20 research outputs found

    L-NAME-induced preeclampsia: correction of functional disorders of the hemostasis system with resveratrol and nicorandil

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    Preeclampsia is a formidable disease of the second half of pregnancy, leading to severe complications, including disability and even death. Many authors have recognized the correlation between the severity of preeclampsia and the degree of disturbances in the hemostasis system. In this regard, the objective of this study was to assess inhibition of platelet aggregation and the possibility of its correction with resverаtrol and nicorand


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    Researches of the last years showed that changes of local immunity at inflammatory diseases of appendages at women, to be exact a condition of a secondary immunodeficiency at the local level, arising against the main pathological process, are a consequence of an immune inflammation, violation of structure and function of cellular membranes because of lipid peroxidation. Research objective was establishment of changes of the metabolic status at an aggravation chronic salpingoophoritis and detection of efficiency of use in «Gepon's» complex pharmacotherapy and «Longidaza's» various medicinal forms. For this purpose under continuous supervision was the 70th women aged from 20 till 35 years with the established diagnosis chronic salpingoophoritis in an aggravation stage. All patients were divided into four groups according to age, minimum satellite, severity of illness and providing treatment. The first experimental group was included 18 patients with chronic adnexitis in the exacerbation phase, where the standard therapy. The second group was included patients (17 women), which put on «Longidaza» in the form of suppositories (1 suppository 3000 per recti 1 times a day for 5 days). In the third group (18 patients), patients received, in addition to a standard treatment regimen «Gepon» (10 mg per 1 times a day for 5 days). The fourth group was included patients (17 women), which put on «Longidaza» injections (1 suppository 3000 intramuscularly 1 time per day for 5 days). As a result of a research efficiency of use of immunocorrective preparations («Gepon» and «Longidaza») at patients chronic salpingoofority in an aggravation stage in correction of metabolic frustration is established. «Longidaza's» use in the form of candles has corrective and normalizing impact on the broken indicators of the metabolic status at patients chronic salpingoophoritis at local level whereas purpose of an injection form of this preparation normalizes parameters of the oxidatic status at system level. Results of a research allow to draw a conclusion that application in complex pharmacotherapy of patients with chronic salpingoophoritis longidaza and gepon in comparison with standard treatment makes more expressed impact on clinical picture of disease and laboratory indicators at system and local levels, thus maximum efficiency possesses a preparation of longidaza in the form of injections


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    Researches of the last years showed that changes of local immunity at inflammatory diseases of appendages at women, to be exact a condition of a secondary immunodeficiency at the local level, arising against the main pathological process, are a consequence of an immune inflammation, violation of structure and function of cellular membranes because of lipid peroxidation. Research objective was establishment of changes of the metabolic status at an aggravation chronic salpingoophoritis and detection of efficiency of use in «Gepon's» complex pharmacotherapy and «Longidaza's» various medicinal forms. For this purpose under continuous supervision was the 70th women aged from 20 till 35 years with the established diagnosis chronic salpingoophoritis in an aggravation stage. All patients were divided into four groups according to age, minimum satellite, severity of illness and providing treatment. The first experimental group was included 18 patients with chronic adnexitis in the exacerbation phase, where the standard therapy. The second group was included patients (17 women), which put on «Longidaza» in the form of suppositories (1 suppository 3000 per recti 1 times a day for 5 days). In the third group (18 patients), patients received, in addition to a standard treatment regimen «Gepon» (10 mg per 1 times a day for 5 days). The fourth group was included patients (17 women), which put on «Longidaza» injections (1 suppository 3000 intramuscularly 1 time per day for 5 days). As a result of a research efficiency of use of immunocorrective preparations («Gepon» and «Longidaza») at patients chronic salpingoofority in an aggravation stage in correction of metabolic frustration is established. «Longidaza's» use in the form of candles has corrective and normalizing impact on the broken indicators of the metabolic status at patients chronic salpingoophoritis at local level whereas purpose of an injection form of this preparation normalizes parameters of the oxidatic status at system level. Results of a research allow to draw a conclusion that application in complex pharmacotherapy of patients with chronic salpingoophoritis longidaza and gepon in comparison with standard treatment makes more expressed impact on clinical picture of disease and laboratory indicators at system and local levels, thus maximum efficiency possesses a preparation of longidaza in the form of injections


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    The article explores the problem of urinary tract infection in pregnant women. It presents the statistical analysis of the frequency of different forms of urinary tract infection during pregnancy. Our data is compared to the statistics given by other national and international researchers. This research makes an attempt to compare two different treatment methods: using cefixime in dose 400mg 1 per day for 7 days and amoxicillin/clavulanate in dose 625mg 3 per day for 7 days. During the research conducted from September 2009 until June 2012 at State Healthcare Institution "Regional perinatal centre", 984 patients in I, II and III pregnancy trimesters were studied. In order to find out a potential influence of urinary tract microflora character­ for the intrauterine development, as well, as presence of infectious inflammatory diseases in neonates­, a clinical observation of neonatal period for all the children born from the studied mothers was conducted. A special attention was directed to appearance of different clinical infection forms. We find out that the pregnant women with the asymptomatic bacteriuria should be administered the antibiotics treatment in order to prevent clinically apparent urinary tract infections, to stop uropathogen flora growth and to limit their affect on fetus development. Microbiological urine testing for the patients in the course of the urinary tract infection may be employed as an informative test for evaluating the antibiotics treatment efficacy. Given a positive effect Amoxicilline/Clavulanate and Cefixime treatment may be recommended to the pregnant women with clinically apparent UTI and with asymptomatic bacteriuria

    Study of the effect of selective inhibitor of Arginase II KUD 975 and of low doses of Acetylsalicylic acid on the functional parameters of the cardiovascular system In experimental preeclampsia

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    Introduction: Over the past decade, preeclampsia has been the subject of an increased attention, as this complication is the most common cause of maternal mortality, triggering every third case of obstetric morbidity and taking lives of up to 50.000 young women worldwide each year. Despite a large number of ongoing studies, no clear algorithm for monitoring pregnant women with this pathology has been developed yet. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 220 female Wistar rats weighing 250–300 g. In the experiment, ADMA-like preeclampsia model was used. Results and discussion: The introduction of L-NAME to the animals from the 14th till the 20th day of pregnancy causes the following disturbances: a rise in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 1.4 and 1.5 times, an increase in proteinuria in 3.3 times and an increase in the content of fluid in the greater omentum from 44.39 ± 1.62% to 55.02 ± 1.74%, all of which correspond to the disorders in pregnant women in case of preeclampsia. The use of the selective inhibitor of arginase II KUD 975 (3mg/kg/day) in combination with acetylsalicylic acid (10mg/kg/day) leads to a pronounced correction in the emerging changes: a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 1.2 and 1.3 times, a decrease in proteinuria in 1.9 times and a decrease in the fluid content in the greater omentum. Conclusion: Selective inhibitor of arginase II KUD 975 and small doses of acetylsalicylic acid have a pronounced positive effect in the correction of morphofunctional disorders in animals with ADMA-like preeclampsia

    Computational methods of continuum mechanics for exaflop computer systems [Алгоритмы решения задач механики сплошной среды для экзафлопсных систем]

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    The article deals with applied issues which arise when cxascale computing are used to solve applied problems. Based on the review of works in this area, the most pressing issues related to exascale calculations are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to software features, algorithms and numerical methods for ехаflор supercomputers. The requirements for such programs and algorithms are formulated. Based on the review of existing approaches related to achieving high performance, the main fundamentally different and non-overlapping directions for improving the performance of calculations are highlighted. The question of the necessity for criteria of applicability for computational algorithms for exaflop supercomputers is raised. Currently, the only criterion which is used, demands the absence of a siginificant drop in efficieney in the transition from a petaflop calculation to a ten-petaflop calculation. In the absence of the possibility of such calculations, simulation modelling can he carried out. Examples of development for new and adaptation of existing algorithms and numerical methods for solving problems of continuum mechanics are given. The, fundamental difference between algorithms specially designed for exascale machines and algorithms adapted for exaflops is shown. The analysis of publications has showed that in the field of solving problems of continuum mechanics, the approach not associated with the development of new, but rather with the adaptation of existing numerical methods and algorithms to the architecture of exaflop supercomputers prevails. The analysis of the most popular applications is made. The most relevant application of exaflop supercomputers in this area is computational fluid dynamics. This is because hydrodynamic applications are rich and diverse field. The number of publications indicates that the involvement of high-performance computing now is available and in demand. © 2021 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japa

    Study of the effect of selective inhibitor of Arginase II KUD 975 and of low doses of Acetylsalicylic acid on the functional parameters of the cardiovascular system In experimental preeclampsia

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    Introduction: Over the past decade, preeclampsia has been the subject of an increased attention, as this complication is the most common cause of maternal mortality, triggering every third case of obstetric morbidity and taking lives of up to 50.000 young women worldwide each year. Despite a large number of ongoing studies, no clear algorithm for monitoring pregnant women with this pathology has been developed yet. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 220 female Wistar rats weighing 250–300 g. In the experiment, ADMA-like preeclampsia model was used. Results and discussion: The introduction of L-NAME to the animals from the 14th till the 20th day of pregnancy causes the following disturbances: a rise in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 1.4 and 1.5 times, an increase in proteinuria in 3.3 times and an increase in the content of fluid in the greater omentum from 44.39 ± 1.62% to 55.02 ± 1.74%, all of which correspond to the disorders in pregnant women in case of preeclampsia. The use of the selective inhibitor of arginase II KUD 975 (3mg/kg/day) in combination with acetylsalicylic acid (10mg/kg/day) leads to a pronounced correction in the emerging changes: a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 1.2 and 1.3 times, a decrease in proteinuria in 1.9 times and a decrease in the fluid content in the greater omentum. Conclusion: Selective inhibitor of arginase II KUD 975 and small doses of acetylsalicylic acid have a pronounced positive effect in the correction of morphofunctional disorders in animals with ADMA-like preeclampsia


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    Using the combined application of L-arginine with HMG-Co-A reductase inhibitors simvastatin, atorvastatin, rosuvastatin and nanoparticulated rosuvastatin on the background of modeling of sepsis-induced disease through the introduction of strain 603 Staphylococcus aureus shows endotelio- and cardioprotective effects, manifesting itself in preventing the proliferation of endothelial dysfunction coefficient (CED), adrenoreactivity, maintenance of myocardial reserve and the normalization of biochemical markers values (Total NO, eNOS expression, C-reactive protein, IL-6, TNF). In this case, the combined therapy was so effective that the values obtained thereunder did not differ from those obtained from control animals

    Calculation of a uniform gas ow from the heated tungsten plate surface

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    At INP SB RAS, various mechanisms for the erosion of tungsten samples during the pulsed heating were studied. Data were obtained that made it possible to analyze the experimental results of the surface temperature dynamics taking into account the cooling due to the vaporation in vacuum. A numerical model was developed for the effect of a powerful pulsed electron beam on tungsten, which includes the Stefan problem for determining the temperature distribution in a sample and the system of gas dynamics equations. The gas dynamics system is implemented by the two methods of first order of accuracy: the upwind scheme and Belotserkovsky's coarse particle method. For the program veri cation, a test solution of the gas decay was used. In the process of calculating the problem in a complete statement, an analysis of the residual was carried out


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    The endotelio- and cardioprotective effects of vitamin B6 (2 mg/kg) and folic acid (0.2 mg/kg) upon modeling of methionine-induced hyperhomocysteinemia via methionine intragastric administration at a dose of 3 g/kg were studied. It was shown that the combined use of vitamin B6 and folic acid allows on the background of a significant reduction in homocysteine concentrations normalizing the endothelial dysfunction coefficient and the parameters of maximum left ventricular pressure in response to intravenous administration of adrenaline. The research was partially supported by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation №MD-4711.2015.7