6,008 research outputs found

    Aspects of the biology of the lagoon crab Callinectes amnicola (Derocheburne) in Badagry, Lagos and Lekki lagoons, Nigeria

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    A preliminary report of the size, composition, growth pattern and food habits of the blue crab, Callinectes amnicola, (De Rocheburne) in the Badagry, Lagos and Lekki Lagoons (Nigeria) is presented. The collection of crabs from the three lagoons covered the period from May 1999 to October 2000. The carapace length for Badagry Lagoon ranged from 2.2 cm to 16.4 cm with weight of 4.4 g to 252.6 g. The crabs showed a unimodal size distribution. For the Lagos Lagoon, crabs sizes ranged from 3.5 cm to 16.8 cm and weighed 3.28 to 277.1 g. The sizes of crabs in the Lekki Lagoon ranged from 3.5 cm to 16.1 cm and weighed 3.5 g to 262.7 g. Crabs from the three lagoons exhibited negative allometric growth. The food items were similar in the three lagoons and comprised mainly mollusc shells, fish parts, shrimps and crab appendages and occasionally higher plant material

    A Survey of Library and Information Services to Physically-Challenged Students in Academic Libraries in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Introduction The importance of information to the success of any academic institution should not be underestimated. Ukpanah (2006) affirms that in an academic community, information is used for learning, teaching, research and leisure. Information according to Ajiboye and Tella (2007), is used primarily for academic purposes. These findings agree with Kakai et.al (2004), when they observed that students information-seeking behaviours promote academic excellence. Mabawonku (2005) highlights ways in which students seek for information, which include colleagues, the internet, library, friends, family members, etc. Furthermore, Akinade and Ogunyade (2002) and Onohwakpor (2007) asserted that valuable information to students determines to a very large extent their success and future development. Sequel to this, it is imperative for Academic libraries, which are attached to tertiary institutions to support the Teaching, Learning and Research processes in such institutions. Students, according to Adesina (2003) , have been found to be majority of library users in an academic library. Hence, Popoola (2008) affirmed that the information resources and services available in institutional information systems must be capable of supporting research activities among students and faculty members. These students could be challenged or normal library users. The challenged students will need assistance while in the library but the normal students may need little or no assistance. Onifade and Sowole (2009) quoting Ojo rightly noted that, for libraries to add to the advancement of knowledge, they must not only provide resources but also ensure that the resources are effectively used. In this regard, academic libraries should be committed to providing equal access to all categories of students, whether normal or challenged. Therefore this paper attempts to look at information availability and services provided the physically challenged students ( students using wheelchair, crutches, and braces for mobility) to the library, in eight academic libraries in Ogun state, Nigeria, their accessibility to the library and the problems they encountered. Nigeria and the Challenged or Disabled The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that there are approximately 19million disabled people in Nigeria. Furthermore, Yeo,(2005); Barron and Amerena et.al (2007) affirms that disabled people constitute one of the poorest, socially excluded and marginalised groups within the Nigerian society . On 30th March, 2007 the Government of Nigeria signed the UN Convention on the rights of persons with Disabilities, yet, no disability discrimination legislation has been enacted within Nigeria despite the fact that two bills have been introduced into National Assembly. Also, the common view, held by policy makers and the public at large, is that disabled people and disability issues are Charity and Welfare matters and not Human rights. (DFID 2008). Findings by Okoli (2005) also corroborated this and in his findings he revealed that disabled people in Nigeria are living in an environment that is hostile to their yearnings and aspirations. Physically Challenged Lawal-Solarin (2010) in an article titled Banks and the Physically Challenged quoted MSN Encarta Dictionary which defines physically challenged as an inability to perform some or all the tasks of daily life or a medically diagnosed condition that makes it difficult to engage in the activities of daily life. According to the World Book Encyclopaedia (2004), \u27\u27some people are born with disabilities, while others develop them later in life. There are however, many types of challenges or disabilities; both physical and mental, and they vary greatly in causes, degrees and treatments. Common disabilities include blindness, deafness, and deformity, loss of limbs, mental illness, mental retardation, muscular, nervous and sensory disorders\u27\u27

    The Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Academic Libraries in Nigeria: A Case Study of Covenant University Library Ota, Nigeria

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT), has added value to the services provided by Nigerian libraries. This study employed a survey research method on the use of ICT in Nigerian libraries: a case study of Covenant University library. The respondents were students and faculty of the university. The findings show that Covenant University library, has an abundance of computers connected to the internet with web based Millennium software. The students and faculty make use of online public access (OPAC) to locate materials on the shelves. The study reveals several reasons for using the internet by both faculty and student respondents. But the lowest ICT usage was electronic databases. The faculty respondents with the highest frequency of 40 (80%) use the internet to up-date knowledge while the highest student respondents 177 (76.7%) use the internet to complete projects. However, adequate training of library staff would boost the use of electronic databases

    Cost Optimization of Sandcrete Blocks through Partial Replacement of Sand with Lateritic Soil

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    This work finds a way in which lateritic soil within Ota, Ogun State of Nigeria could be used in the production of hollow sandcrete blocks. This replacement is intended to develop more economic sandcrete blocks since the cost of lateritic soil in Ota is much less than the cost of the conventional fine aggregate used in the production of sandcrete blocks without compromising the intergrity of the blocks. It was deduced from literatures that inclusion of lateritic soil in sandcrete block production results in a lesser quality blocks. However, this work found the maximum permissible replacement that still makes the blocks to be within the recommended standard. The blocks were produced with each lateritic soil sample from different sources replacing sand in steps of ten percent to 60% and their compressive strengths determined and compared with that of a standard sandcrete block to check for the acceptable percentage replacement. In the compressive strength test, 72 numbers of 225 x 225 x 450mm hollow laterised sandcrete block sizes were produced, cured and crushed to determine their twenty-eight-day compressive strength. Cost analysis was performed discovered that the inclusion of the lateritic soil saves the cost of production by 11.89%. This percentage replacement can be recommended to the block moulding industries within Ota with a view to reducing the production costs of the blocks

    Enhancing public safety and security of critical national infrastructure utilizing the Nigerian Satellite Augmentation System (NSAS)

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    After the First World War, radio time signals offered alternative technology for determination of the Greenwich time and thus longitude at sea. The first manifestation of new technology capable of usurping the super accurate mechanical chronometers occurred in 1904, when the United States Navy began to experiment with the transmission of radio-time signals as an aid to the determination of longitude (Davies, 1978; Lawal & Chatwin, 2011). The challenge in precision continued with precision in Navigation systems, which depends on electromagnetic waves travelling at 300,000,000 m/s, which means that one microsecond error in a vessel’s time will result in 300metres of navigational error. The Global Positioning System (GPS) originated from the Navigation System with Timing and Ranging known as NAVSTAR, which was initiated by the Joint Program Office (JPO) of the U.S. Department of Defence (DoD) in 1973.The first GPS satellite was sent into orbit in 1978. Initial Operational Capability (IOC) was reached in July 1993 with 24 satellites, while Full Operational Capability (FOC) was declared on July, 17th, 1995. Improvement in accuracy for general transportation, especially in aviation, ushered in augmentation systems. The quest for performance focused on the ability to accurately transmit and keep time signals stable up to the picosecond level and even more in receivers and clock reference signals for space systems, especially in navigation satellites using high performance oscillators ranging from ultra-stable quartz crystals with ovenized control to high performance atomic circuits (Lawal & Chatwin, 2011). The Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) arose from the need to provide continuity, availability, integrity and accuracy of global positioning signals to eliminate errors and compensate for discrepancies associated with GPS signals and other navigation systems. The NigComSat-1R Navigation (L-band) payload is a Space Based Augmentation System meant to provide a Navigation Overlay Service (NOS) similar to the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). This paper describes the huge untapped potential that the hybrid satellite offers in the area of public safety, security of critical national infrastructure, aviation, maritime, defense, effectiveness of Location Based Services for Emergency and Crisis management amongst other applications; it thus fills a great gap in the augmentation systems for Africa

    Variations of physico-mechanical, mineralogical and geochemical properties of marble under the influence of weathering

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    Purpose. To investigate the physico-mechanical, mineralogical and geochemical properties variations of Igbeti marble, south-western Nigeria under the influence of weathering. Methods. About twenty representative samples were collected at a varying depth up to a depth of 30 meters from the study area. The samples represented a group of unweathered, slightly weathered, moderately weathered and highly weathered rocks using weathering classification indices. Thin sections were prepared for textural and mineralogical studies of the rock samples. The chemical composition analyses of the rock samples were conducted using X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). The physico-mechanical properties were also evaluated. Findings. The results showed that noticeable mineralogical and chemical changes occur in the rock fabric because of the increase in weathering state. The laboratory tests result also revealed that weathering reduces the strength of the rock. Originality. The transformation of physical and mechanical properties of rocks because of weathering is a major concern to the geotechnical engineers. These properties have been investigated by the researchers, but the majority of the available researches were conducted on weathered sedimentary and igneous rocks while that of metamorphic rock is very scarce. Hence, this study investigates the influence of weathering on physico-mechanical, mineralogical and geochemical properties of Igbeti marble, south-western Nigeria. Practical implications. The obtained results show that the transition of selected rock properties as a result of weathering would significantly affect slope stability and performance of the rock in engineering applications.Мета. Вивчення змін фізико-механічних, мінералогічних і геохімічних властивостей мармуру родовища Ігбеті (південно-Західна Нігерія) під впливом вивітрювання. Методика. Було відібрано 20 репрезентативних зразків на різних глибинах залягання породи (максимум – 30 м) у районі родовища. У відповідності з класифікаційними індексами вивітрювання зразки були розділені на групи: невивітрені, слабо вивітрені, помірно вивітрені, сильно вивітрені. Було виготовлено тонкі стрічки для вивчення текстурних і мінералогічних характеристик. Аналіз хімічного складу зразків проводився із використанням рентгенофлуоресцентної спектрометрії (РФС). Також була проведена оцінка фізико-механічних властивостей зразків. Результати. Результати досліджень показали, що значні мінеральні та хімічні зміни у товщі породи пов’язані з наростанням впливу вивітрювання. Встановлено за даними лабораторних досліджень, що об’ємна щільність, суха щільність, суха та питома вага, збільшуються з підвищенням ступеня вивітрювання, проте зміст води/вологи, водопоглинання, пористість, міцність на одноосьове стиснення, міцність при точковому навантаженні, міцність на розтяг та твердість за Шмідтом зменшуються. Встановлено зв’язок кількості домінуючих компонентів (кальцит і доломит) та інших силікатних і несилікатних мінералів зі ступенем вивітрювання. Наукова новизна. Для умов родовища Ігбеті виявлено характер та особливості впливу ступеня вивітрювання на зміну фізико-механічних і геохімічних властивостей мармурових порід метаморфічного типу, у той час як попередні дослідження присвячені осадовим та магматичним породам. Практична значимість. Результати досліджень необхідно враховувати в архітектурному та інженерному використанні у різних кліматичних зонах. Поняття впливу вивітрювання на властивості гірських порід є важливим критерієм для визначення глибини розробки, конструкції похилого схилу, методу, простоти видобутку та напрямів використання мармуру, що дозволить зменшити вартість і поліпшити роботи з розвідки й видобування.Цель. Изучение изменения физико-механических, минералогических и геохимических свойств мрамора месторождения Игбети (Юго-Западная Нигерия) под влиянием выветривания. Методика. Было отобрано 20 репрезентативных образцов на различных глубинах залегания породы (максимум – 30 м) в районе месторождения. В соответствии с классификационными индексами выветривания образцы были разделены на группы: невыветренные, слабо выветренные, умеренно выветренные, сильно выветренные. Были изготовлены тонкие срезы для изучения текстурных и минералогических характеристик образцов. Анализ химического состава образцов проводился с использованием рентгенофлуоресцентной спектрометрии (РФС). Была также проведена оценка физико-механических свойств образцов. Результаты. Результаты исследований показали, что значительные минералогические и химические изменения в толще породы связаны с нарастающим влиянием выветривания. Установлено по данным лабораторных исследований, что объемная плотность, сухая плотность, сухой вес и удельный вес увеличиваются с увеличением степени выветривания, а содержание воды/влаги, водопоглощение, пористость, прочность на одноосное сжатие, прочность при точечной нагрузке, прочность на растяжение и твердость по Шмидту уменьшаются. Установлена связь количества доминирующих компонентов (кальцит и доломит) и других силикатных и несиликатных минералов со степенью выветривания. Научная новизна. Для условий месторождения Игбети выявлен характер и особенности влияния степени выветривания на изменение физико-механических и геохимических свойств мраморных пород метаморфического типа, в то время как предыдущие исследования посвящены осадочным и магматическим типам пород. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследований необходимо учитывать в архитектурном и инженерном использовании в разных климатических зонах. Понимание влияния выветривания на свойства горных пород является важным критерием для определения глубины разработки, конструкции наклонного склона, метода, простоты добычи и направлений использования мрамора, что в итоге позволит снизить стоимость и облегчить работу по разведке и выемке.The authors appreciate the custodians of rock mechanics laboratory at the Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria, geology laboratory at the University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria and Centre for Energy Research and Development at Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria for making the laboratories available for the experiments

    Individual versus group diabetes education: assessing the evidence

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    Diabetes remains a global medical problem. Among other management options, education plays a vital role in reducing the physical, social and economic burdens of the condition. Although awareness can be promoted through many media, providing structured patient education for people with diabetes is a key policy initiative. There are various teaching and learning strategies that can be used in diverse patient education sessions, and these can be delivered individually or through group learning. There is, however, no one-size-fits-all method of delivery. This article aims to present the arguments for and against individual and group education programmes for people with diabetes

    Reduction of Post-Harvest Losses: A Gateway to Improving Livelihood of Smallholder Farmers and Ensuring Food Security in Nigeria

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    Nigerian smallholder farmers suffer huge losses on annual basis in terms of monetary value as a result of postharvest losses due to factors such as inadequate storage/processing facilities, poor transportation system, lack of power supply and unorganized marketing network. With the largest population on the African continent and a spiraling increase, a corresponding increase in food supply is inevitable. The food security situation in Nigeria is already challenged by a growing pressure on land and water resources due to population increase, farmers-herders clashes and terrorism which has adversely disrupted farming activities particularly in the northeastern part of the country. With all these challenges, high loss of farm produce due to post-harvest loss is indeed another great threat to the attainment of food security in Nigeria. This paper focused primarily on postharvest losses which are like a recurring decimal in Nigeria’s agricultural sector, it discussed the driving factors, highlights its impacts and suggest some viable solutions and measures that can be adopted to tackle the problem with a view of increasing farmer’s income and ensuring food security in Nigeria. Keywords: Post-harvest loss, Smallholder farmers, Livelihood, Food security and Nigeria. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/11-22-04 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Earnings Quality and Bank Equity

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    This doctoral thesis reports the results of three studies that address the implications of two bank characteristics - bank efficiency and bank earnings quality - for bank dividend policy and specified capital market outcomes. Chapter 1 introduces the thesis. The first study links the market reactions to dividend change announcements by banks to changes in bank efficiency score, our new measure of bank overinvestment problem, derived from a frontier analysis of bank input-output combinations. We find that improvement in bank overinvestment problem, defined as changes in bank efficiency, is significantly and positively associated with market reactions following dividend increases. However, consistent with the moderating role of bank regulation, we find no support for the role of changes in bank efficiency in market reactions to dividend decreases. The second study establishes a link between bank earnings quality and bank cost of equity capital. Using various earnings quality measures, the study finds that banks with better earnings quality experience lower cost of equity capital. Consistent with this primary finding, our results also support the idea that banks with higher earnings quality enjoy higher market valuation and higher price-earnings multiples compared to banks with lower earnings quality. Overall, our results suggest that markets can differentiate between “good” and “bad” earnings and seem to compensate banks with better earnings quality. The third study contributes to the literature by first developing a country-specific index of bank earnings quality. We further hypothesise that banks in countries characterised by high earnings quality pay more dividends than banks in countries with lower earnings quality. Our data give support to this hypothesis. Finally, using modified partial adjustment models that incorporate our index of earnings quality, we find that the dividend-earnings relation is stronger for banks operating in countries with high earnings quality than for banks operating in countries with low earnings quality

    Generating Factor Variables for Asymmetry, Non-independence and Skew-symmetry Models in Square Contingency Tables using SAS

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    In this paper, a SAS program (macro) is written to generate factor and regression variables required for implementing asymmetry, non-independence, non-symmetry + independence models as well as skew-symmetry models in discussed in square a x a contingency tables having nominal or ordinal categories. While several authors have developed similar factor variables for use with GLIM, we have extended this to the non-independence and the non-symmetry+independence models. The former includes both the fixed and variable distance models as well as the quasi-ordinal symmetry model. Further, our implementation of the asymmetry model in terms of the required factor variable is different from those defined for implementation of same in GLIM. Most of the models described in this paper however assume ordinal categories for the contingency table. The SAS macro developed can be applied to any square table of dimension a. We apply the models discussed in this paper to the 5 x 5 Danish mobility data that have been widely analyzed in various literatures.