1,024 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Water-retaining Capacity of the Carbohydrate Complex of Rye-wheat Dough with Addition of Polyfunctional Food Supplement “Magnetofооd”

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    Today in Ukraine the share of low-quality bakery products is near 20–25 %, because they often don\u27t correspond to quality standards and sanitary norms, because of being produced of flour with low bakery properties. That is why new raw material sources, functional ingredients and so on are searched for in bread technologies. For using new raw material and food supplement types, it is necessary to know their functional-technological properties (FTP) that allows to prognosticate the behavior of powder-like raw materials and food supplements in food masses at technological processing and storage of ready products.The water-retaining capacity (WRC) is one of main functional-technological parameters of carbohydrate-containing raw materials, because it favors the outcome, structural-mechanical properties and quality characteristics of ready products.The authors introduced “Magnetofood” polyfunctional food supplement for increasing WRC of rye-wheat dough. For grounding the mechanism of forming supramolecular groups in carbohydrate food systems: Magnetofood-polysacharide-water, there was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on processes of hydration, swelling and water-retention by rye-wheat starch and rye-wheat flour.It was established, that introduction of “Magnetofood” food supplement in rye-wheat starch and flour in amounts: 0,10; 0,15; 0,20 % to the mass of starch or flour increases swelling and water-retaining capacity (WRC) of starch and flour: swelling in 1,3–1,5 and 1,5–2,25 times, respectively; WRC in 1,10–1,15 and 1,1–1,3 times, respectively.The rational dose of “Magnetofood” food supplement – 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material was experimentally set. There was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on rheological properties of water suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour at different temperatures and different speeds of shift.It was established, that adding “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % favors increasing the effective viscosity of suspensions of experimental samples of starch and flour at temperatures: (23±2) ºС and (40±2) ºС comparing with control samples in average by 29,0 % – for starch and by 22,0 % – for flour at 23 °С and by 16,0 % – for starch and by 10,0 % – for flour at 40 °С.There was studied the dynamics of changing viscosity of colloid solutions of starch and flour, enriched with “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material in the keeping process at different temperatures and shift speed 9 s-1.There was established the increase of viscosity of suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour in the process of infusion (especially at adding “Magnetofood”) that is connected with continuing hydration and swelling process.It was demonstrated, that the temperature increase of the colloid system from (23±20) ° С to (40±2) °С favors the increase of its viscosity – both at the initial moment and in infusion process during 30 min in average by 20,0–25,0 % at the expanse of the aforesaid processes. Moreover, adding “Magnetofood” accelerates and intensifies the processes of swelling and hydration of experimental samples of rye-wheat starch and flour comparing with control ones.The received experimental data may be used at elaborating the technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with “Magnetofood” food supplement; and also at elaborating innovative technologies of carbohydrate food systems.The results of this study may be used at elaborating recipes and technologies of carbohydrate-containing food products for increasing their viscosity, water-retaining and stabilizing capacities

    Research Into Technological Indicators of a Rye-wheat Dough Semi-finished Product with the Addition of the Polyfunctional Food Supplement "Magnetofооd"

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    We studied influence of the polyfunctional food supplement "Magnetofооd" on the technological parameters of rye-wheat dough semi-finished product and the finished product. A positive effect of the supplement "Magnetofооd" on the technological parameters of dough and the bread baked using it, is shown. It was established that adding the food supplement "Magnetofооd" in the amount of 0.15 % of the weight of flour reduces dough fermentation time by 13.0 on average %. The introduction of the food supplement "Magnetofооd" also increases the yield of a dough semi-finished product by 2.9 % on average and improves the yield of the finished product by 3.45 % on average. It was revealed that the multifunctional food supplement "Magnetofооd" enhances the quality of rye-wheat dough semi-finished product and the finished product due to its capacity of moisture retention and the inhibition of hydrolysis processes of the basic ingredients of dough.The obtained experimental data could be used to develop a technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with the polyfunctional food supplement "Magnetofооd"


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    Clinical task.Parents of a 3.5-year-old girl consulted a doctor due to the girl’s unusual urine color.The day before the girl had been complaining of pains in the lower abdomen. The girl urinated at night; in the morning the father discovered that the urine was bright crimson

    Lipid distress-syndrome and prospects of its correction by statines

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    Endothelial dysfunction in peritonitis: The formed concept of lipid distress syndrome (LDS) allows us to develop a working hypothesis on the key role of endothelial dysfunction in the aggressive development of atherosclerosis. The role of vascular endothelium in atherosclerosis: The process of NO production from L-arginine through eNOS involving tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is discussed. With the degradation of BH4 along the free radical path, an "eNOS uncouplation" (uncoupled eNOS). The clinical role of statins: Statins manifests itself by inhibiting the enzyme 3-hydroxy- 3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA reductase). Many large, randomized clinical trials have shown that lipid-lowering strategies that include statins have an anti-atherogenic potentia


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    Peculiarities of Formation of the Term System of International Trade: Linguocultural and Ecolinguistic Aspects

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    The article discusses linguistic and cultural factors influencing the formation of Russian and Chinese terminology systems in the field of international trade . Associated with the inclusion of terms in the systems of Russian and Chinese languages trends are studied from the point of view of linguoculturology and linguoecology. The relevance of the work is determined by the practical need to establish similarities and differences between Russian and Chinese language terminological systems used within intercultural communication as part of economic (trade) relations. The purpose of the study is to identify linguocultural determinacy and dominants of linguoecology inherent in the differentiated Russian and Chinese terminological systems in the field of international trade . The factual material of the study was Russian and Chinese lexical units of international trade terminological systems (the sample contains more than 500 lexical units). In accordance with the results of the study, out of the total number of the terms examined, 36 % are Russian-language borrowed units adapted with the help of semantic calquing 9 % out of 36 %); 64 % of units are borrowed with the use of transcription, out of which - transliteration 52 %) and other methods 12 %). Of the total number of Chinese terms considered, only 18 % are borrowings that, when entering the Chinese language, had undergone only phonetic and graphic types of adaptation; 29 % of the units are borrowed with the help of morphemic and semantic calquing and hybrids; 9 % are terms written in the Latin alphabet; upon that, 44 % of the units are native terms. In conclusion , the article suggests, that the terminological systems of international trade in the Russian and Chinese languages are influenced by conditions associated with the specifics of the languages themselves and with the mentality of the peoples of Russia and China, on the one hand, and with the processes of globalization, on the other hand

    Organization of work with undesired events within the system of medical activities quality and safety internal control with the use of digital technology

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    In accordance with the current legislation a healthcare organization shall be obliged to provide conditions for safe delivery of healthcare to patients and medical personnel performance.Implementation of effective model of medical activities quality and safety internal control producing meaningful result is a current license requirement to a healthcare organization.Implementation of risk-oriented approach to medical activities quality and safety management is an important constituent of modern stage of the Russian Federation healthcare functioning.It is necessary to understand sources of potential hazard within an organization, consider and analyze all undesired events and incidents arising in the process of a healthcare organization functioning and their reasons, take preventive measures to avoid them.The tasks of digital transformation in the Russian Federation healthcare are development of integrated digital contour, transition to electronic document flow, reduction of medical personnel’s time expenditure not involving delivery of healthcare.Implementation of customer centricity and digitalization principles is an absolute trend of modern stage of development of the Russian Federation healthcare. It determines necessity of development of present-day accounting and analyzing data system on undesired events in a healthcare organization.The article presents the experiment of Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Endoprosthetics (Barnaul, Russian Federation) in establishing system of work with undesired events and managerial decision-making on their avoidance and prevention with the use of present-day digital technology resulting in credible frequency reduction of undesired events in the space of 2.5 years

    Endothelium and cardioprotective effects of hmg-co-a-reductase in combination with l-arginine In endothelial dysfunction modeling

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    Using the combined application of L-arginine with HMG-Co-A reductase inhibitors simvastatin, atorvastatin, rosuvastatin and nanoparticulated rosuvastatin on the background of modeling of sepsis-induced disease through the introduction of strain 603 Staphylococcus aureus shows endotelio- and cardioprotective effect


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    A study has been conducted on the features of distriburion of Au among the fractions of a 7-step sequential extraction procedure using model substances that are similar in composition to natural organic matter from the dispersion train of sulfide tailings. Use has been made of model substances with known Au speciations: bulk native gold, nanoscale native gold, Au-containing pyrite, humic acids, and Fe(III) oxides/hydroxides, which served as the basis for preparing mixtures with low-Au filler substances (quartz, limestone, humic acids, Fe(III) oxides/hydroxides).It has been stated that several Au species are leached in one fraction during sequential extraction. Nanoscale Au0 and gold bound to the organic matter are leached together in easily oxidizable (organic) fraction; gold bound to Fe(III) compounds and Au complexes chemisorbed on the surface of other minerals (sulfides, aluminosilicates) are leached in reducible (hydroxides) fraction; "invisible" gold in sulfides, nanoscale Au0 and, partially, >1 μm-seized bulk Au0 are leached in hardly oxidizable (sulfidic) fraction. Bulk native gold is leached predominantly in residual fraction. Mobile species are Au bound to water-soluble organic compounds and complexes of ionic Au desorbed from the surface of minerals