
Development of structural components of future technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general disciplines in college


The relevance of the problem stems from the necessity to develop and implement the formation model for structural components of future technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional disciplines. The purpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical study, to develop and approbate a model that forms the structural components of future maintenance and repair of automobile technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional discipline “Materials science”. The leading method towards studies of this problem is technologies and methods of educational process modeling; works on educational research methodology. The article theoretically proves, develops and approbates a formation model for future maintenance and repair of automobiles technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional discipline “Materials science”. This article may be useful for developing the competence-oriented content for training courses aimed at the formation of structural components of professional competencies. © 2016 Kopilov et al

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