49 research outputs found

    Tratamento focal e perifocal contra Aëdes aegypti

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    Em quatro bairros da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, foram feitos ensaios de tratamento focal com abate granulado a 1 ppm e perifocal com pó molhável de Sumition a 2,5%. Esses tratamentos foram feitos tanto isoladamente quanto em conjunto e, também, associados à aplicação de inseticida a ultrabaixo volume. Os índices prediais, levantados um mês depois de terminado o trabalho, mostraram que o tratamento focal dispensa qualquer medida auxiliar. O tratamento perifocal mostrou-se inócuo e incapaz de impedir o aparecimento de larvas de Aëdes aegypti e de outros insetos, em pneus pintados, na face externa, com Sumition e com Malation.<br>In four districts of the city of Rio dc Janeiro focal treatment essays with granulated Abate at 1 ppm and perifocal treatment essays with wettable powder of Sumithion at 2,5% were performed. These were made either alone or in combination as well as associated to insecticides applied at ultra low volume. The premise indices obtained one month after the treatments indicates that the focal treatment alone is effective, no other addicional methods being necessary. The perifocal treatment is not effective and did not prevent the development of Aedes aegypti larvae and other insects in tires which had their external surface painted with Sumithion and Malathion

    The hidden costs of cheap group tours - a case study of business practices in Australia

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    This paper deals with an issue that has been identified in many markets where there are large numbers of package tourists. In Australia, there have been a number of studies undertaken into the use of a range of dubious business practices employed by Inbound Tour Operators (ITOs), particularly in the Korean market. The cause for this problem is identified as the minimization of the retail price of package tour by transferring part of the cost of the tour to ITOs in the destination country. Under this system, ITOs are paid a daily tour rate below their real costs and are forced to recover losses by employing a range of dubious business practices including forced shopping and kickbacks from shops. The paper models the normal operation of the package tour cycle where no business practices are used and compares this to the Korean package inbound market in Australia where the use of business practices of this nature is widespread

    Filamin-A is essential for dopamine d2 receptor expression and signaling in tumorous lactotrophs

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    Context: Dopamine agonists (DA) are the first choice treatment of prolactinomas. However, a subset of patients is resistant to DA, due to undefined dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) alterations. Recently, D2R was found to associate with filamin-A (FLNA), a widely expressed cytoskeleton protein with scaffolding properties, in melanoma and neuronal cells. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the role of FLNA in D2R expression and signaling in human tumorous lactotrophs and rat MMQ and GH3 cells. Design: We analyzed FLNA expression in a series of prolactinomas by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting.Weperformed FLNA silencing or transfection experiments in cultured cells from DA-sensitive or -resistant prolactinomas and in MMQ and GH3 cells, followed by analysis of D2R expression and signaling. Results: We demonstrated reduced FLNA and D2R expression in DA-resistant tumors. The crucial role of FLNA on D2R was demonstrated by experiments showing that: 1) FLNA silencing in DA-sensitive prolactinomas resulted in 60% reduction of D2R expression and abrogation of DA-induced inhibition of prolactin release and antiproliferative signals, these results being replicated in MMQ cells that endogenously express FLNA and D2R; and 2) FLNA overexpression in DA-resistant prolactinomas restored D2R expression and prolactin responsiveness to DA, whereas this manipulation was ineffective in GH3 cells that express FLNA but not D2R. No alteration in FLNA promoter methylation was detected, ruling out the occurrence of epigenetic FLNA silencing in DA-resistant prolactinomas. Conclusions: These data indicate that FLNA is crucial for D2R expression and signaling in lactotrophs, suggesting that the impaired response to DA may be related to the reduction of FLNA expression in DA-resistant prolactinomas. Copyrigh