298 research outputs found

    Du théâtre au cinéma : Molière dans la campagne vaudoise

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    Rediscovered on the occasion of a retrospective on Molière in films at the Cinémathèque suisse (Lausanne) in 2022, the movie Monsieur Molière aux champs looks at the theatrical practices of a farming community in the canton of Vaud countryside. Directed by Swiss photographer and journalist Yvan Dalain in 1988-1989, the movie depicts the real lives of the inhabitants of Orzens, Gossens and Opens, drawing links with Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, a comedy-ballet by Molière and Lully, almost 320 years after its creation. This paper looks back at the origins of this ambitious project, analyzing the format and adaptation processes used on stage and screen.Rediscovered on the occasion of a retrospective on Molière in films at the Cinémathèque suisse (Lausanne) in 2022, the movie Monsieur Molière aux champs looks at the theatrical practices of a farming community in the canton of Vaud countryside. Directed by Swiss photographer and journalist Yvan Dalain in 1988-1989, the movie depicts the real lives of the inhabitants of Orzens, Gossens and Opens, drawing links with Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, a comedy-ballet by Molière and Lully, almost 320 years after its creation. This paper looks back at the origins of this ambitious project, analyzing the format and adaptation processes used on stage and screen

    The iconography of disruptive bodies: social media and medical identities

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    As an artist I examine how photographs discipline an individual’s relationship to her or his body and society. Working on the premise that the idealization of certain bodies has led to a reduced visual language of expression for the body, I explore ways of expanding this iconography. As a historical backdrop to this study, I discuss photographs created in La Salpêtrière hospital in the late-nineteenth century. During this time, the women who best performed the contorted shapes of hysteria were photographed for the Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière (Charcot). Film stars began to imitate the women in the photographs, and the gestures of hysteria transformed popular expressions of passion. In this chapter 1 examine the cyclical relationship between body ideals, online social networks and individual bodies by exploring the selfie’s potential for self-creation, performance and masquerade. Alongside the ‘healthy’ productive body I will consider illness as a form of unconscious protest, referring to hysteria and its contemporary counterparts, binge and restrict eating disorders. Using the Foucauldian notion of the disciplined body, I will theorize online social networks and selfies as potential sites for disruption of hegemonic body-image ideals

    Quand l’administration fait le couple par le corps

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    What can the analysis of the administrative management of marriage and its legal effects reveal about the conjugal bond? Analysing the work of civil registrars in Switzerland, this article discusses three findings. Firstly, it shows that the screening of so-called “convenience unions” submits “mixed” couples to an increased control: the fact that marriage allows for facilitated naturalization sheds light on the expected, though invisible in the daily life, effects of the conjugal bond. Drawing on new studies of kinship, it secondly allows considering what substances circulate between spouses – love and sexual substances. Doing couple does not follow the mere order of law but also the order of nature: the conjugal bond reveals the malleable nature of women. Their embodied intercourse with foreigners might change their national belongings, making their reliability as citizens problematic.Que révèle du lien conjugal l’analyse de la gestion administrative du mariage et de ses effets légaux ? En analysant le travail des officiers d’état civil en Suisse, cet article présente trois constats. Il montre d’abord que dans le cadre du dépistage des unions dites de convenance, les couples « mixtes » font l’objet d’un contrôle accru : l’accès que permet le mariage à la naturalisation facilitée met en évidence les effets attendus, mais invisiblisés au quotidien, du lien conjugal. Dans le sillage des nouvelles études de la parenté, il permet dans un second temps de comprendre les substances qui circulent entre les conjoint·e·s – l’amour et les substances sexuelles. Enfin, faire couple ne relève pas simplement de l’ordre de la loi, mais aussi de celui de la nature : le lien conjugal révèle la nature malléable des femmes. Le corps à corps avec des époux étrangers peut changer leur appartenance nationale, qui se voit attribuer une volatilité problématique

    Attending to the bodily self

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    Humphreys and Sui provide a powerful theoretical framework to explain processing biases toward self-related information. However, the framework is primarily applied to information relevant to a conceptual self-representation. Here, we show a similar processing bias for information related to the bodily self, grounded in sensorimotor representations. Furthermore, we can use bodily illusions to explore the ways in which embodied self-associations can affect our perceptual and attentional processing. It is possible to extend the current framework to take into account these effects, and we argue that this will yield considerable benefits for our understanding of self-relevance

    Transnational Surfistas and the Development of Nicaragua’s Emerald Coast

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    This article weaves together data from the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR), online mainstream media sources, and surfing magazines, to tell the story of the development of the Emerald Coast, a historically overlooked periphery in southwestern Nicaragua that evolved into one of the country’s most high-profile and sought-after tourism destinations. The argument is that it is impossible to effectively explain the development of the Emerald Coast without first understanding the role surfing played in this phenomenon. This also serves to contextualize these foreign surfers as part of another wave of transnational engagement with Nicaragua, a country that has long been impacted by foreign actors from the United States and Europe. The convergence of opportunity – cultural, economic, and political forces – and environment facilitated the rise of Nicaragua’s surf tourism industry, which in turn engendered subsequent forms of leisure tourism. Over the course of three decades, this new industry shifted the economic focus of Nicaragua, as tourism became the leading contributor, in terms of revenue, to Nicaragua’s overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This article places foreign surfers at the center of this phenomenon by telling the story of the development and evolution of the Emerald Coast through the lens of surfing

    Les mères mapuche : une périphérie incontournable de l’imaginaire national chilien

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    Cet article traite des reformulations de l’imaginaire national chilien. Il aborde la question du rapport à l’histoire, de la gestion des minorités et de l’affirmation de la cohésion nationale à partir de la situation périphérique des Mapuche, principal peuple autochtone du Chili. À travers l’analyse du dispositif légal adopté en 1993 ainsi que de la version dominante de l’histoire de l’indépendance, l’auteure montre que la patrimonialisation de la culture mapuche est un dispositif qui contribue à mettre en scène une culture dénuée d’ancrage, une « culture sans peuple ». Dans ce contexte, la figure de la mère mapuche est révélatrice des stratégies de légitimation du nouvel imaginaire national. En les désignant implicitement comme responsables de la perte d’éléments culturels emblématiques, et en premier lieu de la langue mapuche, les tenants des politiques publiques définissent la transmission linguistique comme un processus familial relevant du privé. Ce faisant, ils excluent la réévaluation des politiques étatiques avant 1993, politiques qui manifestent d’une remarquable continuité dans la poursuite d’une assimilation forcée qui se retrouve dans les projets actuels.This article deals with reformulations of the Chilean national imagination. It addresses the question of the relationship with history, the managing of minorities and the affirmation of national cohesion from the peripheral situation of the Mapuche, the main autochthonous people in Chile. Through the analysis of a piece of legislation adopted in 1993 and the dominant version of the history of independence, the author shows that the « patrimonialisation » of Mapuche culture is a mechanism that contributes to producing a free-floating culture, a « people‑less culture ». In this context, the figure of the Mapuche mother reveals the legitimisation strategies of the new national imagination. By implicitly designating them as responsible for the loss of emblematic cultural items, in the first place the Mapuche language, the defenders of public policies define linguistic transmission as a family process that is a matter falling within the private sphere. In so doing, they rule out a re-evaluation of pre‑1993 state policies. The latter show a remarkable continuity in the pursuit of forced assimilation which is found again in the current proposals

    Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza: Entry Pathways into North America via Bird Migration

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    Given the possibility of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza arriving in North America and monitoring programs that have been established to detect and track it, we review intercontinental movements of birds. We divided 157 bird species showing regular intercontinental movements into four groups based on patterns of movement—one of these groups (breed Holarctic, winter Eurasia) fits well with the design of the monitoring programs (i.e., western Alaska), but the other groups have quite different movement patterns, which would suggest the importance of H5N1 monitoring along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf coasts of North America

    The Increasing Burden of Imported Chronic Hepatitis B — United States, 1974–2008

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    Without intervention, up to 25% of individuals chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) die of late complications, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. The United States, which in 1991 implemented a strategy to eliminate HBV transmission through universal immunization, is a country of low prevalence. Approximately 3,000-5,000 U.S.-acquired cases of chronic hepatitis B have occurred annually since 2001. Many more chronically infected persons migrate to the United States yearly from countries of higher prevalence. Although early identification of chronic HBV infection can reduce the likelihood of transmission and late complications, immigrants are not routinely screened for HBV infection during or after immigration.To estimate the number of imported cases of chronic hepatitis B, we multiplied country-specific prevalence estimates by the yearly number of immigrants from each country during 1974-2008.During 1974-2008, 27.9 million immigrants entered the U.S. Sixty-three percent were born in countries of intermediate or high chronic hepatitis B prevalence (range 2%-31%). On average, an estimated 53,800 chronic hepatitis B cases were imported to the U.S. yearly from 2004 through 2008. The Philippines, China, and Vietnam contributed the most imported cases (13.4%, 12.5%, and 11.0%, respectively). Imported cases increased from an estimated low of 105,750 during the period 1974-1977 to a high of 268,800 in 2004-2008.Imported chronic hepatitis B cases account for approximately 95% of new U.S. cases. Earlier case identification and management of infected immigrants would strengthen the U.S. strategy to eliminate HBV transmission, and could delay disease progression and prevent some deaths among new Americans