492 research outputs found

    Bayesian 3d velocity field reconstruction with VIRBIuS

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    I describe a new Bayesian based algorithm to infer the full three dimensional velocity field from observed distances and spectroscopic galaxy catalogues. In addition to the velocity field itself, the algorithm reconstructs true distances, some cosmological parameters and specific non-linearities in the velocity field. The algorithm takes care of selection effects, miscalibration issues and can be easily extended to handle direct fitting of, e.g., the inverse Tully-Fisher relation. I first describe the algorithm in details alongside its performances. This algorithm is implemented in the VIRBIuS (VelocIty Reconstruction using Bayesian Inference Software) software package. I then test it on different mock distance catalogues with a varying complexity of observational issues. The model proved to give robust measurement of velocities for mock catalogues of 3,000 galaxies. I expect the core of the algorithm to scale to tens of thousands galaxies. It holds the promises of giving a better handle on future large and deep distance surveys for which individual errors on distance would impede velocity field inference.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Bayesian power-spectrum inference with foreground and target contamination treatment

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    This work presents a joint and self-consistent Bayesian treatment of various foreground and target contaminations when inferring cosmological power-spectra and three dimensional density fields from galaxy redshift surveys. This is achieved by introducing additional block sampling procedures for unknown coefficients of foreground and target contamination templates to the previously presented ARES framework for Bayesian large scale structure analyses. As a result the method infers jointly and fully self-consistently three dimensional density fields, cosmological power-spectra, luminosity dependent galaxy biases, noise levels of respective galaxy distributions and coefficients for a set of a priori specified foreground templates. In addition this fully Bayesian approach permits detailed quantification of correlated uncertainties amongst all inferred quantities and correctly marginalizes over observational systematic effects. We demonstrate the validity and efficiency of our approach in obtaining unbiased estimates of power-spectra via applications to realistic mock galaxy observations subject to stellar contamination and dust extinction. While simultaneously accounting for galaxy biases and unknown noise levels our method reliably and robustly infers three dimensional density fields and corresponding cosmological power-spectra from deep galaxy surveys. Further our approach correctly accounts for joint and correlated uncertainties between unknown coefficients of foreground templates and the amplitudes of the power-spectrum. An effect amounting up to 1010 percent correlations and anti-correlations across large ranges in Fourier space.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    The 2M++ galaxy redshift catalogue

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    Peculiar velocities arise from gravitational instability, and thus are linked to the surrounding distribution of matter. In order to understand the motion of the Local Group with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background, a deep all-sky map of the galaxy distribution is required. Here we present a new redshift compilation of 69~160 galaxies, dubbed 2M++, to map large-scale structures of the Local Universe over nearly the whole sky, and reaching depths of K <= 12.5, or 200 Mpc/h. The target catalogue is based on the Two-Micron-All-Sky Extended Source Catalog (2MASS-XSC). The primary sources of redshifts are the 2MASS Redshift Survey, the 6dF galaxy redshift survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (DR7). We assess redshift completeness in each region and compute the weights required to correct for redshift incompleteness and apparent magnitude limits, and discuss corrections for incompleteness in the Zone of Avoidance. We present the density field for this survey, and discuss the importance of large-scale structures such as the Shapley Concentration.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables, submitted to MNRA

    Bayesian inference of CMB gravitational lensing

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    The Planck satellite, along with several ground based telescopes, have mapped the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at sufficient resolution and signal-to-noise so as to allow a detection of the subtle distortions due to the gravitational influence of the intervening matter distribution. A natural modeling approach is to write a Bayesian hierarchical model for the lensed CMB in terms of the unlensed CMB and the lensing potential. So far there has been no feasible algorithm for inferring the posterior distribution of the lensing potential from the lensed CMB map. We propose a solution that allows efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling from the joint posterior of the lensing potential and the unlensed CMB map using the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo technique. The main conceptual step in the solution is a re-parameterization of CMB lensing in terms of the lensed CMB and the "inverse lensing" potential. We demonstrate a fast implementation on simulated data including noise and a sky cut, that uses a further acceleration based on a very mild approximation of the inverse lensing potential. We find that the resulting Markov Chain has short correlation lengths and excellent convergence properties, making it promising for application to high resolution CMB data sets of the future

    DegradaciĂłn ambiental y conflictos armados : las conexiones

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    La seguridad ambiental es un concepto complejo que puede ser analizado desde varios enfoques. La conexiĂłn entre degradaciĂłn ambiental, escasez de recursos, poco desarrollo econĂłmico e inestabilidad polĂ­tica puede generar rĂĄpidamente conflictos llamados ambientales, terrorismo ecolĂłgico y guerras verdes. Sin embargo, en la mayorĂ­a de las investigaciones sobre degradaciĂłn ambiental y conflictos armados no se tienen en cuenta los factores desarrollo econĂłmico y rĂ©gimen polĂ­tico, pues se considera que los problemas ambientales pueden, por sĂ­ solos, conducir a situaciones conflictivas nacionales, regionales e internacionales. En este contexto, los propĂłsitos de este artĂ­culo son plantear las diferentes tendencias ideolĂłgicas de la seguridad ambiental, definir el contenido y las causas de los conflictos ambientales y proponer un marco analĂ­tico complementario que incluya las variables polĂ­ticas y econĂłmicas como generadoras de conflictos ambientales y de conflictos armados de alta intensidad. Al final, se propone una agenda de investigaciĂłn en materia de seguridad ambiental para Colombia.Environmental security is a very complex concept that may be analyzed from multiples points of view. The connection between environmental degradation, resources scarcities, low levels of economic development and political instability can quickly lead to many types of conflicts called environmental conflicts, ecological terrorism and green wars. However, most of the researchers dealing with environmental degradation and armed conflicts don’t consider important factors such as ‘economic development’ and ‘type of political regime’ because they hypothetically think that environmental issues can lead automatically to domestic, regional and international crisis and conflicts. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the four generations of studies about environmental security, to define the contents and the causes of environmental conflicts, and, to propose an additional analytical framework that includes political and economical factors as sources of environmental conflicts and violent disputes

    Precision constrained simulation of the Local Universe

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    We use the formalism of constrained Gaussian random field to compute a precise large scale simulation of the 60 Mpc/h volume of our Local Universe. We derive the constraints from the reconstructed peculiar velocities of the 2MASS Redshift Survey. We obtain a correlation of 0.97 between the log-density field of the dark matter distribution of the simulation and the log-density of observed galaxies of the Local Universe. We achieve a good comparison of the simulated velocity field to the observed velocity field obtained from the galaxy distances of the NBG-3k. At the end, we compare the two-point correlation function of both the 2MRS galaxies and of the dark matter particles of the simulation. We conclude that this method is a very promising technique of exploring the dynamics and the particularities the Universe in our neighbourhood.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Los Estudios Canadienses en Colombia y América Latina

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    Gouvernance et gestion des espaces hydrographiques nationaux et internationaux: I’analyse du cas espagnol et des conflits de l’eau dans le bassin de l’Ebre

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    Il existe trois scĂ©narios d’insĂ©curitĂ© environnementale en Colombie dans lesquels la relation entre l’état des ressources naturelles en eau, pĂ©trole et biodiversitĂ© (pĂ©nurie, dĂ©gradation, surexploitation, risque d’appropriation et terrorisme Ă©cologique) et la situation des rapports de force internes et rĂ©gionaux (exacerbation des tensions interĂ©tatiques, sociĂ©tales et insĂ©curitĂ© humaine) est Ă©vidente. Ce rĂ©sultat a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© lors d’un projet de recherche antĂ©rieur (2002-2005) menĂ©e par l’auteur de ce document de recherche dans le cadre de la ligne de recherche en sĂ©curitĂ© rĂ©gionale et internationale du Centre d’Etudes Politiques et Internationales -CEPI- des FacultĂ©s de Science Politique et Gouvernements et de Relations Internationales de l’UniversitĂ© du Rosario de Bogota..

    Lagrangian reconstruction of cosmic velocity fields

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    We discuss a Lagrangian reconstruction method of the velocity field from galaxy redshift catalog that takes its root in the Euler equation. This results in a ``functional'' of the velocity field which must be minimized. This is helped by an algorithm solving the minimization of cost-flow problems. The results obtained by applying this method to cosmological problems are shown and boundary effects happening in real observational cases are then discussed. Finally, a statistical model of the errors made by the reconstruction method is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, contribution to the conference "Euler's Equations: 250 Years On" (see http://www.obs-nice.fr/etc7/EE250/); to be published in a special issue of Physica D containing the proceedings of that conferenc
