13 research outputs found

    The importance of mangroves to people: a call to action

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    This global synthesis report serves as a call to action to decision makers. It provides a science-based synthesis of the different types of goods and services provided by mangroves and the associated risks in losing these services in the face of ongoing global habitat loss and degradation. The report provides management and policy options at the local, regional and global level with the aim of preventing further losses through effective conservation measures, sustainable management and successful restoration. In addition to the report, key figures and maps are available to download as individual files

    The importance of mangroves to people: a call to action

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    This global synthesis report serves as a call to action to decision makers. It provides a science-based synthesis of the different types of goods and services provided by mangroves and the associated risks in losing these services in the face of ongoing global habitat loss and degradation. The report provides management and policy options at the local, regional and global level with the aim of preventing further losses through effective conservation measures, sustainable management and successful restoration. In addition to the report, key figures and maps are available to download as individual files

    Economic vulnerability and resilience of small states

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    This chapter highlights UNEP's activities in assisting Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in implementing the Barbados Programme of Action for their Sustainable Development. It covers UNEP's response to eight major areas of concern for SIDS, namely climate change and sea level rise, biodiversity resources, coastal and marine resources, coral reef protection and management, natural and environmental disasters management, management of wastes, freshwater resources management, and tourism resources. Future directions with regard to each environmental concern are also identified. The chapter also deals with UNEP's activities with regard to a number of cross-cutting issues in environmental management of interest to SIDS, including multilateral environmental agreements and environmental law, the environmental vulnerability index, capacity building for sustainable development, and environment outlook reports on SIDS.peer-reviewe

    The importance of mangroves to people: a call to action

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    [Extract] Mangroves are a type of tropical forest, uniquely positioned at the dynamic interface of land and sea. They are found along coasts and estuaries throughout the tropics and subtropics and are capable of thriving in salt water; prospering in conditions to which only a few species have adapted. Mangroves form the foundation of a highly productive and biologically rich ecosystem which provides a home and feeding ground for a wide range of species, many of which are endangered. Although mangroves make up less than one percent of all tropical forests worldwide, they are highly valuable ecosystems, providing an array of essential goods and services which contribute significantly to the livelihoods, well-being and security of coastal communities. The complex network of mangrove roots can help reduce wave energy, limiting erosion and shielding coastal communities from the destructive forces of tropical storms. Mangrove ecosystems are often an essential source of seafood for both subsistence consumption and the local and national seafood trade, in addition to providing other materials such as firewood and timber, which support the livelihoods of thousands of coastal communities. Beyond their direct benefits, mangroves also play an important role in global climate regulation. On average, they store around 1,000 tonnes of carbon per hectare in their biomass and underlying soil, making them some of the most carbon-rich ecosystems on the planet. Despite its value, the mangrove ecosystem is one of the most threatened on the planet. Mangroves are being destroyed at rates 3-5 times greater than average rates of forest loss and over a quarter of the original mangrove cover has already disappeared; driven by land conversion for aquaculture and agriculture, coastal development, pollution and overexploitation of mangrove resources. As mangroves become smaller and more fragmented, important ecosystem goods and services will be diminished or lost. The consequences of further mangrove degradation will be particularly severe for the well-being of coastal communities in developing countries, especially where people rely heavily on mangrove goods and services for their daily subsistence and livelihoods. However, the future of mangroves does not have to be bleak. Increasing recognition of the importance of mangrove ecosystems for both biodiversity and human well-being is driving efforts around the world to conserve, better manage and restore these ecosystems. Many of these have been successful at a local scale, often supported by national policies that recognise the significant long-term benefits of mangroves over short-term financial gains. Mangroves need to be understood for the valuable socio-economic and ecological resource they are, and conserved and managed sustainably. This will take a commitment by governments to make policy decisions and enforce existing protection measures to curb the widespread losses from human activities. This global synthesis document serves as a call to action to decision makers and highlights the unique range of values of mangroves to people around the world. It aims to provide a science-based synthesis of the different types of goods and services provided by mangroves and the associated risks in losing these services in the face of ongoing global habitat loss and degradation. The document provides management and policy options at the local, regional and global level with the aim of preventing further losses through effective conservation measures, sustainable management and successful restoration of previously damaged mangrove areas. Our hope is that this call to action will generate renewed interest in mangroves for policy-makers, helping to safeguard a future for these essential yet undervalued ecosystems

    Challenges in the adoption and use of OpenCourseWare: experience of the United Nations University

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    This paper provides insights on the adoption or use of OpenCourseWare (OCW) to support broader research, training and institutional capacity development goals, based on the experience of the United Nations University. Specifically, it explains the strategic context for the use of OCW in the university through its related efforts in the area of Virtual and Open Learning, and how OCW fits these requirements. Finally, the paper presents the current status, and discusses challenges and future directions of the OCW project at the United Nations University

    The growing need for sustainable ecological management of marine communities of the Persian Gulf

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    The Persian Gulf is a semi-enclosed marine system surrounded by eight countries, many of which are experiencing substantial development. It is also a major center for the oil industry. The increasing array of anthropogenic disturbances may have substantial negative impacts on marine ecosystems, but this has received little attention until recently. We review the available literature on the Gulf’s marine environment and detail our recent experience in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) to evaluate the role of anthropogenic disturbance in this marine ecosystem. Extensive coastal development may now be the single most important anthropogenic stressor. We offer suggestions for how to build awareness of environmental risks of current practices, enhance regional capacity for coastal management, and build cooperative management of this important, shared marine system. An excellent opportunity exists for one or more of the bordering countries to initiate a bold and effective, long-term, international collaboration in environmental management for the Gulf