326 research outputs found

    Model Systems to Study Plague Pathogenesis and Develop New Therapeutics

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    The Gram negative bacterium Yersinia pestis can infect humans by multiple routes to cause plague. Three plague pandemics have occurred and Y. pestis has been linked to biowarfare in the past. The continued risk of plague as a bioweapon has prompted increased research to understand Y. pestis pathogenesis and develop new plague therapeutics. Several in vivo models have been developed for this research and are reviewed here

    Heterogeneous immunological landscapes and medieval plague : an invitation to a new dialogue between historians and immunologists.

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    Efforts to understand the differential mortality caused by plague must account for many factors, including human immune responses. In this essay we are particularly interested in those people who were exposed to the Yersinia pestis pathogen during the Black Death, but who had differing fates—survival or death—that could depend on which individuals (once infected) were able to mount an appropriate immune response as a result of biological, environmental, and social factors. The proposed model suggests that historians of the medieval world could make a significant contribution to the study of human health, and especially the role of human immunology in past environments and societies, by helping to reconstruct these conditions

    Comparative analysis of the regulation of rovA from the pathogenic Yersiniae

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    RovA is a MarR/SlyA-type regulator that mediates the transcription of inv in Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis. In Y. pseudotuberculosis, rovA transcription is controlled primarily by H-NS and RovA, which bind to similar regions within the rovA promoter. At 37°C, rovA transcription is repressed by H-NS. Transcription of rovA results when RovA relieves H-NS-mediated repression. The region of the rovA promoter that H-NS and RovA bind is not conserved in the Y. enterocolitica promoter. Using green fluorescent protein reporters, we determined that the Y. enterocolitica rovA (rovA(Yent)) promoter is weaker than the Y. pseudotuberculosis promoter. However, despite the missing H-NS/RovA binding site in the rovA(Yent) promoter, H-NS and RovA are still involved in the regulation of rovA(Yent). DNA binding studies suggest that H-NS and RovA bind with a higher affinity to the Y. pseudotuberculosis/Y. pestis rovA (rovA(Ypstb/Ypestis)) promoter than to the rovA(Yent) promoter. Furthermore, H-NS appears to bind to two regions in a cooperative fashion within the rovA(Yent) promoter that is not observed with the rovA(Ypstb/Ypestis) promoter. Finally, using a transposon mutagenesis approach, we identified a new positive regulator of rovA in Y. enterocolitica, LeuO. In Escherichia coli, LeuO regulates gene expression via changes in levels of RpoS and H-NS, but LeuO-mediated regulation of rovA(Yent) appears to be independent of either of these two proteins. Together, these data demonstrate that while the rovA regulatory factors are conserved in Yersinia, divergence of Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis/Y. pestis during evolution has resulted in modifications in the mechanisms that are responsible for controlling rovA transcription

    Acquisition of omptin reveals cryptic virulence function of autotransporter YapE in Yersinia pestis

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    Autotransporters, the largest family of secreted proteins in Gram negative bacteria, perform a variety of functions, including adherence, cytotoxicity, and immune evasion. In Yersinia pestis the autotransporter YapE has adhesive properties and contributes to bubonic infection of the mouse model. Here, we demonstrate that omptin cleavage of Y. pestis YapE is required to mediate bacterial aggregation and adherence to eukaryotic cells. We demonstrate that omptin cleavage is specific for the Y. pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis YapE orthologs but is not conserved in the Y. enterocolitica protein. We also show that cleavage of YapE occurs in Y. pestis but not in the enteric Yersinia species, and requires the omptin Pla (plasminogen activator protease), which is encoded on the Y. pestis-specific plasmid pPCP1. Together, these data show that post-translation modification of YapE appears to be specific to Y. pestis, was acquired along with the acquisition of pPCP1 during the divergence of Y. pestis from Y. pseudotuberculosis, and are the first evidence of a novel mechanism to regulate bacterial adherence

    Crystal Structure of \u3cem\u3eYersinia pestis\u3c/em\u3e Virulence Factor YfeA Reveals Two Polyspecific Metal-Binding Sites

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    Gram-negative bacteria use siderophores, outer membrane receptors, inner membrane transporters and substrate-binding proteins (SBPs) to transport transition metals through the periplasm. The SBPs share a similar protein fold that has undergone significant structural evolution to communicate with a variety of differentially regulated transporters in the cell. In Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, YfeA (YPO2439, y1897), an SBP, is important for full virulence during mammalian infection. To better understand the role of YfeA in infection, crystal structures were determined under several environmental conditions with respect to transition-metal levels. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and anomalous X-ray scattering data show that YfeA is polyspecific and can alter its substrate specificity. In minimal-media experiments, YfeA crystals grown after iron supplementation showed a threefold increase in iron fluorescence emission over the iron fluorescence emission from YfeA crystals grown from nutrient-rich conditions, and YfeA crystals grown after manganese supplementation during overexpression showed a fivefold increase in manganese fluorescence emission over the manganese fluorescence emission from YfeA crystals grown from nutrient-rich conditions. In all experiments, the YfeA crystals produced the strongest fluorescence emission from zinc and could not be manipulated otherwise. Additionally, this report documents the discovery of a novel surface metal-binding site that prefers to chelate zinc but can also bind manganese. Flexibility across YfeA crystal forms in three loops and a helix near the buried metal-binding site suggest that a structural rearrangement is required for metal loading and unloading

    Zinc Transporters YbtX and ZnuABC Are Required for the Virulence of \u3cem\u3eYersinia pestis\u3c/em\u3e in Bubonic and Pneumonic Plague in Mice

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    A number of bacterial pathogens require the ZnuABC Zinc (Zn2+) transporter and/or a second Zn2+ transport system to overcome Zn2+ sequestration by mammalian hosts. Previously we have shown that in addition to ZnuABC, Yersinia pestis possesses a second Zn2+ transporter that involves components of the yersiniabactin (Ybt), siderophore-dependent iron transport system. Synthesis of the Ybt siderophore and YbtX, a member of the major facilitator superfamily, are both critical components of the second Zn2+ transport system. Here we demonstrate that a ybtX znu double mutant is essentially avirulent in mouse models of bubonic and pneumonic plague while a ybtX mutant retains high virulence in both plague models. While sequestration of host Zn is a key nutritional immunity factor, excess Zn appears to have a significant antimicrobial role in controlling intracellular bacterial survival. Here, we demonstrate that ZntA, a Zn2+ exporter, plays a role in resistance to Zn toxicity in vitro, but that a zntA zur double mutant retains high virulence in both pneumonic and bubonic plague models and survival in macrophages. We also confirm that Ybt does not directly bind Zn2+in vitro under the conditions tested. However, we detect a significant increase in Zn2+-binding ability of filtered supernatants from a Ybt+ strain compared to those from a strain unable to produce the siderophore, supporting our previously published data that Ybt biosynthetic genes are involved in the production of a secreted Zn-binding molecule (zincophore). Our data suggest that Ybt or a modified Ybt participate in or promote Zn-binding activity in culture supernatants and is involved in Zn acquisition in Y. pestis