152 research outputs found

    Nuclear reactions in shock wave front during supernova events

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    The new unique isotopic anomalous coponent of Xe(XeX) was found in the carbonaceous chondrites. It is enriched in light shielded isotopes (124Xe and 126Xe) and in heavy nonshielded isotopes (134Xe and 136Xe. All characteristics of Xe-X can be explained by a model of nucleosynthesis of the Xe isotopes in shock wave front passed through the He envelope during supernova events. The light isotopes are created by p process and the heavy isotopes are created by n process (slow r process). They were captured with high temperature carbon grains condensing by supernova shock waves

    Physical-chemical processes in a protoplanetary cloud

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    Physical-chemical processes in a protoplanetary cloud are discussed. The following subject areas are covered: (1) characteristics of the chemical composition of molecular interstellar clouds; (2) properties and physico-chemical process in the genesis of interstellar dust grains; and (3) the isotope composition of volatiles in bodies of the Solar System

    Determination of above-atmosphere dimensions of meteorites

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    Upper atmospheric dimensions of meteorite

    The nucleosynthesis of deterium and helium-3

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    A new model of the creation of D and 3He in supernova of the first generation was considered. It is based on the idea that a supernova event leads simultaneously to acceleration of particles in the shock wave front and to their interactions with supernova atmosphere matter. The D, 3He, Li, Be, B and bypassed isotopes are created in these interactions. The cosmic abundances of the bypassed isotopes with A or = 113 allowed to determine the integral proton flux I sub p (E sub p 25 MeV) = 5 x 10 to the 21/sq cm the spectral index - gamma = 3. The calculations of the D and 3He yields in various nuclear reactions at these irradiation conditions show that only the 4He(p,d)3He reaction leads to cosmic abundances of these isotopes on the assumption that all matter has been exposed

    Cosmogenic Mn-53 in meteorites

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    The distributions of the Mn-53 contents in 106 nonantarctic and 112 antarctic chondrites were analyzed. A correlation analysis of these distributions showed that the correlation coefficient is a maximum r sub max = 0.75 plus or minus 0.03) when the histogram for antarctic chondrites is displaced by 40 plus or minus 8 dpm kg-1Fe towards lower Mn-53 contents. The distribution of Mn-53 saturated contents in nonantarctic ordinary chondrites was investigated as a function of their radiation age (T). It is found that the Mn-53 average content is higher by (21 plus or minus 9)% in H-chondrites with radiation age T approximately 12 Myr than in thse with T 12 Myr. This effect can be attributed to the fact that a considerable proportion of H-chondrites with T 12 Myr originates from a comet or from the objects of Chiron like, with the orbits more inclined to the ecliptic plane and/or more extended, which caused their irradiation by cosmic rays of higher intensity

    Primary cosmic rays on the lunar surface

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    Results are reported for determination of the galactic cosmic ray flux during various time intervals in the 1965-1972 period, on the basis of data from the instruments of a spacecraft that made a soft landing on the lunar surface, and from the radioactivity of samples returned by the spacecraft. During minimum solar activity (the second half of 1965 and the beginning of 1966) I sub 0 (E greater than or equal to 30 percent MeV/nucleon) was determined to be 0.43 (plus or minus 10 percent). These values, within the error limits of the determinations, agree with the corresponding values of galactic cosmic ray intensities determined by stratospheric measurements. The mean flux of galactic cosmic rays over the past million years is equal to I (E greater or equal to 100 MeV/nucleon) + 0.28 (plus or minus 20 percent). This value agrees with the mean flux of modulated cosmic rays during the period of the nineteenth solar cycle. The mean flux of solar protons between 1965 and 1972 was 2.46

    The astrophysical interpretation of isotope anomalies in graphite and SiC grains of chondrites

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    The C, N, and Mg isotopic compositions in graphite and SiC grains of carbonaceous chondrites can be explained by nuclear processes in massive O,B stars of second generation passed a stage of WR star with intensive stellar wind, where grain condensation had taken place. The interstellar graphite and SiC grains with anomalous isotopic compositions of C, N, Ne, and Si and other elements of nucleosynthetic origin, found in non-equilibrated chondrites, are most suitable for determination of astro-physical objects, where nucleosynthesis had taken place. Two objects were examined: (1) massive O,B stars of second generation passed a stage of WR star with intensive stellar wind (O,B-WR model) and (2) low-mass stars (1 less than or equal to M/solar mass less than or equal to 3) during thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch phase (TP-AGB model)

    The radiation history of material returned by the Soviet automatic stations Luna 16 and Luna 20, according to track studies

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    Fission tracks formed by the vH (very heavy) nuclei group of solar and galactic cosmic rays have been studied in silicate minerals of the lunar regolith returned by the Luna 16 and Luna 20 unmanned spacecraft. It is shown that the material in the Luna 16 core sample, from a typical mare region of the lunar surface, has undergone stronger irradiation by cosmic rays than material returned a highland region by Luna 20. A low-irradiation component (about 10 percent of the total number of crystals) has been found in the Luna 20 core sample materials, which can possibly be attributed to material added to the main bulk of the regolith in the formation of the crater Apollonius C. From the track density distribution of crystals, as a function of depth in the regolith core sample, it follows that the process of formation of the upper layer of the regolith, both for the lunar mare and for the highland region, includes sequential layering of finely crushed crystalline matter and subsequent mixing of it by micrometeorite bombardment. A portion of the crystals with a very high track density may be a component added to the lunar surface from outer space

    Особливості раціонального використання інноваційно-інвестиційних кластерів будівельних підприємств за умови релокації бізнесу для подолання кризи воєнного стану в Україні

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    The main condition for innovative development of the country is the innovative potential of the construction industry, as the flagship of today's urban reconstruction. This article is devoted to the characteristics of the innovative potential of the country's construction industry, in particular, the main innovative problems of the Ukrainian economy are analyzed and recommendations are made for their improvement. The organization and stimulation of processes of technology renewal, the transfer of scientific developments from the field of knowledge acquisition to production, which is achieved with the help of the development of the education system, the intellectual property market, the creation of innovative infrastructure, financial and tax stimulation of scientific and technical activities, is of particular importance in the processes of the functioning of the national innovation system. etc. Thus, the situation in the innovation sphere makes it urgent to develop such a state policy that would ensure expanded reproduction of the object base of innovative activity and the irreversible impact of innovations on accelerated economic growth of the country. The relevance is due to forced changes in the regional socio-economic policy of Ukraine due to the relocation of property and enterprises from areas of risk and active hostilities. The economic front of the state during the war is one of the issues, ensuring the activity of which contributes to replenishing the budget and maintaining the solvency of the population. The improvement of the efficiency and transparency of the work of city authorities and services was analyzed, namely: integration and coordination of individual functions and city services to optimize the solution of complex problems and speed up interdepartmental interaction; improvement of the system of control over the activity of communal enterprises and budget organizations; improvement of the statistical information collection system to improve the efficiency of management decision-making on the ground; ensuring effective management of city assets.Головна умова інноваційного розвитку країни – це інноваційний потенціал будівельної галузі, як флагмана сьогоднішньої відбудови міст. Дана стаття присвячена характеристиці інноваційного потенціалу будівельної галузі країни, зокрема проаналізовано основні інноваційні проблеми української економіки і надано рекомендації щодо їх поліпшення. Особливу значимість у процесах функціонування національної інноваційної системи має організація та стимулювання процесів оновлення технологій, передачі наукових розробок із сфери одержання знань у виробництво, що досягається за допомогою розвитку системи освіти, ринку інтелектуальної власності, створення інноваційної інфраструктури, фінансового та податкового стимулювання науково-технічної діяльності тощо. Таким чином, ситуація, що склалася в інноваційній сфері, робить нагальною розробку такої державної політики, яка б забезпечувала розширене відтворення об’єктної бази інноваційної діяльності та незворотній вплив інновацій на прискорене економічне зростання країни. Актуальність зумовлена вимушеними змінами у регіональній соціально-економічній політиці України через релокацію майна і підприємств із зон ризику та активних бойових дій. Економічний фронт держави під час війни є одним із питань, забезпечення діяльності якого сприяє поповненню бюджету та збереженню платоспроможності населення. Проаналізовано підвищення ефективності та прозорості роботи міських органів влади і служб, а саме: інтеграція та координація окремих функцій і міських служб задля оптимізації вирішення комплексних проблем та прискорення міжвідомчої взаємодії; удосконалення системи контролю за діяльністю комунальних підприємств та бюджетних організацій; удосконалення системи збору статистичної інформації для підвищення ефективності прийняття управлінських рішень на місцях; забезпечення ефективного управління міськими активами