1,231 research outputs found

    Basic-deformed quantum mechanics

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    Starting on the basis of qq-symmetric oscillator algebra and on the associate qq-calculus properties, we study a deformed quantum mechanics defined in the framework of the basic square-integrable wave functions space. In this context, we introduce a deformed Schroedinger equation, which satisfies the main quantum mechanics assumptions and admits, in the free case, plane wave functions that can be expressed in terms of the q-deformed exponential, originally introduced in the framework of the basic-hypergeometric functions.Comment: 10 page

    Hot and dense hadronic matter in an effective mean field approach

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    We investigate the equation of state of hadronic matter at finite values of baryon density and temperature reachable in high energy heavy ion collisions. The analysis is performed by requiring the Gibbs conditions on the global conservation of baryon number, electric charge fraction and zero net strangeness. We consider an effective relativistic mean-field model with the inclusion of Delta-isobars, hyperons and lightest pseudoscalar and vector mesons degrees of freedom. In this context, we study the influence of the Delta-isobars degrees of freedom in the hadronic equation of state and, in connection, the behavior of different particle-antiparticle ratios and strangeness production.Comment: 15 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev. C

    Nonextensive statistical effects on nuclear astrophysics and many-body problems

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    Density and temperature conditions in many stellar core (like the solar core) imply the presence of nonideal plasma effects with memory and long-range interactions between particles. This aspect suggests the possibility that the stellar core could not be in a global thermodynamical equilibrium but satisfies the conditions of a metastable state with a stationary (nonextensive) power law distribution function among ions. The order of magnitude of the deviation from the standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution can be derived microscopically by considering the presence of random electrical microfields in the stellar plasma. We show that such a nonextensive statistical effect can be very relevant in many nuclear astrophysical problems.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the X Convegno su Problemi di Fisica Nucleare Teoric

    Nonextensive statistical effects on the relativistic nuclear equation of state

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    Following the basic prescriptions of the Tsallis' nonextensive thermodynamics, we study the relativistic nonextensive thermodynamics and the equation of state for a perfect gas at the equilibrium. The obtained results are used to study the relativistic nuclear equation of state in the hadronic and in the quark-gluon plasma phase. We show that small deviations from the standard extensive statistics imply remarkable effects into the shape of the equation of state.Comment: Contribution to International Workshop on: Trends and Perspectives in Extensive and Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics (in Honour to the q-60th Birthday of Constantino Tsallis) November 19-21, 2003, Angra dos Reis, Brazil. 8 pages including 2 figure

    Dynamic Trace-Based Data Dependency Analysis for Parallelization of C Programs

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    Writing parallel code is traditionally considered a difficult task, even when it is tackled from the beginning of a project. In this paper, we demonstrate an innovative toolset that faces this challenge directly. It provides the software developers with profile data and directs them to possible top-level, pipeline-style parallelization opportunities for an arbitrary sequential C program. This approach is complementary to the methods based on static code analysis and automatic code rewriting and does not impose restrictions on the structure of the sequential code or the parallelization style, even though it is mostly aimed at coarse-grained task-level parallelization. The proposed toolset has been utilized to define parallel code organizations for a number of real-world representative applications and is based on and is provided as free source

    Nonextensive statistics in stellar plasma and solar neutrinos

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    Nonextensive and quantum uncertainty effects (related to the quasiparticles composing the stellar core) have strong influence on the nuclear rates and, of course, affect solar neutrino fluxes. Both effects do coexist and are due to the frequent collisions among the ions. The weakly nonextensive nature of the solar core is confirmed. The range of predictions for the neutrino fluxes is enlarged and the solar neutrino problem becomes less dramatic.Comment: 4 pages. Proc. of TAUP99, Sept. 6-10 1999, Paris. To appear in Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Supp

    Color Superconductivity in Compact Stars and Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We study the effects of color superconductivity on the structure and formation of compact stars. We show that it is possible to satisfy most of recent observational boundaries on masses and radii if a diquark condensate forms in a hybrid or a quark star. Moreover, we find that a huge amount of energy, of the order of 105310^{53} erg, can be released in the conversion from a (metastable) hadronic star into a (stable) hybrid or quark star, if the presence of a color superconducting phase is taken into account. Accordingly to the scenario proposed in Astrophys.J.586(2003)1250, the energy released in this conversion can power a Gamma Ray Burst. This mechanism can explain the recent observations indicating a delay, of the order of days or years, between a few Supernova explosions and the subsequent Gamma Ray Burst.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Nonextensive statistical effects in the quark-gluon plasma formation at relativistic heavy-ion collisions energies

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    We investigate the relativistic equation of state of hadronic matter and quark-gluon plasma at finite temperature and baryon density in the framework of the non-extensive statistical mechanics, characterized by power-law quantum distributions. We impose the Gibbs conditions on the global conservation of baryon number, electric charge and strangeness number. For the hadronic phase, we study an extended relativistic mean-field theoretical model with the inclusion of strange particles (hyperons and mesons). For the quark sector, we employ an extended MIT-Bag model. In this context we focus on the relevance of non-extensive effects in the presence of strange matter.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Temperature dependence of modified CNO nuclear reaction rates in dense stellar plasmas

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    We study the dependence of the CNO nuclear reaction rates on temperature, in the range of 107Ă·10810^7\div 10^8 K, the typical range of temperature evolution from a Sun-like star towards a white dwarf. We show that the temperature dependence of the CNO nuclear reaction rates is strongly affected by the presence of non-extensive statistical effects in the dense stellar core. A very small deviation from the Maxwell-Boltzmann particle distribution implies a relevant enhancement of the CNO reaction rate and could explain the presence of heavier elements (e.g. Fe, Mg) in the final composition of a white dwarf core. Such a behavior is consistent with the recent experimental upper limit to the fraction of energy that the Sun produces via the CNO fusion cycle.Comment: Presented at NEXT2003 (Second International Conference on "News and Expectations in Thermostatistics"), Villasimius (Cagliari)- Italy in 21-28 September 2003. 7 pages including 3 figure
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