398 research outputs found

    Managing Network Security with Snort Open Source Intrusion Detection Tools

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    Organizations both large and small are constantly looking to improve their posture on security. Hackers and intruders have made many successful attempts to bring down high-profile company networks and web services for lack of adequate security. Many methods have been developed to secure the network infrastructure and communication over the Internet such as the firewall and intrusion detection systems. While most organizations deploy security equipment, they still encounter the challenge of monitoring and reviewing the security events. There are various intrusion detection tools in the market for free. Also, there are multiple ways to detect these attacks and vulnerabilities from being exploited and leaking corporate data on the internet. One method involves using intrusion detection systems to detect the attack and block or alert the appropriate staff of the attack. Snort contains a suite of tools that aids the administrators in detecting these events. In this paper, Snort IDS was analysed on how it manages the network from installation to deployment with additional tools that helps to analyse the security data. The components and rules to operate Snort were also discussed. As with other IDS it has advantages and disadvantages

    Green Synthesis of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles and its Application in the Degradation of Methyl Red

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    Environmental pollution is a threat to human health, with methyl red dye used in printing and textile dyeing being a notable pollutant that can cause eye, skin, and digestive system irritation. This study investigates the degradation of methyl red dye using nanoparticles of Nickel Oxide (NiO NPs) as photocatalysts. NiO NPs were synthesised at room temperature through thermal decomposition using antioxidant-rich extracts from strawberries (Fragaria ananassa), grapes (Vitis vinifera), and grapefruits (Citrus paradisi). Characterisation of the NiO NPs was performed using FTIR, UV-Vis spectroscopy and SEM. FTIR spectra confirmed the formation of NiO NPs with peaks between 577 – 585 cm–1. UV-Vis spectroscopy showed absorption wavelengths between 322-326 nm for the synthesised NiO NPs and a blue shift to 422-470 nm during methyl red degradation. This study presents a sustainable method for  synthesising NiO nanoparticles and demonstrates their effectiveness in environmental remediation, specifically for the removal of  pollutant dyes. 

    Discrete adjoint for coupled conjugate heat transfer

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    The typical method to solve multi-physics problems such as Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) is the partitioned approach which couples separate solvers through boundary conditions. Effective gradient-based optimisation of partitioned CHT problems requires the adjoint of the coupling to maintain the efficiency of the original multi-physics coupling, which is a significant challenge. The use of automatic differentiation (AD) has the potential to ease this burden and leads to generic gradient computation methods. In this paper, we present how to automate the generation of adjoint fluid and solid solvers for a CHT adjoint using Automatic Differentiation (AD). The derivation of the adjoint of the loose coupling algorithms is shown for three fixed-point coupling algorithms. Application of the coupled adjoint algorithm is shown to two CHT optimisation benchmark cases for inverse design and shape optimisation. The results demonstrate that Robin-based coupling algorithms have faster runtimes and are an attractive option for CHT optimisation problems


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    Fish farmers in Nigeria lack adequate information and their production capacity is low. The study ana- lyzed the multimedia channels of information available to fish farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Multi- stage sampling techniques was used to select 120 fish farmers in the study area. Primary data were obtained with interview schedule. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data collected. Most of the farmers (97.5%) were male and married. Many (43.3%) had primary education while 30.9% had no formal education. Majority (76.1%) had radio sets while 45.3% and 28.3% had television and phone respectively. Farmers’ accessibility to information was high in radio (79.2%) and extension agents (73.3%) but low in television, flyers, trainings, phone, internet and fellow farmers. Most of the farmers (85.0%) preferred extension agents, radio (71.6%) and television (68.3%) as their source of information on fish farming. Majority (80.0%) preferred Yoruba as the language of broadcast and pub- lications, 16.7% preferred English while 3.3% preferred Igbo. Most (83.3%) of the farmers regarded lack of electricity as the foremost constraint to their access to information on media. Other constraints identified were non-relevance of information to farmers’ felt needs (73.3%), feedback problem (60.0%), inadequate fund (40.8%) and illiteracy (23.3%). Chi-square analysis showed a significant association 2 at p ≤ 0.05 between farmers’ choice of information channels and age (π=19.60), educational level 2 2 2 2 (π=39.82), years of farming (π = 20.48), income (π = 34.03), and media related constraints (π = 6.92). The study established that age, educational level, years of farming, annual income and con- straints experienced by the farmers played significant roles in their choice and use of information channels, and that, farmers have more access to extension agents as channel of information. It was recommended that more information on fish farming should be provided through the multimedia and be based on farmers’ felt needs. More extension workers should be employed and trained while phone-in radio and television programmes should be regularly aired and viewing centres and radio groups established in strategic locations

    Hemangiomatous ameloblastoma: report of a case

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    Hemangiomatous ameloblastoma is a rare variant of ameloblastoma with only a few cases reported in the English literature. This is a report of a 42 year old man with a recurrent mandibular neoplasm who had r epeated surgical interventions. Clinical and radiographic examinations were not significantly different from other regular variants of ameloblastoma. Microscopic examination however revealed islands of cuboidal and columnar cells arranged in a pallisaded pattern with a central area of squamous metaplasia and stellate reticulum-like cells. There were multiple vascular channels containing red blood cells within the stellate reticulum-like areas. Surgical resection of the mandibular mass was done with immediate reconstruction. It may be concluded that repeated surgical interventions may be a possible etiology for the development of hemangiomatous ameleblastoma

    Giant inguino scrotal hernia: a case report

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    A journal article on scrotal hernia diseases in developing countries.Giant inguino — scrotal hernia is largely a problem of developing countries. A case of an unusually giant inguino-scrotal hernia is reported highlighting the problems encountered in management. Orchidectomy, bowel resection and relaxing epigastric incision were successfully employed in repairing the hernia. Hernias may not be difficult to manage if they ar not neglected. Efforts of health education need intensifying in this direction. We propose thorough peri-operative pulmonary exercises to cut down the post-operative pulmonary morbidity

    Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) complexes of amino acid derived Schiff base ligand: Synthesis, characterization and in-vitro antibacterial investigations

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    Four complexes of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) with Schiff base ligand (H3L) derived from 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid and acetylacetonate were synthesized. All complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and electronic spectroscopy. The results confirmed the coordination of the ligand to metals in tridentate fashion via the hydroxyl oxygen, the azomethine nitrogen and the enolic acetylacetonate oxygen. Antimicrobial activities were established for all complexes, free ligand and ciprofloxacin for comparison. Both the ligand and its metal complexes were active against Gram-positive and negative bacterial strains. The Cu(II) complex, showed highest antibacterial activity among the complexes screened. Other complexes displayed considerable antibacterial activity. Octahedral geometry was proposed for the metal(II) complexes with the Schiff base.                     KEY WORDS: Schiff base, Amino acid, Metal Complexes, Antibacterial agents   Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2021, 35(1), 97-106. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v35i1.


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    Environmental and hygienic concerns associated with traditional fish smoking structures restrict the sale and consumption of smoked products to local markets. This study evaluated the performance of three(improved kiln oven (IKO), mud-type ovens (MTO) and extended drum ovens (EDO)) locally available Biofuelledfish smoking structures and proposed modifications to improve product quality.Three groups of prepared freshwater catfish (Clarias gariepinus) with average live weights of 1.93 kg±46 g, 1.92 kg±50 g and 1.86 kg±50 g was used as test samples. Smoking profiles, final moisture content (FMC), smoking time, smoking temperatures, percentage weight loss (WL) and organoleptic evaluation (ORE) were the performance indicators used during evaluatio
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