27 research outputs found

    Mouth varicose veins and their relationship with arterial hypertension : preliminary work

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    ANTECEDENTES: Las V谩rices Bucales (VB) se han descripto en relaci贸n a Hipertensi贸n Arterial (HA). OBJETIVO: Analizar la presencia de VB en pacientes adultos en relaci贸n a sus valores de presi贸n sangu铆nea. M脡TODOS: Se revisaron pacientes que concurrieron a la Facultad de Odontolog铆a (UNC). Se utiliz贸 una ficha cl铆nica ad hoc y registro de valores de tensi贸n arterial con tensi贸metro digital. RESULTADOS: La muestra fue de 105 pacientes. En el grupo de VB, tanto los valores de presi贸n diast贸lica (86,91 mm Hg) como sist贸lica media (140,96 mm Hg) fueron m谩s altos que en el grupo control (79,38 y 127,98 mm Hg), con diferencia estad铆sticamente significativa (<0,0001). CONCLUSIONES: la presencia de VB puede ser indicador de valores altos de tensi贸n arterial. As铆, su hallazgo en el examen cl铆nico bucal podr铆a ser utilizado como indicador de riesgo para HA. Sin embargo, se requiere aumentar el tama帽o de la muestra para valorar adecuadamente esta relaci贸n.BACKGROUND: Oral varicosities (OV) has been mentioned in relation to arterial hypertension. AIM: To analyze the existence of OV in adults and their blood pressure values. METHODS: individuals that attended to the Dentistry College (UNC) were examined. An ad hoc form was used, including the recording of blood pressure values with a digital sphygmomanometer. RESULTS: The final sample was 105 individuals. In the OV group, both diastolic (86.91 mm Hg) and systolic (140.96 mm Hg) mean values were higher than the control group (79.38 y 127.98 mm Hg), with a statistically significant difference (p<0,0001). CONCLUSIONS: OV existence could be an indicator of high blood pressure values. Thus, its finding could be used as a risk sign for AH. However, larger samples are required to properly validate this relationship. Keywords: oral varicosities, arterial hypertension, clinical exam, medical disorders.Fil: Romero Panico, Juan Cruz. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdobaFil: Lazos, Jer贸nimo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdob

    Delays in the diagnosis of oral cancer due to the quarantine of COVID-19 in C贸rdoba, Argentina

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID) 2019 has become a health challenge for the entire world. The first case of COVID in Argentina was reported on March 3rd, 2020.1 In this scenario, local authorities declared a quarantine, which effectively began on March 20th and is still ongoing. Although in recent months there have been some flexibilities, Argentinian lockdown is one of the longest isolation measures worldwide. The restrictive measures halted private and public dental care services, similar to the situation in Italy.2 The government restricted transportation between cities, only allowed in critical cases. However, people are also frightened by the increased risk of COVID infection when visiting health centers. The Oral Medicine Department (Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba) remains closed since the second week of March 2020. Thus, our activities are hindered, including follow-up of oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) and oral cancer (OC). Due to the reduced clinical work, new visits for oral conditions were also disrupted putting those patients at risk.3 The rational use of telemedicine helped us to manage referrals.4 However, nowadays we are treating individuals that we have not seen in a long time as the result of this long-standing quarantine. We would like to report four cases showcasing the impact of lockdown in the follow-up of OPMD and early diagnosis of OC.publishedVersionFil: Gilligan, Gerardo Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Departamento de Medicina Oral; Argentina.Fil: Lazos, Jer贸nimo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Departamento de Medicina Oral; Argentina.Fil: Piemonte, Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Departamento de Medicina Oral; Argentina.Fil: Criado, Esteban. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias M茅dicas; Argentina.Fil: Panico, Ren茅. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Departamento de Medicina Oral; Argentina

    In reply to the letter to the editor "Tele(oral)medicine: A new approach during the COVID-19 crisis"

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    We report a case reflecting a suitable use of telemedicine in Oral Medicine. A general dental practitioner, working in a small Patagonian village (more than 1,000 km away from our institution), referred us a case using Instagram and WhatsApp. It was a 7-year-old female with chief complaint of spontaneous gingival bleeding, with no previous medical conditions.publishedVersionFil: Gilligan, Gerardo Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Departamento de Medicina Oral; Argentina.Fil: Piemonte, Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Departamento de Medicina Oral; Argentina.Fil: Lazos, Jer贸nimo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Departamento de Medicina Oral; Argentina.Fil: Panico, Ren茅. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. Departamento de Medicina Oral; Argentina

    Oral cancer associated with chronic mechanical irritation of the oral mucosa

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    Most of the studies dealing with Chronic Mechanical Irritation (CMI) and Oral Cancer (OC) only considered prosthetic and dental variables separately, and CMI functional factors are not registered. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess OC risk in individuals with dental, prosthetic and functional CMI. Also, we examined CMI presence in relation to tumor size. A case-control study was carried out from 2009 to 2013. Study group were squamous cell carcinoma cases; control group was patients seeking dental treatment in the same institution. 153 patients were studied (Study group n=53, Control group n=100). CMI reproducibility displayed a correlation coefficient of 1 (p<0.0001). Bivariate analysis showed statistically significant associations for all variables (age, gender, tobacco and alcohol consumption and CMI). Multivariate analysis exhibited statistical significance for age, alcohol, and CMI, but not for gender or tobacco. Relationship of CMI with tumor size showed no statistically significant differences. CMI could be regarded as a risk factor for oral cancer. In individuals with other OC risk factors, proper treatment of the mechanical injuring factors (dental, prosthetic and functional) could be an important measure to reduce the risk of oral cancer

    Transformaci贸n maligna de un liquen querat贸tico de la mucosa oral

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    Fil: Piemonte, Eduardo David. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Panico, Ren茅 Luis. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Talavera, Angel Daniel. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Rodrigu茅z Marco, Mar铆a Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Lazos, Jer贸nimo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.El liquen rojo plano es una enfermedad cr贸nica mucocut谩nea de base inmunol贸gica. Sus manifestaciones orales comprenden diferentes formas cl铆nicas, que pueden ser diferenciadas en reticulares o t铆picas y no reticulares o at铆picas. El liquen reticular, puede adoptar una forma dendr铆tica, cl谩sicamente descrito con aspecto de nervaduras de hojas, lineal, papular, y/o anular. Estas lesiones se observan preferentemente en la zona posterior de la mucosa yugal de forma bilateral, y con escasa o ninguna sintomatolog铆a. Las formas denominadas at铆picas, pueden ser primitivas o la evoluci贸n de un liquen t铆pico. Se diferencian entre ellas: el liquen erosivo o ulcerativo; la forma ampollar que puede preceder al erosivo; el liquen atr贸fico con una localizaci贸n preferente en la lengua; y el liquen querat贸sico o en placa.http://www.grupobinomio.com.ar/website/2015/05/11/vi-congreso-nacional-de-medicina-interna-2016/Fil: Piemonte, Eduardo David. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Panico, Ren茅 Luis. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Talavera, Angel Daniel. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Rodrigu茅z Marco, Mar铆a Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Lazos, Jer贸nimo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Odontolog铆a, Medicina y Cirug铆a Ora

    Nivel de inserci贸n cl铆nica periodontal y carcinoma espinocelular intrabucal

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    Introducci贸n: El c谩ncer bucal es una enfermedad multifactorial. Diversos estudios han demostrado una relaci贸n entre variables periodontales y riesgo de c谩ncer bucal, utilizando 铆ndices de uso relativamente complejo. Objetivo: Estimar el riesgo de c谩ncer bucal seg煤n el nivel de inserci贸n cl铆nica (NIC), con un m茅todo de aplicaci贸n simple. Material y M茅todo: Estudio de casos y controles con 134 pacientes que concurrieron a la FOUNC entre los a帽os 2009 a 2013. El grupo de estudio fue conformado por 37 pacientes (26 hombres, 11 mujeres) con carcinoma Espinocelular, carcinoma in situ o carcinoma verrugoso de mucosa oral. El grupo control fue integrado por 98 pacientes (35 hombres, 63 mujeres) que concurrieron a tratamiento odontol贸gico rehabilitador. Los pacientes fueron examinados por dos profesionales previamente calibrados, quienes registraron las variables edad, g茅nero, tabaco, alcohol y NIC, cuya reproducibilidad fue verificada por dos operadores a doble ciego en 20 pacientes. Todas las caras dentarias fueron examinadas mediante sondaje periodontal y se registr贸 el mayor valor de cada sextante, utilizando el mayor de ellos para representar NIC. El valor de NIC y los consumos de tabaco y alcohol fueron categorizados seg煤n la mediana del grupo control. El an谩lisis estad铆stico se realiz贸 mediante regresi贸n log铆stica mul! tivariada. Resultados: Las variables alcohol (>73000 gr) y NIC (>5mm) presentaron aumento de riesgo de c谩ncer bucal estad铆sticamente significativo, con OR de 3.15 (IC 95 % 1.06-9.36, p=0.039) y 4.03 (IC 95% 1.17-13.91, p=0.027) respectivamente. Conclusi贸n: El NIC mayor a 5 mm puede considerarse como un factor de riesgo independiente para el c谩ncer bucal. La presencia de un diente con NIC mayor a 5 mm, o el antecedente de p茅rdida dentaria por enfermedad periodontal, entendidos como indicadores de historia de mal estado bucal, permitir铆an considerar a un paciente con mayor riesgo de c谩ncer bucal.http://www.aipmbchile2014.clFil: Lazos, Jer贸nimo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Piemonte, Eduardo David. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Belardinelli, Paola Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a B; Argentina.Fil: Brunotto, Mabel. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra Biolog铆a Celular A; Argentina.Fil: Lanfranchi Tizeira, H茅ctor Eduardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontolog铆a; Argentina.Odontolog铆a, Medicina y Cirug铆a Ora

    Multifactorial risk index for oral cancer

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    Groups of 53 patients with oral cancer and 100 controls who were attended at the Dentistry College (C贸rdoba, Argentina) between 2009 and 2013 were examined by trained professionals. Age, gender, body mass index, smoking, involuntary smoking, alcohol consumption, hot beverages, chronic mechanical irritation of the oral mucosa, oral potentially malignant disorders, oral candidiasis, human papillomavirus, tooth loss, illfitting dentures, diet, environmental carcinogens, arsenic in drinking water, and cancer family history were recorded. Model 1 (M1) was built with statistically significant variables, Model 2 (M2) was built with statistically significant variables not acquired through clinical examination; both were analyzed with a c2 test. Model 3 (M3) was built with statistically significant variables through multivariate logistic regression analysis. For each variable a value of a whole number corresponding to the OR was assigned. Also, for each individual a total value was obtained by the sum of registered variables. The sample was split into 2 groups according to the median of total value, which were analyzed with a c2 test.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212440314001527Fil: Piemonte, Eduardo David. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Castillo, Graciela del Valle. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra Qu铆mica Biol贸gica B; Argentina.Fil: Belardinelli, Paola Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a B; Argentina.Fil: Brunotto, Mabel. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra Biolog铆a Celular A; Argentina.Fil: Lazos, Jer贸nimo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Secchi, Dante Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Talavera, Angel Daniel. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Lanfranchi Tizeira, H茅ctor Eduardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontolog铆a; Argentina.Otras Ciencias de la Salu

    Cambios epigen茅ticos asociados a irritaci贸n mec谩nica cr贸nica de mucosa bucal

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    Introducci贸n: la Irritaci贸n mec谩nica cr贸nica (IMC) ha sido propuesta como factor de riesgo para c谩ncer bucal. Las alteraciones epigen茅ticas, particularmente la metilaci贸n, son eventos tempranos en la carcinog茅nesis, y ha sido propuesto que la IMC podr铆a inducirlas. Por lo tanto, el prop贸sito de este estudio fue describir la metilaci贸n de p16 y MGMT en una lesi贸n espec铆fica de IMC: la 脷lcera Traum谩tica Cr贸nica (UTC). M茅todos: se us贸 un modelo de boca dividida, tomando dos muestras por individuo usando citolog铆a exfoliativa: una de lesi贸n de UTC y otra de mucosa cl铆nicamente sana de sitio contralateral. Luego de extraer el ADN, fue valorado el estado de metilaci贸n para p16 y MGMT usando qPCR. Para el an谩lisis estad铆stico se utiliz贸 el test de McNemar y Chi cuadrado. Resultados: se estudiaron 27 pacientes, con edad media 59.1 a帽os. El tiempo de evoluci贸n de UTC mostr贸 un promedio de 24.4 meses. Para UTC, la metilaci贸n de p16 y MGMT present贸 una asociaci贸n estad铆sticamente significativa (p<0,0001 y p <0,0005, respectivamente) con el sitio control. Conclusi贸n: los sitios afectados por IMC mostraron consistentemente m谩s metilaci贸n de p16 y MGMT que mucosa libre de IMC. Dado que en cada caso las muestras control y estudio fueron del mismo individuo, el efecto de los confundentes se redujo. Esto sugiere que la IMC puede favorecer la carcinog茅nesis a trav茅s de alteraciones epigen茅ticas.2023-02-01Fil: Lazos, Jer贸nimo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a; Argentina

    Oral varix: a review

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    Background Ageing produces several changes on the oral cavity, and oral varix (OV) is among the most common, and they are related with some medical diseases; however, this association is not clear. Objective The aim of this article is to offer a review of OV, regarding aetiology, clinical and histological features, associated factors, treatment and its clinical significance. Conclusion Except for a higher incidence of OV in elder individuals, there is limited evidence that supports its relationship with medical conditions such us cardiovascular diseases or portal hypertension. Also, there is no consensus regarding its pathogenesis, but the hemodynamic theory embodies the most comprehensive approach. The high prevalence in elderly people stresses the need for regular oral examination, but more detailed studies regarding OV in relation to systemic diseases are needed.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ger.12074/abstractpublishedVersionOdontolog铆a, Medicina y Cirug铆a Ora

    P16 and mgmt methylation in chronic mechanical irritation of the oral mucosa

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    Objective: Chronic mechanical irritation (CMI) has been proposed as risk factor for oral cancer. Epigenetic alterations, particularly methylation, have been mentioned as early events in carcinogenesis, and it has been proposed that CMI could induce them. Thus, the aim of this study is to describe p16 and MGMT methylation in a specific CMI lesion: Chronic Traumatic Ulcer (CTU). Study Design: A split-mouth design was used, and two samples per individual were taken using cytobrush: CTU lesion (according to Piemonte et al. modified criteria) and clinically normal mucosa of a contralateral site. After extracting DNA, p16 and MGMT methylation status was assessed using qPCR.Results: 27 patients were studied, mean age 59.1. The most frequent CMI factor was Functional (70%), and CMI evolution time showed an average of 18.4 months. On CTU, methylation of both p16 and MGMT presented a statistically significant difference (p<0,0001 and p <0,0005, respectively) when compared to control site.Conclusion: CMI affected sites showed consistently more methylation of p16 and MGMT than mucosa devoid of CMI. Since in each case both control and study samples were from the same individual, effects of confounders were reduced. This suggests that CMI could foster carcinogenesis through epigenetic alterations.http://www.estomatologia.com.br/congresso-sobep2018?l=trabalhos-aprovadosFil: Lazos, Jer贸nimo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Piemonte, Eduardo David. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra de Estomatolog铆a A; Argentina.Fil: Brunotto, Mabel. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Odontolog铆a. C谩tedra Biolog铆a Celular A; Argentina.Otras Ciencias de la Salu