181 research outputs found

    La sclérose en plaques, un handicap multidimensionnel

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    Creating Reel Designs: Reflecting on Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita in the Community

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    Because of its extreme rarity, the genetic disease arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) and the needs of individuals with the diagnosis are often overlooked. AMC refers to the development of nonprogressive contractures in disparate areas of the body and is characterized by decreased flexibility in joints, muscle atrophy, and developmental delays. Colton Darst, a seven-year-old boy from Indianapolis, Indiana, was born with the disorder, and since then, he has undergone numerous surgical interventions and continues to receive orthopedic therapy to reduce his physical limitations. His parents, Michael and Amber Darst, have hopes for him to regain his limbic motion and are very open to trying out new assistive devices that would promote independent utilization and potentially help him participate in activities with minimal assistance. This reflective essay aims to elaborate on and evaluate the human-centered design project I worked on with my EPICS Assistive Technology team and the community impact fostered by it. Our service-driven and product design project places emphasis on a family hobby that Colton wishes to be able to take part in—fishing. As a result of his condition, it is difficult for him to engage in this and similar activities, preventing him from connecting with his family and peers at a more physical level. By conducting prototyping of different autonomous systems on a device, implementing hardware programming on electrical control systems, and engaging in research and experimentation of computer-aided designs, my team and I were able to engineer and tailor to Colton’s specific needs a high-functioning assistive device that compensates for his lack of muscular mobility, allowing this project to serve as a medium through which I could integrate and channel my knowledge of physiology and mechanics and take a step forward on the journey toward innovating and revolutionizing health care technology. Additionally, this essay discusses a variety of aspects related to the bridges between empathy, innovation, service-learning, and human-centered design, and, despite its limitations, the ways our service project is helping to alleviate the problem that not only Colton, but so many others are currently facing. Similarly, the essay also outlines the impact this experience has had on me, in the context of my direct contribution to improving quality of life and raising awareness of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita at the emotional, societal, and professional levels. Given the promising impact that we all can make, it is important to contribute to paving the way and helping lead Colton and those like him toward empowerment, inclusivity, and opportunity

    The effect of masonry infill walls on the reinforced concrete frames behavior under lateral load

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    The reinforced concrete structures with masonry infill walls are widely used to construct buildings in Algeria, as in many parts of the world. According to earthquake analysis, this type of construction can undergo serious damage under seismic load. The interaction between the infill wall and the surrounding reinforced concrete structure is considered a key parameter, which could trigger damage and even collapse in self-stable frame buildings. To study the behavior of this type of structures and the wall–frame interaction, four half-scale single-storey, single-bay reinforced concrete unfilled and unfilled frames were constructed and tested under in-plane lateral load. Furthermore, the experimental results were analyzed using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique giving a detailed analysis of displacement and strain fields. The wall–frame interaction was evaluated in terms of displacement field evolution and interface slip in the contact contour. The masonry infill wall demonstrated a significant influence on the in-plane lateral response of this type of structure. The analysis of the results of the experiment are discussed in this paper

    The relationship of delegation of authority to raising the performance of workers in the Directorate of Youth and Sports of the state of Souk Ahras

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    نهدف من خلال الدراسة إلى التعرف على علاقة تفويض السلطة بالرفع من أداء العاملين بمديرية الشباب والرياضة لولاية سوق أهراس وإبراز أهمية تفويض السلطة لدى العاملين بمديرية الشباب والرياضة، وقد استخدمنا المنهج الوصفي التحليلي على عينة متكونة من 30 عاملا بمديرية الشباب والرياضة لولاية سوق أهراس وتم اختيارها عن طريق المسح الشامل، وكانت أداة الدراسة مجسدة في الاستبيان، وأهم النتائج المتوصل إليها: توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى دلالة (0.05≥ α) حول تفويض السلطة لدى العاملين بمديرية الشباب والرياضة تعزى لمتغير، كما توجد علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين محور تفويض السلطة و أداء العاملين من وجهة نظر العاملين بمديرية الشباب والرياضة.We aim through the study to identify the relationship of delegation of authority to raising the performance of workers in the Directorate of Youth and Sports for the state of the Ahras market and highlight the importance of delegation of authority to workers in the Directorate of Youth and Sports، and we have used the descriptive analytical approach to a sample of 30 workers in the Directorate of Youth and Sports for the state of the Ahras market and was chosen for Through the comprehensive survey، the study tool was embodied in the questionnaire، and the most important results reached: There are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05≥ α) about delegation of authority to employees of the Directorate of Youth and Sports attributed to a variable، and there is also a statistically significant relationship between m War delegation of authority and performance of workers from the viewpoint of working the Directorate of Youth and Sports

    The strategy of adopting the subjective and economic requirements as a mechanism in the application of entrepreneurship in the sports field

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    تهدف دراستنا إلى معرفة درجة اعتماد الاستراتيجيات الحديثة (الذاتية، الاقتصادية) كآلية في تطبيق المقاولاتية بالمجال الرياضي لدى طلبة معهد علوم وتقنيات النشاطات البدنية والرياضية، ومن أهم النتائج المتوصل اليها:- توجد درجة مرتفعة لاعتماد الاستراتيجية الذاتية في تطبيق المقاولاتية بالمجال الرياضي، - توجد درجة منخفضة لاعتماد الاستراتيجية الاقتصادية في تطبيق المقاولاتية من وجهة نظر طلبة معهد الرياضة بجامعة سوق أهراسOur study aims to know the degree of adoption of modern strategies (subjective, economic) as a mechanism in the application of entrepreneurship in the sports field among students of the Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities. A low degree of adopting the economic strategy in the application of entrepreneurship from the point of view of the students of the Sports Institute at Souk Ahras Universit

    Speakers’ Communicative Intention in a Piece of Writing

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight the distinction between what is said and what is meant, in a word the textual meaning and the contextual meaning. Hence, the author of this study tries to put a line of demarcation between semantics and pragmatics, taking into consideration the speaker’s background and intention as well as the hearer’s understanding of the same speech act produced. It also shows the difficulty of interpreting utterances in a real speech situation as well as in speeches in writing. A good example from Jane Eyre is given to illustrate the hypocritical religious man who allows for his own children what should definitely be forbidden for the orphans. Consequently, his speech act is expressed by a flagrant contradiction. Then a brief literature review explores Lehrer’s scaling method about the similarities and the differences in meaning of language in context. Finally, this humble study argues that what is usually presented in literary texts is not always understood through its semantic meaning because it is never explicitly explained. Therefore, the reader should be aware of all factors even the interlocutors’ degree of familiarity

    The effect of masonry infill walls on the reinforced concrete frames behavior under lateral load

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    The reinforced concrete structures with masonry infill walls are widely used to construct buildings in Algeria, as in many parts of the world. According to earthquake analysis, this type of construction can undergo serious damage under seismic load. The interaction between the infill wall and the surrounding reinforced concrete structure is considered a key parameter, which could trigger damage and even collapse in self-stable frame buildings. To study the behavior of this type of structures and the wall–frame interaction, four half-scale single-storey, single-bay reinforced concrete unfilled and unfilled frames were constructed and tested under in-plane lateral load. Furthermore, the experimental results were analyzed using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique giving a detailed analysis of displacement and strain fields. The wall–frame interaction was evaluated in terms of displacement field evolution and interface slip in the contact contour. The masonry infill wall demonstrated a significant influence on the in-plane lateral response of this type of structure. The analysis of the results of the experiment are discussed in this paper

    The relationship of some administrative positions with improving the job performance of athletes of athletics clubs for people with special needs

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    نهدف  من دراستنا إلى إبراز العلاقة بين بعض الوظائف الإدارية والأداء الوظيفي لدى مسيري أندية ألعاب القوى لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ،وقد استخدمنا المنهج الوصفي التحليلي على عينة تتكون من30 مسيرا ،حيث تم اختيارها بطريقة مسحية وقد تم استخدام الاستبيان. وأهم النتائج المتوصل إليها:- توجد علاقة بين التخطيط،التنظيم،الرقابة والأداء الوظيفي لدى مسيري أندية ألعاب القوى لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.We aim, through our study, to highlight the relationship between some administrative functions and the job performance of athletes of athletics clubs for people with special needs. Selected by the comprehensive inventory method. A questionnaire was distributed to the examined and the following results were reached: - There is a relationship between planning, organization, control and job performance among athletes of athletics clubs for people with special need