21 research outputs found

    Antioxidant Activity of Supercritical CO2 Extracts of Helichrysum italicum

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    The antioxidant activity of supercritical CO 2 extracts of H. italicum dried flower heads derived from the commercial drug and from plants grown in different areas of north-east Italy with different culturing conditions was determined. In particular, the characterization of the antioxidant activity was made by the DPPH and s-carotene bleaching test methods. The four kind of H. italicum extracts were also tested for their ability to scavenger superoxide radicals. All extracts showed, although with different importance, an antioxidant activity with all the methods performed. The supercritical extracts obtained from commercial dried H. italicum flower heads and from dried flower heads belonging to wild plants exhibited the highest activity. These results established H. italicum supercritical extracts as important antioxidant solvent-free matrices in alimentary (i.e., dietary, nutraceutical, flavouring) and cosmetic fields, as well as the value of coastal Mediterranean areas to serve as an exploitable source ..

    Importance of perforating vessels in nipple-sparing mastectomy. an anatomical description

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    BACKGROUND: Nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM), understood as an oncologically valid procedure, is relatively new, and is an evolution of traditional mastectomy, particularly in relation to breast-conserving surgery. The anterior perforating branches are responsible for the cutaneous vascularization of the breast skin, and their preservation is a fundamental step to avoid possible postoperative necrosis. Therefore, evaluating the potential complications of cancer-related reconstructive surgical procedures such as NSM, both the distance of the tumoral lesion from the skin and the surgical incision site should be carefully considered. The preferred site of incision corresponds to the inframammary fold or possibly the periareolar area. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 113 patients who underwent NSM from January 2005 to October 2012 to evaluate skin complications. The anatomical study was performed by magnetic resonance imaging of the breast. RESULTS: Only one of the 113 women who had undergone a NSM procedure had total necrosis (0.9%) and six patients had partial necrosis (5.8%) of the nipple-areola complex

    Lactobacillus paracasei Lp6 favors immune modulation induced by allergoid treatment in ragweed sensitized mice.

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    It has been hypothesized that lactic acid bacteria (LAB) could be used as adjuvant for specific immunotherapy (SIT), as various studies conducted on humans and animals converge to define LAB as anti-Th2 modulators and Treg inducers. In the present study we evaluated the effects of LAB, in particular Lactobacillus paracasei Lp6 (Lp6), in a mouse model of ragweed (RW) allergy. Groups of Balb/c mice, experimentally sensitized towards ragweed, were treated by viable Lp6 or by RW-allergoid with or without co-administration of Lp6. A control group was sham-sensitized with PBS and sham-treated with water and a group was sensitized with RW and treated with water. Serum IgE, RW-induced release of IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-10 from splenocytes and the frequency of CD4CD25 regulatory T cells (Tregs) expressing Foxp3 or IL-10 were evaluated in various groups. RW-allergoid treatment induced a reduction of serum IgE, with a decrease in RW-induced release of IL-4, and an increase in IL-10 and IFN-γ, along with a significant change in the frequency of Tregs, both CD25+ and -. The joint RW-allergoid+Lp6 treatment induced the highest degree of suppression of allergen-driven IL-4, the greatest reduction of IL-4/IFN-γ and IL-4/IL-10 ratios and the most significant increase of Foxp3 and IL-10 expressing Tregs: The study shows that Lp6 strengthens the immune modulation induced by allergoid-SIT in RW-sensitized mice, essentially characterized by a differential induction of Tregs associated to a reduction of IL-4; data converge to define a role of SIT adjuvant for Lp6

    Relationships among radicchio (Cichorium intybus L.) types grown in Veneto and diversity between local varieties and selected lines as assessed by molecular markers

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    Red or variegated chicory (Cichorium intybus L., 2n=2x=18) native to, and very extensively cultivated in North-Eastern Italy as a leafy vegetable, locally called "radicchio", includes different types which represent valuable high-quality crops. The five major types of radicchio cultivated in the Veneto region were investigated by PCR-derived molecular markers (e.g. RAPDs, AP-PCRs, I-SSRs and AFLPs). The possibility of discriminating the different cultivated types was established by exploiting two different approaches: individual DNA vs. bulked DNA samples. Genetic similarity within, and differentiation and gene flow between types were estimated on the basis of the distinct marker systems. The effectiveness of phenotypic selection and the relatedness between local varieties and selected lines were also investigated. The molecular information acquired, along with morphological and phenological descriptors, will be useful for the certification of typical local products of radicchio and for the recognition of a protected geographic indication (IGP) mark

    Coronary Artery Stent for Securing High-risk Pancreatico-jejunal Anastomosis After Pancreatoduodenectomy: A Pilot Series

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    Objective: To assess the feasibility and clinical utility of coronary artery stent (CAS) in securing pancreatico-jejunal anastomosis (PJ) and avoid stent displacement after pancreatoduodenectomy (PD). Summary of Background Data: Externalized trans-anastomotic stent (ETS) is a standard mitigation strategy for postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) in high-risk patients. However, major morbidity remains extremely elevated, especially in case of ETS malfunction due to displacement. Methods: A pilot series of 72 patients underwent PD and PJ with CAS positioning between January 2016 and December 2019. All patients were at high-risk for POPF (soft pancreatic texture; main pancreatic duct diameter <= 3 mm) and underwent a CT-scan at postoperative day 5 and 10 to assess the correct CAS positioning. Postoperative outcomes were analyzed, and displacement rates were compared with a cohort of 141 patients with the same high-risk characteristics, undergoing PD with PJ and externalized trans-anastomotic stent (ETS). Results: No CAS-related complications were registered in the study group. In particular, no CAS displacement was registered, compared to a 28% ETS malfunction (either displacement or occlusion). The POPF rate, major morbidity, and mortality were 11%, 6%, and 0% respectively. Conclusions: The CAS positioning appears to be a feasible and safe mitigation strategy to secure PJ anastomosis after PD with high POPF risk avoiding stent displacement. Further validation and comparison with current standard of care is required in a prospective controlled setting

    Le perforanti mediali dell’arteria toracica interna nella Mastectomia Nipple Sparing

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    Introduzione: Si può ormai considerare la Mastectomia Nipple Sparing un’evoluzione della mastectomia tradizionale, soprattutto in riferimento alla chirurgia conservativa della mammella. Preservando la cute e il CAC sovrastanti la lesione si ottiene una migliore ricostruzione e la mammella può in tal modo mantenere la sua forma naturale anche dopo una procedura chirurgica. Materiali e metodi: È noto che i rami perforanti anteriori sono i responsabili della vascolarizzazione cutanea della mammella da cui originano come rami collaterali in numero di tre: uno superiore, che emerge dalla fascia del muscolo grande pettorale circa in corrispondenza del 2°-3° spazio intercostale; uno mediale “maggiore” che emerge in corrispondenza del 3°-4° spazio intercostale e uno inferiore che emerge in corrispondenza del 5°-6° spazio intercostale. Questi si dirigono dapprima verso l’esterno (ventralmente) per qualche millimetro, piegano poi medialmente e in corrispondenza del margine sternale e si biforcano in un ramo cutaneo più ventrale e un ramo ghiandolare più dorsale. La variante di tecnica consiste nell’individuazione del peduncolo perforante a livello dei primi spazi intercostali in sede parasternale, una volta scollata la ghiandola dal piano cutaneo e muscolare per tutta la sua superficie escluso il margine mediale. Sottendendo la ghiandola si allarga l’angolo tra questa e la cute ed è quindi più semplice individuare il ramo ghiandolare sezionandolo con forbici ad ultrasuoni o legandola con un laccio sottile (preferiamo non usare il bisturi elettrico che può provocare lesioni indesiderate) preservando il ramo per la rete sottocutanea. Risultati: Nella nostra casistica di Mastectomia Nipple Sparing non sono state osservate necrosi del CAC là dove sono stati preservati almeno due peduncoli vascolari e dieci ischemie transitorie e/o parcellari là dove ne abbiamo preservato almeno uno e, nei casi in cui non siamo stati certi di averne preservato almeno uno, abbiamo avuto dieci casi di necrosi parcellari e 5 casi di necrosi totale della cute e del CAC. Con la RM della mammella abbiamo potuto valutare sia il numero che la portata delle perforanti avendo una guida pre operatoria all’intervento di Mastectomia Nipple Sparing. Gli interventi sono stati 128 in 94 pazienti, l’accesso è stato al solco mammario laterale in 92 casi (71,8 %), con un’incisione periareolare in 17 casi (13,2%) e sec. Wise in 11 casi pari al l’8,5% dei casi. Le complicanze sono state 25 (15,15) su 22 pazienti di cui 5 maggiori (necrosi del capezzolo e di più del 25% della cute) e 20 minori ovvero necrosi parcellari e comunque di meno del 25% della cute della mammella. Discussione e conclusioni: Lo studio anatomico e l’accuratezza della tecnica chirurgica ci ha permesso di ridurre considerevolmente le complicanze post operatorie

    Direct Detection of Helicobacter pylori Mutations Associated with Macrolide Resistance in Gastric Biopsy Material Taken from Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Subjects

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    One hundred forty gastric biopsies were tested by microbiological methods and by amplifying a sequence of 23S rRNA and identifying mutations associated to clarithromycin resistance. Seventy-six specimens were positive for Helicobacter pylori. Mutational analysis revealed alterations in 18 (39.1%) of 46 and 2 (8.7%) of 23 samples from human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive and -seronegative persons, respectively. The results of the mutational analysis fully correlated with those of the susceptibility tests

    Robotic oncologic colorectal surgery with a new robotic platform (CMR Versius): hope or hype? A preliminary experience from a full-robotic case-series.

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    BACKGROUND: The present case-series describes the first full-robotic colorectal resections performed with the new CMR Versius platform (Cambridge Medical Robotics Surgical, 1 Evolution Business Park, Cambridge, United Kingdom) by an experienced robotic surgeon. METHODS: In a period between July 2020 and December 2020, patients aged 18 years or older, who were diagnosed with colorectal cancer and were fit for minimally invasive surgery, underwent robotic colorectal resection with CMR Versius robotic platform at "Casa di Cura Cobellis" in Vallo della Lucania,Salerno, Italy. Three right colectomies, 2 sigmoid colectomies and 1 anterior rectal resection were performed. All the procedures were planned as fully robotic. Surgical data were retrospectively reviewed from a prospectively collected database. RESULTS: Four patients were male and 2 patients were female with a median (range) age of 66 (47-72) years. One covering ileostomy was created. Full robotic splenic flexure mobilization was performed. No additional laparoscopic gestures or procedures were performed in this series except for clipping and stapling which were performed by the assistant surgeon due to the absence of robotic dedicated instruments. Two ileocolic anastomoses, planned as robotic-sewn, were performed extracorporeally. One Clavien-Dindo II complication occurred due to a postoperative blood transfusion. Median total operative time was 160 (145-294) min for right colectomies, 246 (191-300) min for sigmoid colectomies and 250 min for the anterior rectal resection. CONCLUSIONS: The present series confirms the feasibility of full-robotic colorectal resections while highlighting the strengths and the limitations of the CMR Versius platform in colorectal surgery. New devices will need more clinical development to be comparable to the current standard