20 research outputs found
Correlation analysis of craniomandibular index and gothic arch tracing in patients with craniomandibular disorders
Background/Aim. Complex etiology and symptomatology of craniomandibular dysfunction make the diagnosing and therapy of this disorder more difficult. The aim of this work was to assess the value of clinical and instrumental functional analyses in diagnosing of this type of disorders. Methods. In this study 200 subjects were examined, 15 with temporomandibular joint disorder. They were subjected to clinical functional analysis (Fricton-Shiffman) and instrumental functional analysis by using the method of gothic arch. The parameters of the gothic arch records were analyzed and subsequently compared among the subjects of the observed groups. Results. In the examined group of the population 7.5% of them were with craniomandibular dysfunction. The most frequent symptoms were sound in temporomandibular joint, painful sensitivity of the muscles on palpation and lateral turning of the lower jaw while opening the mouth. By analyzing the gothic arch records and comparing the obtained values between the observed groups it was assessed that: lateral and protrusion movements, lateral amplitude and the size of gothic arch were much bigger in the healthy subjects, and latero-lateral asymmetry was larger in the sick subjects. Latero-lateral dislocation of apex was recorded only in the sick subjects with average values of 0.22 ± 0.130 mm. The correlation between the values of Fricton-Shiffman craniomandibular index and the parameters of the gothic arch records and latero-lateral amplitude and dislocation of apex records were established by correlative statistical analysis. Conclusion. Functional analysis of orofacial system and instrumental analysis of lower jaw movements (gothic arch method) can be recommended as precise and simple methods in diagnosing craniomandibular dysfunctions
Investigation of mechanical and biomedical properties of new dental alloy with high content of Au
The basis for developing a new dental alloy with high Au content is appropriate chemical composition and manufacturing technology. The demands which have to be met when developing a new dental alloy are linked with fulfilling the necessary requirements for making the alloy suitable for use in metal-ceramic restorations. Due to the stress generated by masticatory forces, alloys for dental restorations must have corresponding mechanical properties (yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation), hardness, the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), and biocompatibility. Namely dental alloy placed in an oral cavity reacts with the environment and deteriorates. New dental alloy with high Au content is based on the ternary system of Au-Pt-Zn with a nominal composition of 86.9Au-9.9Pt-1.5Zn, and about 1,5 wt.% micro-alloying elements (In, Ir, Rh). The dental alloy was melted and cast in a vacuum-induction melting furnace in Zlatarna Celje. The results analyses of different heat-treated states showed that the optimal mechanical properties and hardness of an Au-Pt-Zn alloy can be reached with combinations of heat treatment for 20 minutes at 723 K and then slowly cooling, if the alloy was annealed at 1223 K for 30 minutes and the water quenched. Research results confirmed that the microstructure of the Au-Pt-Zn alloy consists of two phases: a1-phase rich in Au (main phase) and a2-phase rich in Pt (minor phase). During XRD analysis and use of the Rietveld method, it was found that the a1-phase content is about 98,5 wt.% while the content of a2- phase is 1,5 wt.%. STA analyses show that the Au-Pt-Zn alloy has a solids temperature of about 1292 K and a liquids temperature of about 1412 K. The optical properties of Au-dental alloy were investigated by means of spectrophotometric colourimetry. Spectral reflectance data from the mirror-polished flat samples of initial Au dental alloy were collected under the CIE standard illuminant D65. Finally the test of cytotoxicity of new Au based dental alloys using standard in vitro assays for testing the biocompatibility with establishing new, more sensitive, in vitro tests on cell lines was done. According to the results of our research we can conclude that new dental alloy from Zlatarna Celje satisfied all requested standards regarding mechanical properties, hardness and CTE: Rp0.=550 [N/mm2], Rm =610 [N/mm2], A= 9%, 180 HV and CTE (25-600°C) about 14,45×10-6K-1. This new Au dental alloy has a yellow tinge in comparison to conventional Au-Pt-Zn alloys and did not show cytotoxicity when using standard short-term in-vitro assays on an L929 cell.
Priprema retencionih zuba za parcijalne skeletirane proteze, II deo - invazione tehnike
When natural teeth are selected as abutments for RPDs, it is often desirable to modify their axial and occlusal contours. Minor modifications to natural tooth contour can be made simply by grinding, but these may be limited if the enamel is thin in the areas requiring modification. In contrast, major modifications to tooth contour can only be achieved by the use of surveyed crowns. Surveyed crowns are cast restorations fabricated for teeth serving as abutments for RPDs. When such restorations are already part of the overall treatment plan of the patient, it is practical to coordinate the design of the restorations with that of the proposed partial denture. The surveyed crowns have in common the requirements which may be summarized as follows: occlusal rest seat and satisfactory occlusion, suitable guide planes, suitable retentive undercuts, suitable reciprocal elements areas. It is essential that the surveyed crowns incorporate space for the partial denture components. The crowns themselves should be waxed up and milled on the surveyor to be in harmony with the prepared path of insertion and design of the partial denture. Based upon that, the basic aim of this paper would be to describe the clinical and laboratory procedures involved in the production of the surveyed crowns.Aksijalne i okluzalne površine prirodnih zuba planirane za sidrenje PSP se, najčešće, moraju preoblikovati. Male modifikacije prirodnih zuba mogu se jednostavno izvesti brušenjem, ali su limitirane debljinom gleđi u traženoj regiji. U suprotnom, velike modifikacije oblika zuba mogu se ostvariti namenskim nadoknadama. Kamenske nadoknade su deo terapije i neophodno je prilagoditi njihov oblik PSP. Na namenskim krunicama, kao najčešćim oblicima namenskih nadoknada, treba formirati ležišta za okluzalne naslone ili odgovarajuće stepenike za prenos okluzalnih sila, odgovarajuće vodeće ravni, neophodnu dubinu podminiranosti i ravne oralne površine. Kamenske nadoknade moraju obezbediti prostor za elemente PSP. Frezovanjem u vosku i metalu obezbeđuje se pomenuti prostor i harmonija sa pravcem unošenja proteze i dizajnom buduće PSP. Imajući sve ovo u vidu cilj rada je bio da se opišu fiksne nadoknade namenjene sidrenju PSP
The adhesive bridge inlay retained in the therapy of minimal partial edentulism
In care of minimal partial edentulism, ie the lack of a tooth, as an alternative method can be used inlay retained adhesive restorations. The aim of this paper is to present possibilities for the application ceramic systems used for adhesive prosthetic restorations. In the making inlay restorations in the region of the posterior teeth can be applied ceramic system of higher strength which can be veneered with translucent ceramics. With the development of adhesive dentistry, it is possible to establish a strong link between restoration and teeth by means of composite cements and thus ensure sustainability of recovery. The clinical procedure is simple, minimally invasive, and provides a glimpse into a way of making inlay retained fixed restorations
Napetostno-deformacijska analiza opornega zoba z zapornim sedežem, izdelana s kompozitnim popravilom
Placing a composite restoration on abutments for the removable of partial dentures gives favorable aesthetic results with minimal intervention. The objective of this paper is to analyze the stress distribution of a tooth with occlusal rest-seat preparation in the composite and compare it to the biomechanical behavior of an intact tooth, assuming that the stress and strain distribution throughout the intact tooth provides the control scenario. For this finite-element study two different models were designed. The first model was the three-dimensional (3D) model of an intact tooth, and the other one was a 3D model of a tooth with a composite restoration and an appropriate occlusal rest-seat preparation. Load stimulations were performed when the rest was fully seated on its corresponding rest seat and abutment tooth in order to obtain data about the biomechanical behavior of the abutment tooth compared to the intact toothćs stress-distribution pattern. The results of our analyses are presented and analyzed qualitatively. The occlusal loading effect along the sound tooth exhibits a wider high-stress area, localized in correspondence with the occlusal enamel, than the restored teeth. This is due to the rigidity of the enamel. The reduction in the stress values occurs in the composite restoration, which is less rigid. Its lower rigidity allows larger cusp movements. The stress-distribution pattern of the restored tooth with the rest seat showed that introducing an occlusal restoration does not differ from the intact tooth globally, but locally. Our findings indicate that the composite rest-seat restoration absorbs the loading, so reducing the stresses inside the tooth\u27s structure.Postavitev kompozitnega popravila opore za odstranljive dele zobovja daje dobre estetske rezultate z minimalno intervencijo. Cilj tega članka je analizirati porazdelitev napetosti na zobu z zapornim sedežem s kompozitno zaporo in jo primerjati z biomehanskim vedenjem intaktnega zoba s predpostavko, da odloča razdelitev napetosti in deformacije intaktnemu zobu. Za to študijo sta bila na podlagi končnih elementov razvita dva različna modela. Prvi je tridimenzionalen (D) model intaktnega zoba, drugi pa je 3D-model zoba s kompozitno restoracijo in ustrezno pripravo zapornega sedeža, da bi tako dobili podatke o biomehanskem vedenju mostičnega opornika in o porazdelitvi napetosti v intaktnem zobu. Rezutati so prikazanai in analiziranikvalitativno. Zaporna obremenitev povzroči široko področje visoke napetosti v zdravem zobu zaradi stika s sklenino in ne restoriranega zoba. To je posledica velike togosti sklenine. Manjše so napetosti v manj togi kompozitni restoraciji, kar omogoča večje premik opornega vrha. Porazdelitev napetosti restoriranega zoba z opornim sedežem kaže, da uporaba zaporne restoracije ne vpliva globalno, ampak lokalno. Ugotovitve kažejo, da popravilo zob z oporo absorbira obremenitev, ker zmanjša napetosti v strukturi zoba
Congenital arteriovenous fistula of the horseshoe kidney with multiple hemangiomas
Introduction. Congenital renal arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) are rare, especially if they are associated with other developmental renal anomalies. Case Outline. A 34-year-old female was hospitalized due to total painless hematuria and bladder tamponade. Excretory urography revealed a horseshoe kidney with normal morphology of pyelocaliceal system and ureters. Aortography and selective renovasography detected a cluster-like vascular formation with multiple arteriovenous fistulas (AVF). Due to a large AVF gauge and poor flow of the efferent vein to the inferior vena cava, a surgical procedure of two renal artery segmentary branches ligation and division was performed. During the operative procedure, the presence of multiple superficial renal hemangiomas was detected. Conclusion. Although selective arterial embolization represents the preferable treatment option, conventional surgery remains favorable alternative in selected cases with large and complex AVF
Oblike modifikacije titanovih implantatov na mikrometrskem in nanometrskem nivoju
The shape and chemical composition, as well as the macro- and microtopography, of an implant surface have been studied widely as the major factors that positively influence implant osseointegration. Titanium and titanium alloys have been used extensively over the past 20 years as biomedical materials in orthopedic and dental surgery because of their good mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, no cell toxicity, and very poor inflammatory response in peri-implant tissue, which confirms their high biocompatibility. Their favorable biological performance is attributed to a thin native oxide film that forms spontaneously on the titanium surface. It is well established that surface roughness plays an important role in implant fixation. Accordingly, some authors have indicated the existence of an optimal range of surface roughness. The titanium surface can be either chemically or physically modified, or both, in order to improve biomaterial-tissue integration. Different treatments are used to modify the titanium surface. Hydroxyapatite coatings, preceded or not by acid etching, are used to create a rough, potentially bioactive surface. Oxide blasting treatments, either with or without chemical etching, are used to develop roughsurfaces. Thick oxide films obtained by anodic or thermal oxidation have been used to accelerate the osseointegration process. The ideal microtopography of the surface is still unknown, however, because it is very difficult to associate surface properties with clinical results. As more accurate knowledge is required, several Ti surfaces have been analyzed and the endosseous implant surface modified on the micro level has been thoroughly studied. Additionally, the production of gold (Au) nanoparticles to be added to the micron-scale modified surface has been performed. In this respect, an appropriate overview of our results is given.Oblika, kemična sestava in makro- ter mikrotopografija površine implantata so bile raziskovane kot najpomembnejši dejavnik, ki pozitivno vpliva na kostni prirast. Titan in njegove zlitine se uporabljajo več kot 20 let kot biomedicinski material v ortopedski in zobni kirurgiji zaradi dobrih mehanskih lastnosti, odpornosti proti koroziji, zaradi celične netoksičnosti in majhne vnetne reakcije s periplantatnim tkivom, kar vse potrjuje njihovo biokompatibilnost. Ugodno biološko vedenje se pripisuje tanki naravni oksidni plasti, ki spontano nastane na površini titana. Znano je, da ima hrapavost površine pomebno vlogo pri pritrditvi implantata. Temu ustrezno so nekateri avtorji omenili obstoj nekega optimalnega območja hrapavosti površine. Oblika površine titana se lahko spremeni kemijsko ali fizikalno ali na oba načina, kar poveča prirast biomateriala. Za spremembo oblike površine se uporablja več načinov. Hidroksiapatitna prekritja s predhodnim jedkanjem ali brez jedkanja s kislino se uporabljajo za tvorbo grobe, potencialno bioaktivne površine. Peskanje z oksidnim prahom s kemijskim jedkanjem ali brez njega se tudi uporablja za ustvarjanje grobe površine. Debele plasti oksida, nastale z anodno ali termično oksidacijo, se uporabljajo za pospešitev procesa kostnega prirastka. Idealna mikrotopografija površine je še vedno neznana, zato ker je težko uskladiti lastnosti površine s kliničnimi rezultati. Ker je potrebno boljše poznavanje, je bilo analiziranih več površin titana in modificirana površina implantata je bila na mikronivoju natačno preiskana. Dodatno so bili uporabljeni nanodelci zlata (Au) za dodatek na mikronivoju spremenjene površine. Ustrezen pregled doseženih rezultatov je predstavljen v tem prispevku
Effects of bruxism on the maximum bite force
Background/Aim. Bruxism is a parafunctional activity of the masticatory system, which is characterized by clenching or grinding of teeth. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the presence of bruxism has impact on maximum bite force, with particular reference to the potential impact of gender on bite force values. Methods. This study included two groups of subjects: without and with bruxism. The presence of bruxism in the subjects was registered using a specific clinical questionnaire on bruxism and physical examination. The subjects from both groups were submitted to the procedure of measuring the maximum bite pressure and occlusal contact area using a single-sheet pressure-sensitive films (Fuji Prescale MS and HS Film). Maximal bite force was obtained by multiplying maximal bite pressure and occlusal contact area values. Results. The average values of maximal bite force were significantly higher in the subjects with bruxism compared to those without bruxism (p < 0.001). Occlusal contact area was significantly higher in the subjects suffering from bruxism (p < 0.001), while the maximal bite pressure values did not show a significant difference between the studied groups (p > 0.01). Maximal bite force was significantly higher in the males compared to the females in all segments of the research. Conclusion. The presence of bruxism influences the increase in the maximum bite force as shown in this study. Gender is a significant determinant of bite force. Registration of maximum bite force can be used in diagnosing and analysing pathophysiological events during bruxism
Classifying urban meteorological stations sites by 'local climate zones': Preliminary results for the city of Novi Sad (Serbia)
Conventional approach in the investigation of urban climate of Novi Sad has been done through simple urban-rural air temperature differences. These inter-urban air temperature differences showed how much is city warmer than its surroundings, so-called urban heat island (UHI) effect. Temperature differences exist inside the city as well. To get to know the intensity of these intra-urban temperature differences, installation of meteorological stations in different parts of the city or mobile measurements are needed. In 2012 started IPA HUSRB project made by Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology (University of Szeged) and Faculty of Sciences (University of Novi Sad). The main goal of this project is the development and installation of wireless urban meteorological network (temperature and relative humidity sensors) in Szeged and Novi Sad. Before the deployment of sensors, necessary metadata about each potential urban meteorological station site needs to be collected. Field work, collected metadata and Stewart and Oke climate-based classification system from 2012 were used for defining the potential urban meteorological stations sites on the territory of the city of Novi Sad (Serbia) and its surroundings
Orofacial features of subjects aged 18-30 years in the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija territory
Introduction: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a universal term referred to herein to collectively denote a series of functional disorders of orofacial structures, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the masticatory muscles in particular. Objectives: The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders within the observed sample population of the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the frequency of signs and symptoms of this type of disorder. Methods: The study involved a sample of 300 subjects, aged 18-30 years. The sample comprised the target student population attending the University of Pristina, Kosovska Mitrovica. A random sample, intended for sampling without replacement, was drawn from the target population. All subjects underwent the Helkimo clinical dysfunction index analysis. Results of the analysis were quantified and expressed numerically, based on severity, as the Helkimo anamnestic dysfunction index (Ai) and the clinical dysfunction index (Di) with specific values assigned thereto accordingly. Results: The prevalence of temporomandibular disorders within the observed sample population totaled 50.7% (Di> 0). In the majority of patients a mild form of TMP (67%) was reported. Temporomandibular disorders were more common in women than in men, who appear to be three times as likely to develop the respective condition, demonstrating the ratio of 3:1. The most common TMD signs and symptoms implied mandibular kinetics disturbances (46%) and TMJ sounds (45%). The prevalence of pain during mandibular movements amounted to 9%, the palpable TMJ sensitivity to 20% and the palpable sensitivity of masticatory muscles 18%. Headache and otalgia were represented with 13%, that is, 3% in the observed sample. Conclusion: Temporomandibular disorder analysis demonstrates high incidence in the population of the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija. These findings indicate the need for an extensive prevention, control and treatment of this type of disorder