430 research outputs found

    Open ocean carbon monoxide photo-production

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    Sunlight-initiated photolysis of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is the dominant source of carbon monoxide (CO) in the open-ocean. A modelling study was conducted to constrain this source. Spectral solar irradiance was obtained from two models (GCSOLAR and SMARTS2). Water-column CDOM and total light absorption were modelled using spectra collected along a Meridional transect of the Atlantic ocean using a 200-cm pathlength liquid waveguide UV-visible spectrophotometer. Apparent quantum yields for the production of CO (AQYCO) from CDOM were obtained from a parameterisation describing the relationship between CDOM light absorption coefficient and AQYCO and the CDOM spectra collected. The sensitivity of predicted rates to variations in model parameters (solar irradiance, cloud cover, surface-water reflectance, CDOM and whole water light absorbance, and AQYCO was assessed. The model\u27s best estimate of open-ocean CO photoproduction was 47 +/- 7 Tg CO-C yr-1, with lower and upper limits of 38 and 84 Tg CO-C yr-1, as indicated by sensitivity analysis considering variations in AQYs, CDOM absorbance, and spectral irradiance. These results represent significant constraint of open-ocean CO photoproduction at the lower limit of previous estimates. Based on these results, and their extrapolation to total photochemical organic carbon mineralisation, we recommend a downsizing of the role of photochemistry in the open-ocean carbon cycle. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Rapid, efficient functional characterization and recovery of HIV-specific human CD8+ T cells using microengraving

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    The nature of certain clinical samples (tissue biopsies, fluids) or the subjects themselves (pediatric subjects, neonates) often constrain the number of cells available to evaluate the breadth of functional T-cell responses to infections or therapeutic interventions. The methods most commonly used to assess this functional diversity ex vivo and to recover specific cells to expand in vitro usually require more than 106 cells. Here we present a process to identify antigen-specific responses efficiently ex vivo from 104–105 single cells from blood or mucosal tissues using dense arrays of subnanoliter wells. The approach combines on-chip imaging cytometry with a technique for capturing secreted proteins—called “microengraving”—to enumerate antigenspecific responses by single T cells in a manner comparable to conventional assays such as ELISpot and intracellular cytokine staining. Unlike those assays, however, the individual cells identified can be recovered readily by micromanipulation for further characterization in vitro. Applying this method to assess HIV-specific T cell responses demonstrates that it is possible to establish clonal CD8+ T-cell lines that represent the most abundant specificities present in circulation using 100- to 1,000-fold fewer cells than traditional approaches require and without extensive genotypic analysis a priori. This rapid (<24 h), efficient, and inexpensive process should improve the comparative study of human T-cell immunology across ages and anatomic compartments

    Does wage rank affect employees' well-being?

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    How do workers make wage comparisons? Both an experimental study and an analysis of 16,000 British employees are reported. Satisfaction and well-being levels are shown to depend on more than simple relative pay. They depend upon the ordinal rank of an individual's wage within a comparison group. “Rank” itself thus seems to matter to human beings. Moreover, consistent with psychological theory, quits in a workplace are correlated with pay distribution skewness

    Brain Segmentation From Computed Tomography of Healthy Aging and Geriatric Concussion at Variable Spatial Resolutions

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    When properly implemented and processed, anatomic T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be ideal for the noninvasive quantification of white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM) in the living human brain. Although MRI is more suitable for distinguishing GM from WM than computed tomography (CT), the growing clinical use of the latter technique has renewed interest in head CT segmentation. Such interest is particularly strong in settings where MRI is unavailable, logistically unfeasible or prohibitively expensive. Nevertheless, whereas MRI segmentation is a sophisticated and technically-mature research field, the task of automatically classifying soft brain tissues from CT remains largely unexplored. Furthermore, brain segmentation methods for MRI hold considerable potential for adaptation and application to CT image processing. Here we demonstrate this by combining probabilistic, atlas-based classification with topologically-constrained tissue boundary refinement to delineate WM, GM and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from head CT images. The feasibility and utility of this approach are revealed by comparison of MRI-only vs. CT-only segmentations in geriatric concussion victims with both MRI and CT scans. Comparison of the two segmentations yields mean SÞrensen-Dice coefficients of 85.5 ± 4.6% (WM), 86.7 ± 5.6% (GM) and 91.3 ± 2.8% (CSF), as well as average Hausdorff distances of 3.76 ± 1.85 mm (WM), 3.43 ± 1.53 mm (GM) and 2.46 ± 1.27 mm (CSF). Bootstrapping results suggest that the segmentation approach is sensitive enough to yield WM, GM and CSF volume estimates within ~5%, ~4%, and ~3% of their MRI-based estimates, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first 3D segmentation approach for CT to undergo rigorous within-subject comparison with high-resolution MRI. Results suggest that (1) standard-quality CT allows WM/GM/CSF segmentation with reasonable accuracy, and that (2) the task of soft brain tissue classification from CT merits further attention from neuroimaging researchers

    Primary structure and comparative sequence-analysis of an insect apolipoprotein: apolipophorin-Iii from Manduca-sexta

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    The amino acid sequence of an insect apolipoprotein, apolipophorin-III from Manduca sexta, was determined by a combination of cDNA and protein sequencing. The mature hemolymph protein consists of 166 amino acids. The cDNA also encodes for an amino-terminal extension of 23 amino acids which is not represented in the mature hemolymph protein. The existence of a precursor protein was confirmed by in vitro translation of fat body mRNA. Computer-assisted comparative sequence analysis revealed the following points: 1) the protein is composed of tandemly repeating tetradecapeptide units with a high potential for forming amphiphilic helical structures. Compared to mammalian apolipoproteins the repeat units in the insect apolipoprotein show considerable length variability; 2) the sequence has a striking resemblance to several human apolipoproteins including apoE, AIV, AI, and CI. However, the homology seems to be entirely functional since, although the insect and mammalian apoproteins contain very similar types of amino acid residues, the actual degree of sequence identity is quite low. Whether the mammalian and insect apoproteins are derived from a common ancestral amphiphilic helix forming, lipid-binding protein, or arose by convergent evolution can not be determined at present. This represents the first complete amino acid sequence for an insect apolipoprotein

    Taking the Measure of the Universe: Precision Astrometry with SIM PlanetQuest

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    Precision astrometry at microarcsecond accuracy has application to a wide range of astrophysical problems. This paper is a study of the science questions that can be addressed using an instrument that delivers parallaxes at about 4 microarcsec on targets as faint as V = 20, differential accuracy of 0.6 microarcsec on bright targets, and with flexible scheduling. The science topics are drawn primarily from the Team Key Projects, selected in 2000, for the Space Interferometry Mission PlanetQuest (SIM PlanetQuest). We use the capabilities of this mission to illustrate the importance of the next level of astrometric precision in modern astrophysics. SIM PlanetQuest is currently in the detailed design phase, having completed all of the enabling technologies needed for the flight instrument in 2005. It will be the first space-based long baseline Michelson interferometer designed for precision astrometry. SIM will contribute strongly to many astronomical fields including stellar and galactic astrophysics, planetary systems around nearby stars, and the study of quasar and AGN nuclei. SIM will search for planets with masses as small as an Earth orbiting in the `habitable zone' around the nearest stars using differential astrometry, and could discover many dozen if Earth-like planets are common. It will be the most capable instrument for detecting planets around young stars, thereby providing insights into how planetary systems are born and how they evolve with time. SIM will observe significant numbers of very high- and low-mass stars, providing stellar masses to 1%, the accuracy needed to challenge physical models. Using precision proper motion measurements, SIM will probe the galactic mass distribution and the formation and evolution of the Galactic halo. (abridged)Comment: 54 pages, 28 figures, uses emulateapj. Submitted to PAS

    Protein Catalyzed Capture Agents with Tailored Performance for In Vitro and In Vivo Applications

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    We report on peptide-based ligands matured through the protein catalyzed capture (PCC) agent method to tailor molecular binders for in vitro sensing/diagnostics and in vivo pharmacokinetics parameters. A vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) binding peptide and a peptide against the protective antigen (PA) protein of Bacillus anthracis discovered through phage and bacterial display panning technologies, respectively, were modified with click handles and subjected to iterative in situ click chemistry screens using synthetic peptide libraries. Each azide-alkyne cycloaddition iteration, promoted by the respective target proteins, yielded improvements in metrics for the application of interest. The anti-VEGF PCC was explored as a stable in vivo imaging probe. It exhibited excellent stability against proteases and a mean elimination in vivo half-life (T_(1/2)) of 36 min. Intraperitoneal injection of the reagent results in slow clearance from the peritoneal cavity and kidney retention at extended times, while intravenous injection translates to rapid renal clearance. The ligand competed with the commercial antibody for binding to VEGF in vivo. The anti-PA ligand was developed for detection assays that perform in demanding physical environments. The matured anti-PA PCC exhibited no solution aggregation, no fragmentation when heated to 100°C, and  > 81% binding activity for PA after heating at 90°C for 1 h. We discuss the potential of the PCC agent screening process for the discovery and enrichment of next generation antibody alternatives

    Dramatic reduction of surface recombination by in-situ surface passivation of silicon nanowires

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    Nanowires have unique optical properties [1-4] and are considered as important building blocks for energy harvesting applications such as solar cells. [2, 5-8] However, due to their large surface-to-volume ratios, the recombination of charge carriers through surface states reduces the carrier diffusion lengths in nanowires a few orders of magnitude,[9] often resulting in the low efficiency (a few percent or less) of nanowire-based solar cells. [7, 8, 10, 11] Reducing the recombination by surface passivation is crucial for the realization of high performance nanosized optoelectronic devices, but remains largely unexplored. [7, 12-14] Here we show that a thin layer of amorphous silicon (a-Si) coated on a single-crystalline silicon nanowire (sc-SiNW), forming a core-shell structure in-situ in the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) process, reduces the surface recombination nearly two orders of magnitude. Under illumination of modulated light, we measure a greater than 90-fold improvement in the photosensitivity of individual core-shell nanowires, compared to regular nanowires without shell. Simulations of the optical absorption of the nanowires indicate that the strong absorption of the a-Si shell contributes to this effect, but we conclude that the effect is mainly due to the enhanced carrier lifetime by surface passivation
