918 research outputs found

    Методичні вказівки до лабораторних робіт по дисципліні "Електричні машини"

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    The edition is dedicated to expand the theoretical knowledge of foreign students on the "Electrical machines" discipline. The objects of study are transformers and electric machines, which are the basis of electric power in various industries. The subject of this course is electric machines, which are used in practice to convert one form of energy into another: mechanical to electrical (generators), electrical to mechanical (electric motors), power transformers, which convert the AC parameters, current and voltage.Видання присвячено розширенню теоретичних знань iноземних студентів з дисципліни "Електричні машини". Об'єктами дослідження є трансформатори та електричні машини, які є основою електроенергетики в різних галузях промисловості. Предметом даного курсу є електричні машини, які використовуються на практиці для перетворення однієї форми енергії в іншу: механічної в електричну (генератори), електричної в механічну (електродвигуни), а також силові трансформатори, які перетворюють параметри приладів змінного струму (струм та напругу)

    Застосування технологій E-learning в курсі англійської мови для аспірантів у НТУ "ХПІ"

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    The experience of introduction of E-learning into the English course for post-graduates at NTU "KhPI" is discussed. The major advantages of blended education in studying a foreign language are analyzed. It is concluded that introduction of distance education may be very effective especially for adult learners.Розглядається досвід впровадження технологій E-learning в курс англійської мови для аспірантів в НТУ «ХПІ». Аналізуються основні переваги «змішаного» навчання при вивченні іноземної мови. Робиться висновок, що застосування дистанційної освіти може буди достатньо ефективним, особливо для дорослих студенті

    Methodical instructions for laboratory works on the discipline "Electric machines"

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    This edition is dedicated to expand the theoretical knowledge of foreign students on the "Electric machines" discipline. The objects of study are transformers and electric machines, which are the basis of electric power in various industries. The subject of this course is electric machines, which are used in practice to convert one form of energy into another: mechanical to electrical (generator), electri-cal to mechanical (electric motors), and power transformers, which are used to con-vert the parameters of AC current and voltage

    Comfortable urban environment as the determining factor of the development of megapolises

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    The paper examines the impact of the development of large urban agglomerations on the welfare and quality of life. The attractiveness of megacities from the standpoint of increasing urbanization, the concentration of investment resources and the accumulation of industrial, financial and business centers in them today do not unequivocally affect the well-being and comfort of human living. Converting the wealth accumulated by the megalopolis into an attractive living environment becomes an elusive problem that requires research into the main factors and parameters of comfortable urban living. The method for evaluating megacities presented in the paper on the basis of the comfort parameters of the urban environment that we form allows us to identify areas of the necessary improvement, or the conversion of wealth into the quality of life

    Study of the effect of selective inhibitor of arginase II KUD 975 and of low doses of acetylsalicylic acid on the functional parameters of the cardiovascular system In experimental preeclampsia

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    The article considers study of the effect of selective inhibitor of Arginase II KUD 975 and of low doses of acetylsalicylic acid on the functional parameters of the cardiovascular system In experimental preeclampsi

    Lexical-Semantic Analysis of English Phraseological Units with Phytonym Component

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    This article devoted to the lexical-semantic analysis of English phraseological units with phytonym component. The subject of this paper is a lexical and semantic analysis and characteristics of such phraseological units. Special attention is given to lexical and semantic features of phytonyms functioning. The use of the term “phytonym” is define

    Enzymatic characterization of blood lymphocytes in various clinical and pathogenetic variants of respiratory allergy

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    Allergy is a sufficient social and economic issue of modern times. Altered immunity in allergic disorders is based, mainly, on the lymphocyte disturbances.Immune characteristics depend both on populations and subpopulational profile of immune cells, and on intrinsic intensity and specific features of theirintracellular metabolism. Interest to studies of intracellular metabolism of lymphocytes id determined by high-scale energetic and plastic processes aimed for support of immune homeostasis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the state of intracellular metabolism in peripheral blood lymphocytes from the patients with respiratory allergies of different genesis and respiratory affection.The study included patients with various clinical variants of respiratory allergy (n = 152) at the age of 21 to 63 years old, and virtually healthy blood donors (n = 209), comparable for age and sex. Within these cohorts, we have separately analyzed, e.g., respiratory atopy (atopic rhinosinusitis and atopic bronchial asthma), as well as respiratory pseudoatopy (polypous rhinosinusitis and asthmatic triad). Allergic disorders of upper respiratory ways were diagnosed in a complex clinical examination by allergologist/immunologist and otorhinolaryngologists. Bronchial asthma verification was based on current GINA criteria (2014). We used m standard common clinical methods and specific allergological diagnostics, e.g., allergological anamnesis, skin prick tests, with different non-infectious allergens, measurement of total and specific IgE’s with ELISA method. The parameters of intracellular metabolism of peripheral blood lymphocytes were determined with bioluminescent technique with bacterial luciferase. Actifity of NAD(P) and NAD(P)H enzymes was measured.Dehydrogenase activities in lymphocytes were expressed as enzyme un its (EU, 1 unit = 1 mcmol/min) per 104 cells.Certain changes of intracellular activities in peripheral lymphocytes are revealed, dependent on genesis and origin of allergic inflammation, and affection level of respiratory ways. In respiratory atopy (atopic rhinosinusitis and atopic bronchial asthma), irrelevant on the level of respiratory affection, the activities of intracellular enzymes suggest increased plastic processes that are maximally pronounced in atopic bronchial asthma. In respiratory pseudoatopy (polypous rhinosinusitis and asthmatic triad) the metabolic changes of lymphocytes presume activation of both plastic and energetic processes, with decreased intensity in asthmatic triad condition. Independent on genesis of respiratory allergic inflammation, we have determined low activity of NAD(P)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase, and NAD(H)-dependent lactate dehydrogenase in allergic inflammation of upper respiratory ways (atopic rhinosinusitis and polypous). Its activity is statistically higher in bronchial asthma (atopic bronchial asthma and asthmatic triad

    Functional constipation in children

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    Constipation is one of the most common nosologies that a pediatric gastroenterologist deals with during outpatient visits. In the vast majority of children with constipation the problem is functional in nature. According to studies published in the Russian Federation, the frequency of constipation in children accounts for about 25–30%. The joint clinical guidelines of the European and North American Societies of Pediatric Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists and Nutritionists for the management of children with functional constipation were published in 2014. The national guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of functional constipation are based on these guidelines. According to the clinical guidelines, the 2006 Rome III criteria should be used to establish the diagnosis of functional constipation in children. In May 2016, the Rome IV criteria that provide separate diagnostic criteria for infants and children under 4 years of age and children over 4 years and teenagers were adopted. A group of children with symptoms of constipation, who have already had toilet skills at the time of diagnosis, was identified among infants and children under 4 years of age. The presence of anxiety symptoms or refractory constipation (constipation that does not resolve within 3 months while taking adequate therapy) is considered an indication for use of additional examination methods, including instrumental ones. The manifestation of constipation is often associated with a change in eating habits - the period of introduction of complementary feeding in infants or the beginning of going to a day-care centre, inadequate fluid intake. The onset of constipation often coincides with the period of the development of hygiene skills (potty training). The voluntary stool retention by a child who is trying to avoid painful defecation experiences is the main mechanism for the development of constipation. The aim of functional constipation treatment is to soften the stools, which facilitates painless defecation and ensure that there is an urge to defecate. Clinical examples of the treatment of patients with functional constipation and chronic colonic stasis, functional constipation and encopresis are provided. The outcome of the treatment of functional constipation is to ensure painless defecation and the development of a stable defecation reflex. The drug therapy for functional constipation is based on the use of laxatives. Dietary advice and behavioral therapy also play an important role