51 research outputs found

    Collective Effects in Nuclear Collisions: Experimental Overview

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    These conferences proceedings summarize the experimental findings of collective effects in nuclear collisions, as presented at the Quark Matter 2018 conference.Comment: Final version of proceedings for an invited overview talk in XXVIIth International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2018), Venezia, Ital

    Dinamika sadržaja biogenih elemenata u listu i plodu masline sorte Picholine u uvjetima Ulcinjskog polja

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    In conditions of Ulcinjsko polje, during the period 1987-1991, growth intensity of one-year old olive shoots and fruit growth in Picholine variety were investigated. Related to that, the dynamics of mineral nutrition (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) was followed in leaves and fruits in the period from middle of July to the middle of October. Results showed that nutrient status during vegetation period was within optimal values for olive. Decreasing dynamics during vegetative period was in N (from 2.22% to 1.67%). Slight increasing dynamic was showed in K (1.15% to 1.32%), Ca (0.91% to 1.22%) and Mg (0.17% to 0.21%), while P had a relatively stable content in olive leaves (0.19%). Nutrient status in the fruit showed different tendencies. Decreasing dynamics showed N (0.81 to 0.59%), Ca (260 to 229 ppm) and Mg (228 to 191 ppm). Slight increment showed P (0.13 do 015%) and K (1.44 do 1.51 %).U uvjetima Ulcinjskog polja u razdoblju od 1987. do 1991. istraživani su intezotet rasta jednogodiÅ”njih izdanaka masline I rast ploda sorte Picholine. U vezi s time praćena je dinamika (N,P,K,Ca I Mg) u liŔću I plodovima u razdoblju od sredine srpnja do sredine listopada. Rezultati su pokazali da je stanje hraniva u vrijeme vegetacije bilo u rasponu optimalnih vrijednosti za maslinu. Dinamika opadanja u razdoblju vegetacije bila je za N (od 2,22% do 1,33%). Dinamika neznatnog povećanja pokazala se u K (1,15% do 1,32%), Ca (0,91% do 1,33%) I Mg (0,17% do 0,21%) dok je P imao relativno stabilan sadržaj u liŔću masline (0,19%). Stanje hraniva u plodu pokazalo je različite tendencije. Dinamiku opadanja pokazali su N (0,82 do 0,59%), Ca (260 do 229 ppm) I Mg (228 do 191 ppm). Lagano povećanje pokazali su P (0,13 do 0,15%) i K (1,44 do 1,51%)

    Alveolo-capillary membrane response on continuous physical activity in elite athletes with various adaptations of the respiratory system

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    Uvod: Difuzijski kapacitet pluća za ugljen monoksid (DLCO ili transfer faktor) definiÅ”e se kao količina gasa ugljen monoksida (CO) koja prolazi kroz alveolokapilarnu membranu tokom jednog minuta pri razlici pritiska od 1 kPa. DLCO zavisi od difuzijskog kapaciteta alveolarne membrane, krvnog volumena u alveolarnim kapilarama i brzini vezivanja CO sa oksihemoglobinom. Sposobnost respiratornog sistema da izvrÅ”i ovu razmenu određena je strukturnim i funkcionalnim svojstvima samih pluća. Ranije studije su pokazale da intenzivna, dugotrajna fizička aktivnost kod sportista dovodi po povećanja DLCO. Ciljevi istraživanja: U ovom radu ciljevi istraživanja bili su: da se ispita uticaj redovne, programirane i kontrolisane specifične fizičke aktivnosti na odgovor alveolokapilarne membrane u miru, kod sportista i zdravih ljudi, razlika u disajnim volumenima između fizički aktivnih (sportista) i neaktivnih, zdravih ljudi u miru i uticaj antropometrijskih parametara na njih i DLCO, a potom da se ispita uticaj intenziteta i učestalosti treninga na disajne volumene i difuzijski kapacitet. Dobijeni rezultati su poređeni sa rezultatima za opÅ”tu populaciju. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je bazirano na dve studije: studija preseka i anamnestičku studiju. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 157 ispitanika muÅ”kog pola, koji su prema obimu nedeljne fizičke aktivnosti podeljeni u dve grupe: fizički aktivne (vrhunske sportiste) i fizički neaktivne (kontrolne) ispitanike bez prisustva komorbiditeta. Grupu fizički aktivnih činilo je 115, a kontrolnu 42 ispitanika. Svi ispitanici su uvrÅ”teni u istraživanje konsekutivno. Grupu vrhunskih sportista činili su sportisti koji su se najmanje pet godina aktivno, takmičarski bavili različitom vrstom sporta, trenirali najmanje 10 sati nedeljno, a koji su prema vrsti sportske aktivnosti podeljeni u dve grupe: prva grupa- aerobna i druga- anaerobna grupa. Kontrolnu grupu činili su studenti muÅ”kog pola izabrani metodom slučajnog izbora po frekvenciji godiÅ”ta kao u grupi sportista...Introduction: The diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO or transfer factor) is defined as the amount of gas of carbon monoxide (CO) passing through the alveolar-capillary membrane in the course of one minute at a pressure of 1 kPa. DLCO depends on the alveolar membrane diffusion capacity, the volume of blood in alveolar capillaries and the speed of the oxyhemoglobin binding CO. The capacity of the lung to exchange gas across the alveolarcapillary interface is determined by its structural and functional properties. Earlier studies have shown that intense, prolonged physical activity in athletes leads by increasing the DLCO. Aims: The aims of this study were: to investigate the effect of regular, programmed and controlled physical activity on a specific response alveolar-capillary membrane in the rest in athletes and sedentary controls, differences in respiratory volumes between physically active (athletes) and inactive, healthy people in peace and the impact of anthropometric parameters on them and DLCO, and then to examine the influence the intensity and frequency of training on lung volumes and diffusing capacity. Participants and methods: The research was based on two studies: crosssectional study and anamnestic study. The study included a total of 157 male respondents, who, according to the volume of weekly physical activity divided into two groups: physically active (top athletes) and physically inactive (control) examinees without the presence of comorbidity. Physically active group consisted of 115, and 42 control subjects. All subjects were included in the study consecutively. A group of elite athletes consisted of athletes who have at least five years of active competition practiced different kinds of sports, train at least 10 hours a week, and who, according to the type of sport activities are divided into two groups: aerobic and anaerobic. The control group consisted of male students selected randomly by frequency as in the age group athletes. After anthropometric measurements, all subjects underwent measurement of lung diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) using single breath method and spirometry testing..

    Pulmonary hamartoma: Case report and review of literature

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    Pulmonary hamartoma is the most common benign tumor of the lung. We report the case of a healthy, 46-year-old woman with an incidentally discovered chondromatous hamartoma, which has been excised thorascopically. She developed hamartoma within a year

    Analysis of the Diffusion of E-services in Public Sector Using the Decision Tree Method

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    The results of the this study showed that there is a difference in individual and interactive impact of technological, organizational and environmental factors on the diffusion of e-services in the public sector, as well as a difference regarding the factors that independently impact the diffusion of e-services oriented to citizens and those oriented to business. The results of the study also showed that external factors have a predominant impact on the diffusion of e-services oriented to citizens, while, in the case of e-services oriented to business, in addition to external factors, technical factors also have a high impact. For the purposes of this paper, based on the Technology-Organization-Environment framework (TOE), the conceptual model suitable for e-services in the public sector is developed, while the Decision Tree (DT) Method is used for testing the effects of the proposed variables. This study offers valuable inputs both for the government, for creators of national strategies oriented towards the promotion and support of the availability and usage of electronic services in the public sector, which is very important especially for developing countries. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Aksijalna nosivost CFT stubova

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    This paper analyzes the axial load capacity of CFT columns according to the following standards and codes: EC 4, ACI, AS, AISC, AIJ, DL/T. The influence of the confinement concrete core by steel tube, ratio d/t i e/d, shrinkage and creep of concrete, local buckling, bond of steel tube and concrete core on the bearing capacity of composite section is considered. Diagrams of stress-strain for concrete and steel are shown, which are most commonly used in the literature for modeling CFT columns using finite element method. The influence of slenderness of the column, as one of the key factors to define the fracture of the girder. The numerical example was performed comparing the axial load capacity of circular CFT column to the aforementioned regulations and the values obtained are compared with experimental results available in the literature. Also, in case 2 the capacity calculation of slender column according to EC4 is shown, which is based on the effects of second-order and determining the interaction curve. In the attachment are given the coordinates of the characteristic points for constructing interaction curves for CFT columns of circular and rectangular cross-section.U radu je analizirana aksijalna nosivost CFT stubova prema sledećim standardima i kodovima: EC 4, ACI, AS, AISC, AIJ, DL/T. Razmatran je uticaj utezanja betona čeličnom cevi, odnosa d/t i e/d, skupljanja i tečenja betona, lokalnog izvijanja,veze čelične cevi i betonskog jezgra na nosivost spregnutog preseka. Prikazani su dijagrami veze napon-dilatacija za beton i čelik koji se u literaturi najčeŔće primenjuju za modeliranje CFT stubova primenom metode konačnih elemenata. Razmatran je uticaj vitkosti stuba, kao jedan od ključnih faktora za definisanje načina loma nosača. Na konkretnom brojnom primeru izvrÅ”eno je upoređivanje aksijalne nosivosti kružnog CFT stuba prema pomenutim pravilnicima i dobijene vrednosti upoređene su sa rezultatima eksperimenata dostupnih u literaturi. Takođe, u primeru 2 prikazan je proračun nosivosti vitkog stuba prema EC4 koji se zasniva na uticajima drugog reda i određivanju krive interakcije.U prilogu su date koordinate karakterističnih tačaka za crtanje krivih interakcije CFT stubova kružnog i pravougaonog poprečnog preseka

    Brain metastases of choriocarcinoma: A report on two cases

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    Introduction. Gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTD) are a spectrum of tumors with a various of biological behavior and potential for metastases. It consists of hydatiform mole, invasive mole, choriocarcinoma and placental site trophoblastic tumor. Choriocarcinoma presents a very aggressive tumor with high malignant potential. Case report. We presented the two cases of choriocarcinoma with brain metastases. The first one was manifested by neurological deterioration as the first sign of metastasis, while the second patient had firstly metrorrhagia and in the further couse neurological disturbances that suggested the presence of brain tumor. In both cases we applied a combined treatment of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Both patient survived with high quality of life. Conclusion. A successful outcome of brain metastases of choriocarcinoma was obtained by the use of a combined treatment of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In cases of young women with brain metastases, gynecological malignancy should be always considered

    Bearing capacity and stability of elastically fixed cft slender columns

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    CFT columns are one of the basic structural elements in "top-down" construction method. Because of the large depth of excavation the question of stability of these columns raises. This paper presents a procedure for calculation of critical buckling force of CFT columns which are on the upper side elastically fixed in the concrete ceiling and on the bottom side elastically fixed in the drilled pile. Using computer programs ABAQUS 6.12 and LPILE, as well as appropriate constitutive models the boundary conditions on the upper and lower end of the CFT columns are determined. For a building called "Cvijetni prolaz" in Zagreb, using program created in Excel the critical buckling force of elastically fixed CFT columns is determined. The dependence of the critical buckling force decreasing with increasing depth of excavation is presented. The impact of concrete class, diameter and wall thickness of the steel section, length and diameter of the pile, the thickness of the ceiling on the critical buckling force of CFT columns is analysed. The results are shown in diagrams and tables

    Proračun nosivosti i stabilnosti umereno vitkih i vitkih centrično pritisnutih kružnih CFT stubova

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    In this paper, results of experimental investigation of bearing capacity and stability of slender and moderately slender CFT circular tubes are presented. The effects of ratio thickness/ radius of steel cross section and support conditions are investigated. Numerical simulation for the tested examples was performed in computer program ABAQUS. In this simulations, nonlinear constitutive models were used for modelling of concrete, steel and concrete/steel connection. With modified Rick's method critical buckling force for the CFT column was calculated. Verification of the obtained experimental results was performed with comparison with several world standards: EC4, ACI, AS, AISC, as well as with the results obtained in ABAQUS.U radu su prikazani program i rezultati eksperimentalnog ispitivanja nosivosti i stabilnosti umereno vitkih i vitkih kružnih CFT stubova. Analiziran je uticaj odnosa prečnika i debljine zida čeličnog profila, kao i uticaj graničnih uslova oslanjanja na vrednost kritične sile izvijanja. IzvrÅ”ena je i numerička simulacija ispitanih uzoraka primenom metode konačnih elemenata i računarskog programa ABAQUS. U modelu su zadati nelinearni konstitutivni modeli za beton jezgra i konstrukcioni čelik Å”upljeg profila, kao i veza ova dva elementa. Primenom modifikovane Riks-ove metode sračunata je kritična sila izvijanja CFT stuba. Verifikacija rezultata izvrÅ”ena je upoređivanjem sopstvenih eksperimentalnih rezultata s važećim pravilnicima: EC4, ACI, AS, AISC, kao i s rezultatima dobijenim primenom računarskog programa ABAQUS

    Influence of the building energy efficiency on indoor air temperature: The case of a typical school classroom in Serbia

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    Greenhouse gases emission as well as total energy consumption in buildings of public importance, such as schools, municipal buildings, health care centers, can be significantly reduced by increasing buildingsā€™ energy efficiency. Buildingsā€™ energy consumption adds up to 37% of total energy consumption in the EU countries. In the Republic of Serbia this amount is significantly higher, about 50%. School buildings are considered as one of the most diverse structures from the point of energy-efficient design and construction. The main aim of this paper is to determine the most appropriate settings for possible improvements in energy efficiency and temperature comfort inside a typical primary school classroom in Serbia. The energy efficiency analysis was performed during the heating season for the naturally ventilated primary school classroom located in the eastern Serbia region. The analysis was performed using novel CFD model, suggested in this paper. The suggested model was used to solve two hypothetical scenarios. The first scenario simulates the temperature field in classroom with current energy characteristic envelope of the school building. The calculated numerical data from the first scenario were compared with in-situ measurements values of temperature and wall heat fluxes and showed satisfying accuracy. The second scenario was simulated to indicate possible improvements, which would allow energy consumption decrease and thermal quality enhancement. The analyzed results, calculated using the suggested numerical model under the second scenario conditions, showed that using appropriate set of measures, it is possible to obtain desired temperature comfort levels without need for increase in the building energy consumption
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