513 research outputs found

    Integration of Cauliflower mosaic virus into the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana through homologous recombination [abstract]

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    Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Opportunity Progra

    An Exploratory Study of Principals\u27 and Teachers\u27 Perceptions of School Work Conditions in Sinclair County, Georgia

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    This quantitative study investigated principals’ (n = 16) and teachers’ (n = 362) perceptions of five work conditions domains: Professional Development, Facilities and Resources, Leadership, Empowerment, and Use of Time. This quantitative study used two instruments: principal work conditions survey and teacher work conditions survey to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a factorial analysis of variance. Findings revealed observed differences in principals’ and teachers’ perceptions of school work conditions. The factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed statistically significant differences for domain scores of Facilities and Resources, Leadership, and Empowerment by type of school. No significant differences were found for age and teaching experience for these three domain scores

    70 Years of Human Rights in Global Health: Drawing on a Contentious Past to Secure a Hopeful Future

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    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on Dec 10, 1948, established a modern human rights foundation that has become a cornerstone of global health, central to public health policies, programmes, and practices. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of this seminal declaration, we trace the evolution of human rights in global health, linking the past, present, and future of health as a human right. This future remains uncertain. As contemporary challenges imperil continuing advancements, threatening both human rights protections and global health governance, the future will depend, as it has in the past, on sustained political engagement to realise human rights in global health

    Effect of extrusion and compression moulding on the thermal properties of nylon-6/silica aerogel composites

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    The article presents the effect of a lower extrusion speed and compression moulding processes on the thermal properties of polyamide 6 (PA-6)/aerogel composite. Scanning electron and optical microscope images showed that although most of the aerogel was destroyed during extrusion at 65 r/min, extrusion at 5 r/min showed a better retention of the aerogel structure. However, when subjected to moulding in a compression press, both composites extruded at different speeds suffered significant damage. Nevertheless, the extruded samples did show a lower thermal conductivity compared to the virgin polymer. Further, it was observed that the sample extruded at 5 r/min had a lower damage coefficient value with an overall loss of around 33% to the aerogel structure when compared to the material extruded at 65 r/min, which endured a structural loss of 41% to the aerogel in it


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    Kunyit putih (Curcuma zedoaria) banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat luas karena dipercayai sebagai tanaman herbal yang bermanfaat dalam mengobati bermacam penyakit. Curcumin yang merupakan salah satu kandungan kunyit putih diyakini mempunyai manfaat sebagai antioxidan, anti inflamasi, anti mikroba, anti kanker, anti aterosklerosis dan anti diabetes. Secara umum, kepercayaan masyarakat tehadap penggunaan kunyit putih sebagai pengobatan herbal memiliki efek samping yang minimal jika dibandingkan dengan obat modern, namun penelitian mengenai efek samping dari penggunaan kunyit putih belum banyak diteliti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah agar mengetahui uji toksisitas akut ekstrak kunyit putih (Curcuma zedoaria) terhadap gambaran histopatologi pankreas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang menggunakan design Post Test Only Control Group Design dengan 30 ekor Rattus norvegicus  jenis kelamin jantan dengan berat berkisar antara 150-300 gram. Tikus putih dibagi menjadi kontrol negatif aquades dan kontrol positif NaCMC 1%, dan 4 kelompok perlakuan ekstrak kunyit putih dengan dosis 250 mg/KgBB, 500 mg/KgBB, 750 mg/KgBB, dan 2000 mg/KgBB. Hasil yang didapat bahwa ekstrak kunyit putih (Curcuma zedoaria) tidak menunjukkan efek toksisitas akut pada pancreas tikus putih berupa tidak adanya nekrosis, edema dan sel radang pada  gambaran histologi pankreas.

    Tritium Specific Adsorption Simulation Utilizing the OSPREY Model

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    During the processing of used nuclear fuel, volatile radionuclides will be discharged to the atmosphere if no recovery processes are in place to limit their release. The volatile radionuclides of concern are 3H, 14C, 85Kr, and 129I. Methods are being developed, via adsorption and absorption unit operations, to capture these radionuclides. It is necessary to model these unit operations to aid in the evaluation of technologies and in the future development of an advanced used nuclear fuel processing plant. A collaboration between Fuel Cycle Research and Development Offgas Sigma Team member INL and a NEUP grant including ORNL, Syracuse University, and Georgia Institute of Technology has been formed to develop off gas models and support off gas research. This report is discusses the development of a tritium specific adsorption model. Using the OSPREY model and integrating it with a fundamental level isotherm model developed under and experimental data provided by the NEUP grant, the tritium specific adsorption model was developed
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