaana, a new species of the Camellia sect. Corallina (Theaceae) from Bu Gia Map National Park, Vietnam, is described and illustrated. Morphological features of this species are young branches pubescent and glabrescent. Leaves elliptic to obovate-elliptic; apex bluntly cuspidate, base wide cuneate; above dark green, shiny and glabrous; below paler green and sparsely pubescent along midrib; petiole sparsely pubescent. Flowers solitary or geminate, axillary or terminal; pedicel pubescent. Bracteole 1 (or none),pubescent on both sides, persistent. Sepals 4–5(–6), pubescent on both sides, persistent. Petals 5–6, white, outermost 1–2 pubescent at the apex on both sides, the rest glabrous on both sides. Androecium numerous, 2–3 whorls, glabrous. Ovary 3-locular, white silky tomentose; styles 3, free to the base, glabrous. Capsule subglobose, sparsely pubescent, furfuraceous. Seeds 1–2 per locule, semiglobose or globose, densely brown villous. This new species is assessed as Data Deficient (DD) according to the IUCN categories and criteria
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