101 research outputs found
Hipoparatiroidismo e pseudohipoparatiroidismo
The principal function of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) is maintenance of calcium plasmatic levels, withdrawing the calcium from bone tissue, reabsorbing it from the glomerular filtrate, and indirectly increasing its intestinal absorption by stimulating active vitamin D (calcitriol) production. Additionally, the PTH prompts an increase in urinary excretion of phosphorus and bicarbonate, seeking a larger quantity of free calcium available in circulation. Two mechanisms may alter its function, limiting its control on calcium: insufficient PTH production by the parathyroids (hypoparathyroidism), or a resistance against its action in target tissues (pseudohypoparathyroidism). In both cases, there are significantly reduced levels of plasmatic calcium associated with hyperphosphatemia. Clinical cases are characterized by nervous hyperexcitability, with paresthesia, cramps, tetany, hyperreflexia, convulsions, and tetanic crisis. Abnormalities such as cataracts and basal ganglia calcification are also typical of these diseases. Treatment consists of oral calcium supplementation associated with increased doses of vitamin D derivatives.A principal função do paratormônio (PTH) é a manutenção dos níveis plasmáticos de cálcio, retirando-o do tecido ósseo, reabsorvendo-o do filtrado glomerular e, indiretamente, aumentando sua absorção intestinal através do estímulo para a produção de vitamina D ativa (calcitriol). Além disso, o PTH promove um aumento na excreção urinária de fósforo e bicarbonato, objetivando uma maior quantidade de cálcio livre disponível na circulação. Dois mecanismos podem alterar sua função, limitando seu controle sobre o cálcio: produção insuficiente de PTH pelas paratiróides (hipoparatiroidismo), ou uma resistência à sua ação nos órgãos-alvo (pseudohipoparatiroidismo). Em ambos os casos, ocorre uma redução significativa dos níveis plasmáticos de cálcio em associação com hiperfosfatemia. Manifestações clínicas características são: hiperexcitabilidade nervosa, com parestesia, cãimbras, tetania, hiperreflexia, convulsões e crise tetânica. Catarata e calcificação dos gânglios basais são anormalidades típicas dessas doenças. O tratamento consiste da suplementação oral de cálcio, associada com doses elevadas de derivados da vitamina D.UNIFESP-EPM Division of EndocrinologyUFPr SEMPRUNIFESP, EPM, Division of EndocrinologySciEL
Bone Mineral Density in Spinal Cord Injury: An Evaluation of the Distal Femur
Osteoporosis (OP) in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients is a secondary process in which numerous factors are involved. Diagnosing OP and the threshold for fractures in this population, based on bone mineral density (BMD) measured by double energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), is still a challenge. The aim of this study was to evaluate bone mineral loss by DXA, its relationship with body composition and fracture incidence, in complete paraplegics patients, compared with aged-matched controls; we include a nonstandard bone site, the distal femur, and describe the technical and practical aspects of this procedure. Twenty-five SCI patients were included in the study and 17 subjects as control group. No prior or recent fractures were observed in X-ray analysis. The BMD of all femoral sites was significantly lower in patients than in controls (femoral neck, total femur, and distal femur); no difference was observed between BMD of the lumbar spine of patients and controls. We found inverse relationship between time of SCI and bone mineral mass only for distal femur BMD. We conclude that the distal femur is a more sensitive bone site for assessing bone loss by DXA, in SCI patients, than the proximal femoral sites
A 10-Year Experience in Intraoperative Parathyroid Hormone Measurements for Primary Hyperparathyroidism: A Prospective Study of 91 Previous Unexplored Patients
Introduction. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP) is characteristically determined by high levels of calcium and high or inappropriate levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Technological advances have dramatically changed the surgical technique over the years once intraoperative parathyroid hormone (IOPTH) assay had allowed for focused approaches. Objective. To evaluate our 10-year experience in employing a rapid intraoperative PTH assay for PHP. Methods. A prospective cohort of 91 PHP-operated patients in a tertiary institution in São Paulo, Brazil, from June 2000 to April 2011. Results. We had 85 (93.4%) successful parathyroidectomies, 6 (6.6%) failed parathyroidectomies in 91 previous unexplored patients, and 5 (100%) successful remedial surgeries. The IOPTH was true-positive in 88.5%, true-negative in 7.3%, false-positive in 2.1%, and false-negative in 2.1% of the procedures. IOPTH was able to obviate additional exploration or to ask for additional exploration in 92 (95.8%) procedures. Conclusion. The IOPTH revealed to be an important technological adjunct in the current parathyroid surgery for PHP
Total Parathyroidectomy with Presternal Intramuscular Autotransplantation in Renal Patients: A Prospective Study of 66 Patients
Surgical treatment of secondary (SHPT) and tertiary hyperparathyroidism (THPT) may involve various surgical approaches. The aim of this paper was to evaluate presternal intramuscular autotransplantation of parathyroid tissue as a surgical option in SHPT and THPT treatment. 66 patients with renal chronic disease underwent surgery from April 2000 to April 2005 at Universidade Federal São Paulo, Brazil. There were 38 SHPT patients (24 women/14 men), mean age of 39.yrs (range: 14–58), and 28 THPT patients (14 women/14 men), mean age of 43.4 yrs (range: 24–62). Postoperative average followup was 42.9 months (range: 12–96). Postoperative intact PTH increased throughout followup from 73.5 pg/mL to 133 pg/mL on average from 1st to the 5th year, respectively, in SHPT and from 54.9 pg/mL to 94.7 pg/mL on average from 1st to 5th year, respectively, in THPT group. Definitive hypoparathyroidism was observed in 4 (6.06%) patients and graft-dependent recurrence in 6 (9.09%). Presternal intramuscular autotransplantation of parathyroid tissue is a feasible and safe surgical option in SHPT and THPT treatment
Parathyroid carcinoma
Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare condition, comprising less than 1% of the cases of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP). Nonetheless, due to its aggressiveness, and having prognosis dependent on the precocity of diagnosis and radical therapeutic approach, it is paramount that the clinical suspicion be made before surgery. Clinical presentation is typical of severe PHP, with a parathyroid tumor >1.5cm, usually palpable. The pathologic features sometimes are difficult to characterize. Our experience with this condition (from 1983 to 2004) includes 7 cases, all symptomatic, hypercalcemic syndrome and bone disease present in most of them. In 6/7 the tumor was palpable, and in all the biochemical profile was compatible with severe PHP. Three patients died of complications of hypercalcemia. Recent findings point to a mutation on the gene HRPT2 as the molecular base for the development of this kind of tumor. The therapeutic approach is surgical and should include ipsilateral thyroidectomy and cervical exploration in order to find possible local metastasis. Post-surgical complications (mainly hypocalcemia) are proportional to the pre-existing metabolic alterations. The long-term prognosis depends upon the precocity of diagnosis, surgical success and control of hypercalcemia. New therapeutic approaches, based on bisphosphonates and calcimimetic drugs, as well as the possibility of genetic diagnosis, tend to ameliorate the prognosis of this severe affection.Carcinoma de paratiróide é uma condição rara, correspondendo na maior parte das casuísticas a menos de 1% dos casos de hiperparatiroidismo primário (HPP). No entanto, pela sua gravidade, e com o prognóstico dependente do diagnóstico precoce e de uma conduta agressiva, é fundamental que a suspeita clínica seja feita pré-operatoriamente. As características clínicas são compatíveis com um caso de HPP grave, sintomático, com tumor cervical >1,5cm, podendo ser palpável. A definição anátomo-patológica pode ser difícil em muitos casos. Nossa casuística (1983-2004) compreende 7 casos, todos sintomáticos, com síndrome hipercalcêmica e doença óssea presente na maioria. Em 6/7 o tumor era palpável, e todos apresentavam quadro bioquímico compatível. Três pacientes faleceram em quadro de hipercalcemia refratária. Dados recentes apontam para uma mutação no gene HRPT2 como base molecular para o desenvolvimento destes tumores. A conduta é cirúrgica e deve incluir hemitiroidectomia e exploração cervical ampliada, procurando focos metastáticos. O pós-operatório é compatível com a gravidade da alteração metabólica pré-existente, sendo comum a tendência a hipocalcemia. O prognóstico de longo prazo depende do diagnóstico precoce, do sucesso cirúrgico e do controle da hipercalcemia. Novas possibilidades terapêuticas, na forma de bisfosfonatos e drogas calcimiméticas, bem como a possibilidade de diagnóstico genético, tendem a melhorar o prognóstico desta grave condição.Escola Paulista de Medicina Serviço de Doenças Ósteo-MetabólicasInstituto FleuryUNIFESP, EPM, Serviço de Doenças Ósteo-MetabólicasSciEL
Carcinoma de paratiróide: características clínicas e anátomo-patológicas de cinco casos
Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare disease, with about 535 cases reported in the literature until now. In this paper, we reviewed 5 cases of parathyroid carcinoma followed at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) from 1983 to 1998, and discuss aspects of clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. Four patients were female and 1 male, with median ages of 52 years (10 to 77 years). Initial clinical complains were bone pain and weight loss in 4 patients, traumatic fracture in 2, and fracture without trauma in 3. Kidney stone was present in 1 patient. All had a palpable mass in the cervical region and presented with high calcium levels: 14.9±1.7mg/dL (mean±SD). Parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were extremely high, showing the severity of the disease. All patients had surgical exploration where a tumor mass was recognized and removed. Pathologic examination demonstrated parathyroid carcinoma in all. On follow-up, 2 patients had recurrence and died due to complications of hyperparathyroidism. To date, the other 3 patients have no evidences of recurrence.O carcinoma de paratiróide é uma entidade rara, havendo cerca de 535 casos descritos na literatura. Neste trabalho, revisamos a nossa casuística de 5 pacientes com carcinoma de paratiróide avaliados no período de 1983 a 1998 no serviço de Doenças Ósteo-Metabólicas da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), analisando critérios diagnósticos, conduta terapêutica e a evolução destes pacientes e comparando os nossos dados com os achados de literatura. Entre os nossos pacientes, 4 eram do sexo feminino e 1 do sexo masculino, com mediana ao diagnóstico de 52 anos de idade, variando de 10 a 77 anos. As queixas iniciais incluíam presença de dores ósseas acompanhada de perda de peso em 4 pacientes, presença de fratura não traumática em 3 pacientes e traumática em 2 e clínica de nefrolitíase em 1 paciente. Todos apresentavam nódulo palpável em região cervical, níveis de cálcio total bastante elevados com média(±DP) de 14,9±1,7mg/dL. PTH também se encontrava muito elevado, refletindo a magnitude da severidade da doença. Todos foram submetidos à exploração cirúrgica cervical com retirada da massa tumoral, que foi coincidente com o achado palpatório de nódulo cervical. O exame anátomo-patológico revelou o diagnóstico de carcinoma de paratiróide em todos estes casos. No seguimento, 2 pacientes apresentaram recidiva tumoral e evoluíram para óbito por complicações do hiperparatiroidismo. Os outros 3 casos encontram-se em acompanhamento ambulatorial no nosso hospital, sem evidências até o momento de recidiva tumoral.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Disciplina de Endocrinologia e MetabologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Disciplina de Anatomia PatológicaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Disciplina de Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoUNIFESP, Disciplina de Endocrinologia e MetabologiaUNIFESP, Disciplina de Anatomia PatológicaUNIFESP, Disciplina de Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoSciEL
High morbid-mortability and reduced level of osteoporosis diagnosis among elderly people who had hip fractures in São Paulo City
OBJECTIVE: To know the morbid-mortality following an osteoporotic hip fracture in elderly patients living in São Paulo. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study evaluated prospectively all patient over 60 years admitted in 2 school-hospitals in the city of São Paulo in a following 6-month period due to a osteoporotic proximal femur fracture. All of them filled up the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and had their chart reviewed. After 6 months they were re-interviewed. Linear regression analysis was utilized to determine the factors related to functional ability. RESULTS: 56 patients were included (mean age 80.7 ± 7.9 years old, 80.4% females). After the 6-month follow up the mortality rate was 23.2%. Only 30% of the patients returned to their previous activities, and 11.6% became totally dependent. Factors related to worse functional ability after fracture were HAQ before fracture, institutionalization after fracture and age (r² 0.482). The diagnosis of osteoporosis was informed only by 13.9% of them, and just 11.6% received any treatment for that. CONCLUSION: Our results showed the great impact of these fractures on mortality and in the functional ability of these patients. Nevertheless, many of our physicians do not inform the patients about the diagnosis of osteoporosis and, consequently, the treatment of this condition is jeopardized.As fraturas osteoporóticas de fêmur proximal trazem graves conseqüências quanto à morbimortalidade e à qualidade de vida, mas desconhece-se este impacto no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Conhecer a morbimortalidade decorrente deste tipo de fraturas em idosos na cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos todos os pacientes com mais de 60 anos internados por fraturas de fêmur proximal durante seis meses, em dois hospitais de São Paulo. Os pacientes preencheram o questionário de capacidade funcional (HAQ), tiveram seu prontuário examinado e foram reavaliados após seis meses. Utilizou-se a análise de regressão linear para determinar os fatores relacionados à capacidade funcional. RESULTADOS: Cinqüenta e seis pacientes foram incluídos no estudo (80,7 ± 7,9 anos; 80,4% mulheres). A mortalidade em seis meses foi de 23,2%. Apenas 30% retornaram plenamente às suas atividades prévias e 11,6% tornaram-se completamente dependentes. Os fatores que mais bem conseguiram prever pior capacidade funcional após a fratura foram HAQ pré-fratura, institucionalização pós-fratura e idade (r² 0,482). Somente 13,9% receberam o diagnóstico de osteoporose e 11,6% iniciaram algum tratamento. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram o impacto deste tipo de fraturas sobre a mortalidade e a capacidade funcional. Entretanto, a falha médica no diagnóstico e na orientação de tratamento da osteoporose permanece elevada.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaSanta Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Departamento de OrtopediaUNIFESP-EPM EPMUNIFESP, EPM, EPMSciEL
Population analysis of vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and the role of genetic ancestry in an admixed population
The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is an essential protein related to bone metabolism. Some VDR alleles are differentially distributed among ethnic populations and display variable patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD). In this study, 200 unrelated Brazilians were genotyped using 21 VDR single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 28 ancestry informative markers. The patterns of LD and haplotype distribution were compared among Brazilian and the HapMap populations of African (YRI), European (CEU) and Asian (JPT+CHB) origins. Conditional regression and haplotype-specific analysis were performed using estimates of individual genetic ancestry in Brazilians as a quantitative trait. Similar patterns of LD were observed in the 5′ and 3′ gene regions. However, the frequency distribution of haplotype blocks varied among populations. Conditional regression analysis identified haplotypes associated with European and Amerindian ancestry, but not with the proportion of African ancestry. Individual ancestry estimates were associated with VDR haplotypes. These findings reinforce the need to correct for population stratification when performing genetic association studies in admixed populations
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