9 research outputs found

    From bench to bountiful harvests : a road map for the next decade of Arabidopsis research

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    In the face of an increasing world population and climate instability, the demands for food and fuel will continue to rise. Plant science will be crucial to help meet these exponentially increasing requirements for food and fuel supplies. Fundamental plant research will play a major role in providing key advances in our understanding of basic plant processes that can then flow into practical advances through knowledge sharing and collaborations. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has played a major role in our understanding of plant biology, and the Arabidopsis community has developed many tools and resources to continue building on this knowledge. Drawing from previous experience of internationally coordinated projects, The international Arabidopsis community, represented by the Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee (MASC), has drawn up a road map for the next decade of Arabidopsis research to inform scientists and decision makers on the future foci of Arabidopsis research within the wider plant science landscape. This article provides a summary of the MASC road map

    Transport of proteins and polysaccharides between the late Golgi and the plasma membrane in plants

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    Transcriptome Analysis of Citrus Dwarfing Viroid Induced Dwarfing Phenotype of Sweet Orange on Trifoliate Orange Rootstock

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    Dwarfed citrus trees for high-density plantings or mechanized production systems will be key for future sustainable citrus production. Citrus trees consist of two different species of scion and rootstock. Therefore, any observed phenotype results from gene expression in both species. Dwarfed sweet orange trees on trifoliate rootstock have been produced using citrus dwarfing viroid (CDVd). We performed RNA-seq transcriptome analysis of CDVd-infected stems and roots and compared them to non-infected controls. The identified differentially expressed genes validated with RT-qPCR corresponded to various physiological and developmental processes that could be associated with the dwarfing phenotype. For example, the transcription factors MYB13 and MADS-box, which regulate meristem functions and activate stress responses, were upregulated in the stems. Conversely, a calcium-dependent lipid-binding protein that regulates membrane transporters was downregulated in the roots. Most transcriptome reprogramming occurred in the scion rather than in the rootstock; this agrees with previous observations of CDVd affecting the growth of sweet orange stems while not affecting the trifoliate rootstock. Furthermore, the lack of alterations in the pathogen defense transcriptome supports the term “Transmissible small nuclear ribonucleic acid,” which describes CDVd as a modifying agent of tree performance with desirable agronomic traits rather than a disease-causing pathogen

    A Genetic Screen for Dominant Modifiers of a Small-Wing Phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster Identifies Proteins Involved in Splicing and Translation

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    Studies in the fly, Drosophila melanogaster, have revealed that several signaling pathways are important for the regulation of growth. Among these, the insulin receptor/phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is remarkable in that it affects growth and final size without disturbing pattern formation. We have used a small-wing phenotype, generated by misexpression of kinase-dead PI3K, to screen for novel mutations that specifically disrupt organ growth in vivo. We identified several complementation groups that dominantly enhance this small-wing phenotype. Meiotic recombination in conjunction with visible markers and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was used to map five enhancers to single genes. Two of these, nucampholin and prp8, encode pre-mRNA splicing factors. The three other enhancers encode factors required for mRNA translation: pixie encodes the Drosophila ortholog of yeast RLI1, and RpL5 and RpL38 encode proteins of the large ribosomal subunit. Interestingly, mutations in several other ribosomal protein-encoding genes also enhance the small-wing phenotype used in the original screen. Our work has therefore identified mutations in five previously uncharacterized Drosophila genes and provides in vivo evidence that normal organ growth requires optimal regulation of both pre-mRNA splicing and mRNA translation

    Update and Validation of the 16S rDNA qPCR Assay for the Detection of Three ‘Candidatus Liberibacter Species’ Following Current MIQE Guidelines and Workflow

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    An updated real-time multiplex quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay was designed and validated for the simultaneous detection of three ‘Candidatus Liberibacter species’ (CLsp), ‘Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), ‘africanus’ (CLaf), and ‘americanus’ (CLam), associated with the huanglongbing disease of citrus. The multiplex assay was designed based on the qPCR assay published in 2006 by Li et al., considering all available CLsp 16S rRNA gene sequences in GenBank and the MIQE guidelines and workflow for qPCR optimization, which became available after 2006. When using the updated multiplex CLsp qPCR assay compared with singleplex qPCR, no significant increase in quantitative cycle (Cq) values was detected. The specificity and sensitivity of the updated qPCR assay was optimal, and measuring the intra- and interassay variations confirmed the reproducibility and repeatability of the assay. The assay was also successfully used with a large number of diverse samples at independent laboratories in four countries, thus demonstrating its transferability, applicability, practicability, and robustness as different qPCR reaction conditions or instruments had a minor effect on Cq values. This updated multiplex CLsp qPCR assay can be used in a variety of citrus surveys, germplasm, or nursery stock programs that require different pathogen detection tools for their successful operation. [Graphic: see text] Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license

    Cell wall constrains lateral diffusion of plant plasma-membrane proteins

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    A cell membrane can be considered a liquid-phase plane in which lipids and proteins theoretically are free to diffuse. Numerous reports, however, describe retarded diffusion of membrane proteins in animal cells. This anomalous diffusion results from a combination of structuring factors including protein-protein interactions, cytoskeleton corralling, and lipid organization into microdomains. In plant cells, plasma-membrane (PM) proteins have been described as relatively immobile, but the control mechanisms that structure the PM have not been studied. Here, we use fluorescence recovery after photobleaching to estimate mobility of a set of minimal PM proteins. These proteins consist only of a PM-anchoring domain fused to a fluorescent protein, but their mobilities remained limited, as is the case for many full-length proteins. Neither the cytoskeleton nor membrane microdomain structure was involved in constraining the diffusion of these proteins. The cell wall, however, was shown to have a crucial role in immobilizing PM proteins. In addition, by single-molecule fluorescence imaging we confirmed that the pattern of cellulose deposition in the cell wall affects the trajectory and speed of PM protein diffusion. Regulation of PM protein dynamics by the plant cell wall can be interpreted as a mechanism for regulating protein interactions in processes such as trafficking and signal transduction

    An international bioinformatics infrastructure to underpin the Arabidopsis community

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    The future bioinformatics needs of the Arabidopsis community as well as those of other scientific communities that depend on Arabidopsis resources were discussed at a pair of recent meetings held by the Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee and the North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee. There are extensive tools and resources for information storage, curation, and retrieval of Arabidopsis data that have been developed over recent years primarily through the activities of The Arabidopsis Information Resource, the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre, and the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center, among others. However, the rapid expansion in many data types, the international basis of the Arabidopsis community, and changing priorities of the funding agencies all suggest the need for changes in the way informatics infrastructure is developed and maintained. We propose that there is a need for a single core resource that is integrated into a larger international consortium of investigators. We envision this to consist of a distributed system of data, tools, and resources, accessed via a single information portal and funded by a variety of sources, under shared international management of an International Arabidopsis Informatics Consortium (IAIC). This article outlines the proposal for the development, management, operations, and continued funding for the IAIC