1,139 research outputs found

    Les dĂ©terminants de l'intensitĂ© du deuil Ă  la suite de la perte d'un animal de compagnie : validation d’un instrument et Ă©tude de corrĂ©lats

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    Cette thÚse a pour objectif de déterminer, parmi un ensemble de variables, lesquelles ont un lien direct avec la prédiction de l'intensité de deuil d'un maßtre suite à la perte de son animal de compagnie. Pour ce faire, 198 participants ont dûment complété une série de questionnaires envoyés par la poste deux mois suite à la perte de l'animal de compagnie. Ces questionnaires évaluaient entre autres l'attachement, la personnalité, la solitude, la détresse psychologique et les événements du passé du maßtre. Les résultats et une discussion quant à l'analyse et à l'évaluation de ces variables y sont présentés. Au-delà d'une présentation des résultats de cette recherche, cette thÚse inclut également les résultats d'une étude de traduction et de validation du Pet Loss Questionnaire; un outil qui a été essentiel dans le cadre de cette thÚse afin de mesurer l'intensité du deuil des maßtres suite à la perte de leur animal de compagnie

    The genesis of functional deficiencies in the hypertensive eye. (Clinical study).

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    peer reviewed1. The identity between the defects in the visual field of secondary glaucomas, on one hand, and those of open angle glaucomas, on the other hand, is a proof of the role of hypertension in the functionnal alterations of open angle glaucoma. 2. Studies of the relation between hypertension, on one hand, and visual defects on the other hand reveal: a. that increase of the scotomas is nearly always interrupted when the ocular tension is below 17 mm. Hg; b. that there is a great difference in the individual sensibility of patients to hypertension. 3. These differences, according to Goldmann and Gafner's hypothesis, seem to depend on individual characteristics of the vessels pattern in the head of the optic nerve. © 1959 Uitgeverij Dr. W. Junk

    ‘In the dark’: Voices of parents in marginalised stepfamilies: perceptions and experiences of their parenting support needs

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    The fastest growing family type in the UK is the stepfamily with social parenting an increasingly normal practice. Parenting policy and practice, which has increased exponentially over the last two decades, has historically been modelled on the biological nuclear family model with marginalised families the main recipients. The possibility that parents in marginalised stepfamilies might have separate and discrete parenting support needs to biological parents seems to be overlooked in policy, practice and research. Rather, the historical legacy of deficit, dysfunction and a ‘whiff’ of poor parenting in marginalised stepfamilies lingers on. The focus of the research was to determine marginalised parents’ perceptions and experiences of parenting in their stepfamily and their parenting support needs. Thematic analysis of the data revealed accounts that were interwoven throughout with strong moral undertones which seemed to categorise their lives. The parenting issues were different and more complex than those they had encountered before. The parents adopted biological family identities, but these didn’t fit with their social roles and often rendered them powerless in their relationships with stepchildren. This appeared to have a cumulative effect which impacted on the already fragile couple relationship. Despite the parents easy articulation of the parenting issues there was a contrasting unease and ambivalence in discussing parenting support needs. Parenting support seemed to be an irrelevance that could be disregarded. Ultimately the moral significance of the parents marginalised class positions appeared to be central to their lives, which has important implications for policy and practice

    Contribution to the study of macular and paramacular functions in amblyopia

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    peer reviewedThe dark adaptation of the cones of the amblyopic eye is somewhat reduced. This decrease is less important than the reduction of the visual acuity. The flicker fusion frequency of the central and paracentral areas of the visual field of the amblyopic eye is not reduced. On the contrary, statistical calculation shows an inconspicuous increase. The visual acuity of the amblyopic eye is all the more reduced as the test is more searching. This lack of harmony between the angular visual acuity and the morphoscopic visual acuity is pre-existent to any treatment. Though in different degrees, it is found in amblyopia with central fixation and in amblyopia with eccentric fixation. On the other hand it is not revealed in organic lesions of the eye or of the optic tracts. Any visual image that is perceived by an amblyopic eye is the source of memorization phenomena that are identical to any image discerned by the healthy brother eye. © 1962 Uitgeverij Dr W. Junk
