25 research outputs found

    The contribution of stationary long-term trials to plant production improvement

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    U Srbiji postoji veći broj višegodišnjih stacionarnih eksperimenata čiji značaj i doprinos unapređenju poljoprivredne proizvodnje nije adekvatno valorizovan. Među njima se nalaze i 6 klasičnih eksperimenata sa trajanjem dužim od 50 godina. Dosadašnja istraživanja koja su vršena u okvirima ovih ogleda bila su usmerena na prinos i stabilnost prinosa najvažnijih ratarskih useva, svojstava zemljišta i mineralnu ishranu. Transformacija poljoprivedne proizvodnje i institucija u okviru nje bila je praćena gašenjem brojnih velikog broja ogleda čime je trajno izgubljen velik broj podataka i informacija koje su na osnovu njih nastali. Stvaranje platforme znanja kroz umrežavanje i povezivanje ogleda i multidisciplinaran pristup mogu doprineti jačanju svesti o njihovom značaju i ulozi. Upotreba informaciono - komunikacionih tehnologija uz savremene statističke metode i modele i interaktivan odnos svih zainteresovanih, može povećati afirmaciju dobijenih rezultata i ponuditi osnovu za unapređenje poljoprivrede u Srbiji.There are a number of long-term stationary experiments in Serbia whose importance and contribution to the advancement of agricultural production has not been adequately evaluated. Among them are so-called classical experiments with a duration longer 50 years. Research conducted within the framework of these experiments has focused on the yield and stability of yield of the most important crop crops, soil properties imnprovment and mineral nutrition. The transformation of agricultural production and the institutions within it were accompanied by the extinguishing of a large number of experiments, which resulted with lost a large number of data and information that obtained from them. Creating a knowledge platform through networking and a multidisciplinary approach can help to raise awareness of their paramountal importance and role. The use of information and communication technologies with modern statistical methods and models with an interactive attitude of all interested steakholders can increase the affirmation of the obtained results and offer a basis for the improvement of agriculture in Serbia

    Epidemija pandemijskog gripa H1N1 u Vojnoj gimnaziji

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    Background/Aim. The first cases of the pandemic pH1N1 influenza virus infection was observed in the United States and Mexico in April 2009 and the first laboratory confirmed case in Serbia was registered in June 2009. The aim of this paper was to report on the investigation of the first confirmed outbreak of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza in Serbia and to describe the clinical and epidemiologic findings from this investigation. Methods. Descriptive and analytical epidemiological methods were used. Data were collected from medical records of the Military School students and epidemiological questionnaire. Pandemic H1N1 infection was initially confirmed by the RT-PCR assay in nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs and subsequently by the complement fixation test in serum samples. Results. The attack rate of acute respiratory illness was 70.8% (204/288). Pandemic H1N1 virus infection was confirmed in 44 of 82 tested cases of acute respiratory illness (53.7%) The most common clinical manifestations of pandemic influenza H1N1 were fever (88.6%), cough (61.4%), malaise (38.6%), runny nose (36.4%), headache (29.6%), sore throat (20.5%) and muscle pain (15.9%). Conclusion. The findings from this investigation suggest that pandemic H1N1 influenza in a high military school was widespread but did not cause severe illness.Uvod/Cilj. Prvi slučajevi pandemijske infekcije virusom influence pH1N1 ustanovljeni su u Americi i Meksiku u aprilu 2009. a u Srbiji prvi laboratorijski potvrđen slučaj registrovan je u junu 2009. godine. Cilj rada bio je da se prikaže istraživanje prve dokazane epidemije pandemijske influence H1N1 u Srbiji i opišu klinički i epidemiološki nalazi iz ovog istraživanja. Metode. Primenjen je deskriptivni i analitički epidemiološki metod. Izvor podataka bila je medicinska dokumentacija učenika Vojne gimnazije i epidemiološki upitnik. Infekcija pandemijskim virusom H1N1 prvo je dokazana pomoću RT-PCR u nazofaringealnim i orofaringealnim brisevima, a zatim i reakcijom vezivanja komlementa u uzorcima seruma. Rezultati. Stopa javljanja akutnog respiratornog oboljenja iznosila je 70.8% (204/288). Infekcija pandemijskim H1N1 virusom potvrđena je kod 44 od 82 testiranih slučajeva akutnog respiratornog oboljenja (53,7%). Najčešće kliničke manifestacije pandemijske influence H1N1 bile su povišena temperatura (88,6%), kašalj (61,4%), malaksalost (38,6%), rinitis (36,4%), glavobolja (29,6%), gušobolja (20,5%) i bol u mišićima (15,9%). Zaključak. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da je pandemijska influenca H1N1 bila raširena u Vojnoj gimnaziji, ali da nije izazvala teške forme oboljenja

    Razgradnja acetamiprida u plodovima trešanja

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    Degradation of acetamiprid in sweet cherry samples was evaluated at several intervals from the product application until the end of the pre-harvest interval. An orchard of sweet cherries located at Stepanovićevo village near Novi Sad was used in this study. Acetamiprid was applied according to the manufacturer's recommendation for protecting sweet cherries from their most important pests. Sweet cherry fruit samples were collected at eight intervals: immediately after acetamiprid application and 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 days after application. The extraction of acetamiprid from sweet cherry samples was performed using a QuEChERS-based method. Determination was carried out using an HPLC-UV diode array detection system (Agilent 1100, United States) with an Agilent Zorbax Eclipse C18 column (50 mm × 4.6 mm internal diameter, 1.8 μm particle size). The method was subjected to a thorough validation procedure. The recovery data were obtained by spiking blank sweet cherry samples at three concentration levels (0.1-0.3 mg/ kg), yielding 85.4% average recovery. Precision values expressed as relative standard deviation (RSD) were below 1.61% for the intraday precision. Acetamiprid showed linear calibrations from 0.05 to 2.5 μg/ml with correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.995%. The limit of detection and limit of quantification were found to be 5 μg/kg and 14 μg/kg, respectively. The validated method was applied in the analysis of acetamiprid in sweet cherry samples. During the study period, the concentration of acetamiprid decreased from 0.529 mg/kg to 0.111 mg/kg. The content of acetamiprid in sweet cherry samples at the end of the pre-harvest interval was below the maximum permissible level specified by the Serbian and EU MRLs.U cilju praćenja razgradnje acetamiprida u plodovima trešanja u periodu od primene preparata do isteka karence, izvršen je tretman preparatom na bazi ove aktivne materije u preporučenoj dozi. Ogled je postavljen u zasadu srednje kasne sorte trešnje na lokalitetu Stepanovićevo u okolini Novog Sada. Plodovi su uzorkovani osam puta - odmah nakon primene preparata, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 i 14 dana. Ekstrakcija acetamiprida iz trešanja izvedena je QuEChERS metodom. Za određivanje acetamiprida korišćena je tečna hromatografija sa DAD detektorom (Agilent 1100, United States) i Agilent Zorbax Eclipse C18 kolonom (unutrašnji prečnik 50 mm x 4.6 mm, veličina čestica 1.8 μm). Kao mobilna faza upotrebljeni su acetonitril i 1.5% rastvor CH3COOH (30/70), sa protokom 1 ml/min, temperaturom kolone 25 oC i injektovanom zapreminom 2,5 μl, dok je kao odgovarajuća talasna dužina usvojena vrednost od 254 nm. Validacija metode je u potpunosti sprovedena u skladu sa zahtevima standarda SANCO/12495/2011 (EU Commission Health and Consumer Protection Directorate- General, 2011). Prosečna vrednost prinosa ekstrakcije acetamiprida iz trešanja proverena na tri nivoa obogaćenja (0.1-0.3 mg/kg) iznosila je 85.4%. Preciznost merenja razmotrena proverom ponovljivosti određivanja acetamiprida izražena je relativnom standardnom devijacijom (RSD) sa vrednošću manjom od 1.61%. U opsegu masenih koncentracija acetamiprida od 0,05 do 2,5 μg/ml postignuta je dobra linearnost odziva detektora sa koeficijentom varijacije od 0,995%. Limit detekcije i kvantifikacije za određivanje acetamiprida u trešnjama prikazanom metodom iznose 5 μg/kg i 14 μg/kg. Tokom ispitivanog perioda koncentracija acetamiprida u trešnjama se smanjivala od 0,592 mg/kg neposredno nakon primene insekticida do 0,111 mg/kg po isteku karence od 14 dana. Analizom je utvrđeno da je sadržaj acetamiprida u uzorcima plodova trešnje nakon isteka perioda karence ispod maksimalno dozvoljene količine za ovu aktivnu materiju propisane Pravilnikom Republike Srbije (0,2 mg/kg) i Evropske Unije (1,5 mg/kg)

    Some traits of Verotoxin-producing strains of Escherichia coli isolated from cattle

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    Verotoxin-producing Esherichia coli (VTEC) is one of six pathogenicity groups of Eschericha coli. The reservoir for VTEC is the intestinal tract of domestic animals, primarily ruminants. Investigations in our geographic region have also demonstrated that domestic animals are a significant VTEC reservoir. In spite of this, sporadic diseases in humans caused by these agents are rare, and no epidemics have been registered so far. The question is, therefore, what percentage of VTEC isolated in our region have the characteristics of enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) which cause intestinal diseases in humans. The aim of this study was to test the isolated bovine strains for some phenotypic and genotypic traits and to determine the percent of strains that belong to EHEC. A total of 105 VTEC strains isolated from cattle were tested for the presence of verotoxin (vtx) genes by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. All of them possessed one or more vtx genes. In accordance with our investigations, only four (3.8%) strains, of a total of 105 VTEC strains belong to groups of EHEC. It may be concluded that the majority of strains isolated from cattle in this part of the world do not have phenotypic traits typical for EHEC. Therefore human VTEC associated diseases in Serbia are rare, despite the fact that domestic animals frequently harbor VTEC


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    Temperature and pressure are the most common parameters to be measured and monitored not only in industrial processes but in many other fields from vehicles and healthcare to household appliances. Silicon microelectromechanical (MEMS) piezoresistive pressure sensors are the first and the most successful MEMS sensors, offering high sensitivity, solid-state reliability and small dimensions at a low cost achieved by mass production. The inherent temperature dependence of the output signal of such sensors adversely affects their pressure measurement performance, necessitating the use of correction methods in a majority of cases. However, the same effect can be utilized for temperature measurement, thus enabling new sensor applications. In this paper we perform characterization of MEMS piezoresistive pressure sensors for temperature measurement, propose a sensor correction method, and demonstrate that the measurement error as low as ± 0.3 °C can be achieved

    Bioprospecting of Selected Species of Polypore Fungi from the Western Balkans

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    Growing mushrooms means meeting challenges while aiming for sustainability and circularity. Wherever the producer is located, commercial strains are the same originating from several producers. Customized strains adapted to local conditions are urgently needed. Before introducing new species to the strain development pipeline, the chemical characterization and biological activity of wild ones need to be assessed. Accordingly, the mycoceutical potential of five polypore mushroom species from Serbia was evaluated including: secondary metabolite composition, oxidative damage prevention, anti-tyrosinase, and anti-angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). The phenolic pattern was comparable in all samples, but the amounts of specific chemicals varied. Hydroxybenzoic acids were the primary components. All samples had varying quantities of ascorbic acid, carotene, and lycopene, and showed a pronounced inhibition of lipid peroxidation (LPx) and ability to scavenge HO•. Extracts were more potent tyrosinase inhibitors but unsuccessful when faced with ACE. Fomitopsis pinicola had the strongest anti-tumor efficacy while Ganoderma lucidum demonstrated strong selectivity in anti-tumor effect in comparison to normal cells. The evaluated species provided a solid foundation for commercial development while keeping local ecology in mind

    Identifying the Biological Potential of Western Balkan Polypore Mushroom Species to Mitigate the Negative Effects of Global Mushroom Cultivation

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    Growing mushrooms is meeting challenges while aiming for sustainability and circularity. Wherever the producer is located, commercial strains are the same originating from several producers. Following the harvest, enormous quantities of spent mushroom substrate containing spores are disposed presenting a type of foreign material pressure on the ecosystem in the form of the loss of genetic diversity in wild mushroom populations. This challenge can be mitigated by bioprospecting local strains and using them to generate commercial inoculum. Accordingly, the mycoceutical potential of five polypore mushroom species from Serbia was evaluated: secondary metabolite composition, oxidative damage prevention, anti-tyrosinase, and antiangiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) properties. The phenolic pattern was comparable in all samples, but the amounts of specific chemicals varied. Hydroxybenzoic acids were the primary components. All samples had varying quantities of ascorbic acid, carotene, and lycopene, and showed a pronounced inhibition of lipid peroxidation (LPx) and ability to scavenge HO•. Extracts were more potent tyrosinase inhibitors but unsuccessful when faced with ACE. Fomitopsis pinicola had the strongest anti-tumor efficacy while Ganoderma lucidum demonstrated strong selectivity in anti-tumor effect in comparison to healthy cells. The evaluated species provided a solid foundation for commercial development while keeping the local ecology in mind.This is not peer-reviewed version.The supplementary information: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7058

    Temperature measurement performance of silicon piezoresistive MEMS pressure sensors for industrial applications

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    Temperature and pressure are the most common parameters to be measured and monitored not only in industrial processes but in many other fields from vehicles and healthcare to household appliances. Silicon microelectromechanical (MEMS) piezoresistive pressure sensors are the first and the most successful MEMS sensors, offering high sensitivity, solid-state reliability and small dimensions at a low cost achieved by mass production. The inherent temperature dependence of the output signal of such sensors adversely affects their pressure measurement performance, necessitating the use of correction methods in a majority of cases. However, the same effect can be utilized for temperature measurement, thus enabling new sensor applications. In this paper we perform characterization of MEMS piezoresistive pressure sensors for temperature measurement, propose a sensor correction method, and demonstrate that the measurement error as low as ± 0.3 °C can be achieved

    Lignicolous mushroom Fomitopsis pinicola as a potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation

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    Excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) often results in irreversible cell damage and leads to a number of disorders such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, premature aging and cancer. Considering the importance of diet in prevention of diseases associated with oxidative stress, this study was conducted to evaluate antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of wild lignicolus mushroom Fomitopsis pinicola as natural source of functional food ingredients. Nowadays functional food products based on the lignicolous mushroom species are increasingly available on the market. Their powders and extracts are consumed as dietary supplements in the form of capsules or tablets and as additives in the formulation of healthier food products

    Another emerging pathogen - Zika virus

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