232 research outputs found

    Very Long Baseline Array Imaging of Type-2 Seyferts with Double-Peaked Narrow Emission Lines: Searches for Sub-kpc Dual AGNs and Jet-Powered Outflows

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    This paper presents Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of 13 double-peaked [O III] emission-line type-2 Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) at redshifts 0.06 < z < 0.41 (with a median redshift of z~0.15) identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Such double-peaked emission-line objects may result from jets or outflows from the central engine or from a dual AGN. The VLBA provides an angular resolution of <~10 pc at the distance of many of these galaxies, sufficient to resolve the radio emission from extremely close dual AGNs and to contribute to understanding the origin of double-peaked [O III] emission lines. Of the 13 galaxies observed at 3.6 cm (8.4 GHz), we detect six at a 1\sigma\ sensitivity level of ~0.15 mJy/beam, two of which show clear jet structures on scales ranging from a few milliarcseconds to tens of milliarcseconds (corresponding to a few pc to tens of pc at a median redshift of 0.15). We suggest that radio-loud double-peaked emission-line type-2 AGNs may be indicative of jet produced structures, but a larger sample of double-peaked [O III] AGNs with high angular resolution radio observations will be required to confirm this suggestion.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; ApJ in pres

    Radio Counterparts of Compact Binary Mergers detectable in Gravitational Waves: A Simulation for an Optimized Survey

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    Mergers of binary neutron stars and black hole-neutron star binaries produce gravitational-wave (GW) emission and outflows with significant kinetic energies. These outflows result in radio emissions through synchrotron radiation. We explore the detectability of these synchrotron generated radio signals by follow-up observations of GW merger events lacking a detection of electromagnetic counterparts in other wavelengths. We model radio light curves arising from (i) sub-relativistic merger ejecta and (ii) ultra-relativistic jets. The former produces radio remnants on timescales of a few years and the latter produces γ\gamma-ray bursts in the direction of the jet and orphan-radio afterglows extending over wider angles on timescales of weeks. Based on the derived light curves, we suggest an optimized survey at 1.41.4 GHz with five epochs separated by a logarithmic time interval. We estimate the detectability of the radio counterparts of simulated GW-merger events to be detected by advanced LIGO and Virgo by current and future radio facilities. The detectable distances for these GW merger events could be as high as 1 Gpc. 2020--60%60\% of the long-lasting radio remnants will be detectable in the case of the moderate kinetic energy of 3⋅10503\cdot 10^{50} erg and a circum-merger density of 0.1cm−30.1 {\rm cm^{-3}} or larger, while 55--20%20\% of the orphan radio afterglows with kinetic energy of 104810^{48} erg will be detectable. The detection likelihood increases if one focuses on the well-localizable GW events. We discuss the background noise due to radio fluxes of host galaxies and false positives arising from extragalactic radio transients and variable Active Galactic Nuclei and we show that the quiet radio transient sky is of great advantage when searching for the radio counterparts.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Radio Observations of HD 80606 Near Planetary Periastron

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    This paper reports Very Large Array observations at 325 and 1425 MHz (90cm and 20cm) during and near the periastron passage of HD 80606b on 2007 November 20. We obtain flux density limits (3-sigma) of 1.7 mJy and 48 microJy at 325 and 1425 MHz, respectively, equivalent to planetary luminosity limits of 2.3 x 10^{24} erg/s and 2.7 x 10^{23} erg/s. These are well above the Jovian value (at 40 MHz) of 2 x 10^{18} erg/s. The motivation for these observations was that the planetary magnetospheric emission is driven by a stellar wind-planetary magnetosphere interaction so that the planetary luminosity would be elevated. Near periastron, HD 80606b might be as much as 3000 times more luminous than Jupiter. Recent transit observations of HD 80606b provide stringent constraints on the planetary mass and radius, and, because of the planet's highly eccentric orbit, its rotation period is likely to be "pseudo-synchronized" to its orbital period, allowing a robust estimate of the former. We are able to make robust estimates of the emission frequency of the planetary magnetospheric emission and find it to be around 60--90 MHz. We compare HD 80606b to other high-eccentricity systems and assess the detection possibilities for both near-term and more distant future systems. Of the known high eccentricity planets, only HD 80606b is likely to be detectable, as HD 20782B b and HD 4113b are both likely to have weaker magnetic field strengths. Both the forthcoming "EVLA low band" system and the Low Frequency Array may be able to improve upon our limits for HD 80606b, and do so at a more optimum frequency. If the low-frequency component of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA-lo) and a future lunar radio array are able to approach their thermal noise limits, they should be able to detect an HD 80606b-like planet, unless the planet's luminosity increases by substantially less than a factor of 3000.Comment: 9 pages; accepted for publication in A

    Magnetospheric Radio Emissions from Exoplanets with the SKA

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    Planetary-scale magnetic fields are a window to a planet’s interior and provide shielding of the planet’s atmosphere and surface for life. The Earth, Mercury, Ganymede, and the giant planets of the solar system all contain internal dynamo currents that generate planetary-scale magnetic fields. When coupled to energetic (keV) electrons, such as those produced by solar wind-magnetosphere interaction (compression or magnetic reconnection), magnetosphere-ionosphere or magnetosphere-satellite coupling, the polar regions of a planetary magnetic field are the place of intense, coherent, circularly polarized cyclotron radio emissions. These emissions – that may be as intense as solar ones – are produced by all magnetized planets in the solar system in the MHz range, and up to 40 MHz at Jupiter. Detection of similar emissions from exoplanets will provide constraints on the thermal state, composition, and dynamics of their interior – very difficult to determine by other means – as well as an improved understanding of the planetary dynamo process and of the physics of star-planet plasma interactions. Detailed knowledge of magnetospheric emissions from solar system planets and the discovery of exoplanets motivated both theoretical and observational work on magnetospheric emissions from exoplanets. Scaling laws and theoretical frameworks were built and extrapolated to obtain order-of-magnitude predictions of frequencies and flux densities of exoplanetary radio emissions. The present stage of the theory suggests that radio detection of exoplanets will develop the new field of comparative exo-magnetospheric physics, but also permit to measure exoplanetary parameters such as rotation or orbit inclination. Observational searches started even before the confirmed discovery of the first exoplanet. We review the scientific return of the detection of exoplanetary radio emissions, the current status of observational searches, and discuss the future promise in the context of SKA, especially SKA1-LOW. To the extent that Jupiter’s magnetic field is not exceptionally strong, the current lower frequency limit of 50 MHz implies that SKA1-LOW will likely detect Jovian-mass planets. With the currently planned sensitivity of SKA1-LOW, we estimate that a Jupiter-like planet could be detected to about 10 pc. Within this volume there are ∼200 known stars and ∼35 currently known exoplanets, and this number should increase substantially with coming space missions dedicated to transits and powerful ground-based instruments. The accessible volume will be much increased if scaling laws derived in our solar system can be reliably extrapolated to exoplanetary systems, permitting to measure lower mass planets’ dynamos and magnetospheres

    The organization and management of the Virtual Astronomical Observatory

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    The U.S. Virtual Astronomical Observatory (VAO; http://www.us-vao.org/) has been in operation since May 2010. Its goal is to enable new science through efficient integration of distributed multi-wavelength data. This paper describes the management and organization of the VAO, and emphasizes the techniques used to ensure efficiency in a distributed organization. Management methods include using an annual program plan as the basis for establishing contracts with member organizations, regular communication, and monitoring of processes.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. SPIE Conference 8449: Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy
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