637,019 research outputs found

    Temperature Evolution Law of Imperfect Relativistic Fluids

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    The first-order general relativistic theory of a generic dissipative (heat-conducting, viscous, particle-creating) fluid is rediscussed from a unified covariant frame-independent point of view. By generalizing some previous works in the literature, we derive a formula for the temperature variation rate, which is valid both in Eckart's (particle) and in the Landau-Lifshitz (energy) frames. Particular attention is paid to the case of gravitational particle creation and its possible cross-effect with the bulk viscosity mechanism.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, revte

    Lutheran Theology and Secular Law: The Work of the Modern State

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    Lutheran theology and secular law: the work of the modern state. Edited by Marie A. Failinger and Ronald W. Duty. New York: Routledge, 2018. 978113824513

    Comment on "Dynamic properties in a family of competitive growing models"

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    The article [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 73}, 031111 (2006)] by Horowitz and Albano reports on simulations of competitive surface-growth models RD+X that combine random deposition (RD) with another deposition X that occurs with probability pp. The claim is made that at saturation the surface width w(p)w(p) obeys a power-law scaling w(p)1/pδw(p) \propto 1/p^{\delta}, where δ\delta is only either δ=1/2\delta =1/2 or δ=1\delta=1, which is illustrated by the models where X is ballistic deposition and where X is RD with surface relaxation. Another claim is that in the limit p0+p \to 0^+, for any lattice size LL, the time evolution of w(t)w(t) generally obeys the scaling w(p,t)(Lα/pδ)F(p2δt/Lz)w(p,t) \propto (L^{\alpha}/p^{\delta}) F(p^{2\delta}t/L^z), where FF is Family-Vicsek universal scaling function. We show that these claims are incorrect.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review E in Aug. 200

    Freedom, Foreknowledge, and Dependence: A Dialectical Intervention

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    Recently, several authors have utilized the notion of dependence to respond to the traditional argument for the incompatibility of freedom and divine foreknowledge. However, proponents of this response have not always been so clear in specifying where the incompatibility argument goes wrong, which has led to some unfounded objections to the response. We remedy this dialectical confusion by clarifying both the dependence response itself and its interaction with the standard incompatibility argument. Once these clarifications are made, it becomes clear both (1.) that the dependence response does not beg the question against the proponent of the incompatibility argument and (2.) that the dependence response advances the dialectic whether it is developed as a version of Ockhamism or as a version of multiple-pasts compatibilism

    SALT Equalizer, Vol. 2010, Issue 1

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    Contents of This Issue: Raquel Aldana & Steven W. Bender, Co-Presidents’ Column, at 1. Hazel Weiser, Executive Director’s Colum, at 1. Ngai Pindell, December SALT Teaching Conference Promises Exciting Visions of the Law School of the Future, at 4. Ruben Garcia, New Law Teachers Pipeline Committee Launches with San Francisco Event, at 4. Angela Onwuachi-Willig, The New SALT Blog: SALT Members Speak Out, at 5. Doug Colbert, SALT Forms New Access to Justice Committee, at 6. Karla McKanders, Human Rights Committee Report, at 7. Jackie Gardina, LGBT Committee Report, at 8. Bryan Adamson, Affirmative Action Committee Report, at 9. Robert Dinerstein, Judicial/Governmental Nominations Committee Report, at 9. Andi Curcio, Issues in Legal Education Committee Report, at 10. Deborah Waire Post, Academic Freedom Committee Report: “Qualified Immunity…Is Not a Parachute to be Deployed Only When the Plane Has Run Out of Fuel,” at 11. Imran Siddiqui, 2010 Cover Retreat Inspires, Encourages, at 12. Steven W. Bender, 2010 Trino Grillo Retreat Reminds Participants: “Happiness is Living in Alliance With Your Own Principles,” at 12. Ruben Garcia, Annual Dinner in New Orleans a Rousing Success; On to San Francisco, at 14. Olympia Duhart, Membership Makes It Possible for Us to Meet Our Mission, at 14. Hazel Weiser, “Sowing the Seeds of Justice:” Thanks for a Great Sneak Preview!, at 16. Nancy Cook, SALT Members and Friends Provide a Day of Service in New Orleans, at 18. About SALT, at 19

    Niedoskonałości związane z funkcjonowaniem referendum ogólnokrajowego. Rozważania nad możliwością wprowadzenia referendum abrogacyjnego do polskiego porządku prawnego

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    The article concerns the possibility of introducing of a law-repealing referendum into the Polish legal order. The author presents own opinions on the legal regulations of the nationwide referendum reffered to in article 125 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The author formulates postulates regarding to establish of a law-repealing referendum to the Polish legal order.Artykuł dotyczy rozważań nad wprowadzeniem do polskiego porządku prawnego referendum abrogacyjnego. Autorka przedstawia własne opinie dotyczące uregulowań prawnych ogólnokrajowego referendum z art. 125 Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Formułuje postulaty dotyczące ewentualnego wprowadzenia referendum derogacyjnego do polskiego porządku prawnego

    History-dependent relaxation and the energy scale of correlation in the Electron-Glass

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    We present an experimental study of the energy-relaxation in Anderson-insulating indium-oxide films excited far from equilibrium. In particular, we focus on the effects of history on the relaxation of the excess conductance dG. The natural relaxation law of dG is logarithmic, namely dG=-log(t). This may be observed over more than five decades following, for example, cool-quenching the sample from high temperatures. On the other hand, when the system is excited from a state S_{o} in which it has not fully reached equilibrium to a state S_{n}, the ensuing relaxation law is logarithmic only over time t shorter than the time t_{w} it spent in S_{o}. For times t>t_{w} dG(t) show systematic deviation from the logarithmic dependence. It was previously shown that when the energy imparted to the system in the excitation process is small, this leads to dG=P(t/t_{w}) (simple-aging). Here we test the conjecture that `simple-aging' is related to a symmetry in the relaxation dynamics in S_{o} and S_{n}. This is done by using a new experimental procedure that is more sensitive to deviations in the relaxation dynamics. It is shown that simple-aging may still be obeyed (albeit with a modified P(t/t_{w})) even when the symmetry of relaxation in S_{o} and S_{n} is perturbed by a certain degree. The implications of these findings to the question of aging, and the energy scale associated with correlations are discussed

    A Fond Farewell

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    With the graduation on May 22, 2004, two valued members of the law school faculty retired. Not only were they valued members of the faculty, but they were two of my personal friends. Because I had a significant role in their law school education and their hire onto the faculty, it is difficult to put into words my deep feelings about their departure. Therefore, I present this tribute with mixed emotion —happy for them but sad to see them depart

    Building a Cleaner World

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    Korupsi dalam artian luas telah menembus semua zona dan lapisan hidup sosialmasyarakat. Suburnya korupsi mencerminkan lemahnya suatu sistem pemerintahan yangmemungkinkan tindakan koruptif yang merugikan banyak orang. Ketidakadilan dalamdunia hukum memperlebar peluang untuk berkorupsi. Apakah korupsi memasukilembaga-lembaga keagamaan? Apakah mereka yang terjun dalam dunia keagamaan(departemen pemerintah dan non-pemerintah) juga terlibat dalam dunia korupsi? Tulisanini berusaha menggali Kenyataan dalam dunia keagamaan