1,192 research outputs found

    Pharmacotherapy exacerbations of chronic inflammatory conditions of female genital sphere using to Gepon and Longidaza

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    Research objective was establishment of changes of the metabolic status at an aggravation chronic salpingoophoritis and detection of efficiency of use in "Gepon's" complex pharmacotherapy and "Longidaza's" various medicinal form

    Integration of the problem of medical ecology on the level of the highly urbanized region

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    The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to the study of the basic issues of medical ecology: the dynamics of demographic indicators, the correlation of somatic and reproductive public health, depending on the influence of physical factors of the urban environment on public health on the basis of medical and geographic mapping. The article aims at the analysis of the environmentally determined disorder of the urbanized territory. The leading approach to the study of the issue of medical ecology is a medical and geographical mapping, which allows identifying the most affordable and common areas of multi-component medical and environmental maps. While analyzing the impact of various aspects of the environment on human health, the priority is given to risk factors that directly lead to the emergence of diseases. The contents of the article may be useful to justify the choice of the rational approach to public health as a redistribution mechanism to reallocate the space of ecological niches. © 2016 Rozenberg et al

    The environmental and health component of the content of elementary science education

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    In accordance with the social order of society of the environmental and health component is an important component of science education in elementary school. Health is seen as the most important value of the individual and society, and a healthy lifestyle as the key to a spiritually fulfilling life and productive activities. Health care as a line of the content of elementary science education focuses on the formation of Junior schoolchildren's health culture, environmentally friendly behavior in the environment and the need for a healthy lifestyleВ соответствии с социальным заказом общества эколого-валеологический компонент является важной составляющей естественнонаучного образования в начальной школе. Здоровье рассматривается как важнейшая ценность человека и общества, а здоровый образ жизни – как залог духовно наполненной жизни и продуктивной деятельности. Здоровьесбережение как линия содержания начального естественнонаучного образования ориентирует на формирование у младших школьников культуры здоровья, экологически безопасного поведения в окружающей среде и потребности в здоровом образе жизн

    Semantic features of the phraseological units with the component light within the artistic discourse

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    Conduct lexical and semantic analysis on the concept light in the artistic discourse of postmodern fictio

    Problems of single-industry towns: world experience and Russian practice

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    The process of industrialisation in Russia was accompanied by the creation of many cities, the economy of which is associated with a certain industry. At the same time, the city is completely dependent on one or more of the same type of enterprises. Such an enterprise is called a city-forming one, since it employs 30 % of all working people in the city, and their families make up half of the urban population. The dependence of the city on the enterprise that is one of the main problems, since the state of the enterprise directly affects the economy of the entire city. The activity of the enterprise determines the unemployment rate in the city, the size of the city budget and the state of engineering networks. In the case of a crisis and the shutdown of the enterprise, the economy of a single-industry city will face huge problems. The purpose of the study was to identify the problems of the Russian single-industry towns, and review foreign methods of leveling them. The object of the study were the Russian single-industry towns defined by the Russian Government Decree No. 1398-r dated on 29.07.2014 (revised on 21.01.2020) “On Approval of the List of Monoprofile Municipal Entities of the Russian Federation (Mono-Cities)”. The main research method was comparative analysis. The main problems of single-industry towns in Russia have been formulated: infrastructure provision and monoprofile economy. A comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in solving these problems is carried out and the directions of modernisation of Russian single-industry towns are proposed. Issues of legal support for the implementation of the proposed recommendations require further elaboration

    Reengineering of construction organizations and reengineering of the construction industry

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    The change of technological and managerial processes caused by scientific and technological progress and designated in the state strategy as the digital transformation should be reflected in the qualitative transformation of organizational structures and methods of implementation of investment and construction activities both at the corporate level and at the industry level. This qualitative transformation is commonly referred to as re-engineering. As a practice and as a methodology reengineering has in its genesis certain phenomena, and for justification uses theoretical tools advised by them. In this regard, the authors in the article argue that digital transformation should be a component of a deeper change in the sectors of the national economy -technological transformation. In terms of practical value reengineering for the industry and its corporate level can be seen as an effective technology for managing the timing and cost of construction, taking into account the needs of the population in the formation of a comfortable and safe environment of life

    Development of structural components of future technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general disciplines in college

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    The relevance of the problem stems from the necessity to develop and implement the formation model for structural components of future technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional disciplines. The purpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical study, to develop and approbate a model that forms the structural components of future maintenance and repair of automobile technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional discipline “Materials science”. The leading method towards studies of this problem is technologies and methods of educational process modeling; works on educational research methodology. The article theoretically proves, develops and approbates a formation model for future maintenance and repair of automobiles technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional discipline “Materials science”. This article may be useful for developing the competence-oriented content for training courses aimed at the formation of structural components of professional competencies. © 2016 Kopilov et al

    Cryopreservation of primary trypsinized fibroblast cells of chicken embryos using various cryoprotectants

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    Cryopreservation is the optimal way to store cells at ultra-low temperatures. Cryoprotectants are added to cell culture suspension to reduce cell death due to exposure to low temperatures. Cryoprotective media contain combinations of various cryoprotectants. Ethylene glycol, glycerin, dimethyl sulfoxide, sucrose, dextran, propylene  glycol, albumin, polyvinylpyrrolidone and blood serum can be used as cryoprotectants. For cryopreservation it is necessary  to select a cryoprotectant that ensures the highest survival of cells after storage and thawing. The paper presents  the results of experiments  on comparing the effectiveness of dimethyl sulfoxide, ethylene  glycol and glycerin in cryopreservation  of primary trypsinized chicken embryo fibroblasts. As a result of cell suspension  equillibration  (incubation  at room temperature) with serum and the specified cryoprotectants at different concentrations, the suspension variants containing different cryoprotectant and serum ratios were selected for freezing. Previously, it was found that after 12 months of observation, when using dimethyl sulfoxide as a cryoprotectant,  the largest number of surviving cells (46%) was observed in a suspension  containing  20% fetal serum and 10% dimethyl sulfoxide. The amount of surviving  cells if 10% fetal serum  and 5% ethylene  glycol were included in the cryoprotective mixture was slightly lower and amounted  to 36% after 12 months of observation. Glycerin is shown  to have weak protective properties as regards chicken embryo fibroblast cells. After 8 months of storage, the amount of surviving cells in a suspension containing 10% serum and 5% glycerin was 22%, no live cells were found in this mixture if stored longer. The proliferative properties of cells and their sensitivity to viruses remained within the 12 months  of the experiment

    Synthesis of High-Purity Silica Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Method

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    Colloidal silica (silica sol) nanoparticles were synthesized by ammonia- and hydrochloric acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane with subsequent condensation and polymerization. Silica particles with the size of 12‒160 nm were obtained at different temperatures and ratios of the initial reactants and studied by means of TEM, AFM, IR spectroscopy and zeta-potential measurements. The reaction conditions providing the minimum particle size in the final product of the most complete hydrolysis were determined. At pH above 8.5, an increase in the SiO2 content of the sol to 23 wt.% did not change the particle size. At a low (~ 1.8 wt.%) SiO2 content of the sol, a wide variation in pH also did not exert a significant effect on the particle size. Stability of the silica sols synthesized in an alkaline medium was enhanced by the replacement of alcohol with water during evaporation at pH 8.5‒9.5. The possibility to produce silica sols with the required characteristics (particle size, pH, stability, purity, and SiO2 content in an aqueous or alcohol medium) makes them applicable in various industries