104 research outputs found

    The comparison of various gas turbine inlet aircooling methods for various ambient condition trough energy and exergy analysis

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    The strong influence of climate conditions on gas turbine behavior is well known. During the summer season the output of gas turbines falls to a value that is less than the rated output under high temperature conditions. Cooling the turbine inlet air can increase output power considerably, because cooled air is dense, giving the turbine a higher mass flow rate and resulting in increased turbine output and efficiency. This study is to use the energy and exergy analysis method to evaluate the air cooling method used for enhancing the gas turbine power plant. In addition, the effect of inlet air cooling method on the output power, exergy efficiency and exergy destruction have been analyzed. Also at the end of the paper the comparison of two mentioned methods has been investigated

    Effect of Using Ginger Roots Powder and Pure Allicin in Fattening Awassi Lambs Rations on Productive Performance and the Accessory Cut Parts of Carcasses

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       أُجري البحث بهدف دراسة تأثير إضافة الاليسين أو الزنجبيل أو خليطهما إلى علائق تسمين الحملان العواسية في الصفات الإنتاجية وبعض الأجزاء الثانوية للذبائح.     استعمل في البحث 28 حملاً عواسياً وزعت عشوائياً على أربعة معاملات متساوية كل معاملة احتوت 7 حملان ، غذيت الحملان على أربعة أنواع من العلائق التجريبية والتي كانت كالآتي: العليقة الأولى عليقة مركزة خالية من الإضافات الغذائية (سيطرة)، العليقة الثانية احتوت على الاليسين النقي بنسبة 3 كغم لكل طن علف مركز، العليقة الثالثة احتوت على مسحوق جذور الزنجبيل بنسبة 2 كغم لكل طن علف مركز أما العليقة الرابعة فقد احتوت على خليط من الاليسين (1.5 كغم/ طن علف مركز) ومسحوق جذور الزنجبيل (1كغم/ طن علف مركز).    غذيت الحملان بطريقة التغذية الجماعية ولمدة 91 يوماً ودرست الصفات الإنتاجية والتي تضمنت الزيادات الوزنية الكلية واليومية ومعامل التحويل الغذائي وكميات العلف المستهلك من الخشن والمركز.    ذبح 12 حملاً من حملان التجربة بواقع ثلاثة حملان من كل معاملة لغرض تسجيل أوزان الأجزاء الثانوية للذبيحة والتي شملت الرأس والجلد والأرجل.    أشارت نتائج البحث إلى عدم وجود فروقات معنوية بين المعاملات المدروسة للأوزان الابتدائية والنهائية والزيادات الوزنية اليومية والكلية، ولم تلاحظ فروقات معنوية في كميات العلف المركز والخشن المستهلك ومعامل التحويل الغذائي، و أوضحت نتائج البحث أيضاً عدم وجود فروقات معنوية في صفة الرأس للذبائح بين المعاملات المختلفة بينما كانت الفروقات معنوية (P<0.05) لصفة الجلد والأرجل.The research has been conducted to investigate the effect of ginger roots powder with allicin in the fattening of Awassi lambs rations with its effect on productive traits as well as the secondary cuts parts of carcasses. A total number of 28 Awassi lambs were used in the research , those lambs were randomly distributed into 7 treatments, lambs fed on 4 experimental rations as follows the first ration was concentrated ration without any supplement (control), the second ration supplemented with 3.0 kg/ton of allicin, the third ration supplemented with 2.0 kg/ton ginger powder, the fourth ration supplemented with a combination of allicin (1.5 kg /ton) and ginger powder (1.0 kg/ton). Lambs fed by group feeding along with the experiment which had been lasted 91 days. The productive traits were studied such as a daily and total weight gain as well as feed conversion ratio and the consumed quantity of concentrated and rough feed. Twenty-one lambs were slaughtered (three lambs for each treatment)  to study the secondary cuts parts of the carcasses. Results revealed no significant differences among treatments in the initial and final weights and daily and total weight gains.  There were no significant differences in the consumed feed among treatments and feed conversion ratio. Results indicated also nonsignificant differences in weights of the head among treatments. Meanwhile, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in skin and legs weights among treatments. &nbsp

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah ( Pbm ) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 18 Babussalam Kecamatan Mandau

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    This research is motivated by the lack of student learning outcomes IPS, it can be seen from the results of social research Elementary School fourth grade students Babussalam 18, with the average value of the class 63.60. Therefore, the researchers provide an alternative learning for the implementation of the model Problem Based Learning (PBM) in the fourth grade SDN 18 Babussalam. This study aims to improve learning outcomes IPS fourth grade students of SD Negeri 18 Babussalam Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model (PBM). Design research is action research (PTK) with two cycles. Based on the analysis of research data after applying the model of Problem Based Learning (PBM), the average percentage of activity the teachers in the first cycle of 82.5% increased to 92.5% in the second cycle. The average percentage of student activity also increased, namely 77.5% in the first cycle increased to 87.5% in the second cycle. learning outcomes in basic score with the average value of 63.60 and the first cycle of students increased by an average value of 72.66 with an increasing percentage of classroom learning achievement of 12.46% and the percentage of students who completed 76.66%, and the second cycle increased again to an average of 77.33 with the percentage improvement class learning outcomes 13.73% and the percentage of students who completed 83.33%. These results suggest that application of the model of Problem Based Learning (PBM) can improve learning outcomes IPS fourth grade students of SD Negeri 18 Babussala

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournament (Tgt) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 22 Duri Barat Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    This research is motivated by the lack of student learning outcomes IPS, it can be seen from the results of social research Elementary School fourth grade students 22 Duri West, with the average value of class 67.50, therefore, the researchers gave the study an alternative to the implementation of cooperative learning model type TGT in the fourth grade elementary school 22 Duri Barat. This study aims to improve learning outcomes IPS Elementary School fourth grade students 22 Duri Barat for the Application of Cooperative Learning Model Teams Games Toirnament (TGT). Design research is action research (PTK) with two cycles .. Based on the analysis of research data after applying cooperative learning model Teams Games Toirnament (TGT) the average percentage of teachers in the first cycle of activity increased 79.17% to 91, 66% in the second cycle , The average percentage of student activity also increased, which is 75% in the first cycle increased to 83.91% in the second cycle. learning outcomes in basic score with the average value of 67.50 and the first cycle of students increased by an average value of 69.58 with classroom learning outcomes percentage increases by 2.98% and the percentage of students who completed 66.66%, and the cycle II increases again with an average of 78.12 with the percentage improvement class learning outcomes 13.59% and the percentage of students who completed 83.33%. These results indicate that the application of cooperative learning model type Teams Games Toirnament (TGT), can improve learning outcomes IPS Elementary School fourth grade students 22 Saber Duri Barat

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 16 Kuala Penaso

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    The research was carried out starting from the low averages the fourth grade social studies students SDN 16 Kuala Penaso. Of the 23 students who achieved KKM (minimum completeness criteria) only 8 students (34,78%), while 15 students did not complete (65,22%) with an average 53,48. The research problem is Application of Cooperative Learning Model with Type Think Pair Share (TPS) to Improve Learning Outcomes in Grade IV IPS SDN 16 Kuala Penaso? "This study aims to improve learning outcomes IPS fourth grade students of SDN 16 Kuala Penaso through the application of learning models Type Think Pair Share (TPS). This research is a form of Classroom Action Research (CAR), Application of Cooperative Learning Model Type Think Pair Share (TPS) in fourth grade at SDN 16 Kuala Penaso by the number of students 23. The research was conducted in April 2016. Learning to implement cooperative learning model Think Pair Share (TPS). At the first meeting of the first cycle of observation activities for teachers to get a percentage of 78.13%, increasing to 81.25% in the second meeting. At the first meeting of the second cycle revaluation increased by 84.38% and the second meeting of the second cycle assessment of teacher activity reached 90.68%. Assessment of student activity at the first meeting of the first cycle to obtain a percentage of 71.87% and then increased to 78.13% in the second meeting. At the first meeting of the second cycle reached 84.37% and the percentage of the second meeting of the second cycle to obtain a percentage score of 87.50% and increased 53.48 basis of learning outcomes increased to 60.86 in the first cycle and the second cycle increased to 82.61. Based on these results it can be concluded that through the application of cooperative learning model to improve learning outcomes Think Pair Share (TPS) can improve IPS fourth grade students of SDN 16 Kuala Penaso acceptable

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Head Together (Nht) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri 75 Petani Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    Bstrak : This research was conducted because of the result of learning IPA class III SD Negeri 75 Petani. From 25 student who achieve KKM just 12 student (48 while student who did\u27nt complete 13 student (52%) with an average of 57,29. This aims of study to increased study result IPA school years 2015-2016. This research subjet are student class III SDN 75 Petani Kecamatan Mandau kabupaten Bengkalis with amount of 25 students. This research is the action research class with the cycle two. This case can prove with the actiuty teacher score on each appintment have increased. The first appointment teacher activity presentation is 60% with the enough category and the second appointment to 70.8% with good category. On the one cycle two appointment increased 79,2% with the good category and the two cycle two appointment increased again to 87,5% with the excellent category. SStudent activity on the first appointment to 62,5% with the enough category and the second appointment to 66,7% with the enough category.The one cycle two appincreased again to 83,3 with the excellent category. Studies result on the first score only 12 student 48%have completed and increased on the first exam 1 to 15 student 60% and increased again on the second day exam 2 to 22 student person applied on the learning model cooperative type Numbered head together can increased studies IPA student class III SDN 75 Petani Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis