3 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la implantación de la estrategia de tratamiento directamente observado para tuberculosis en un municipio de gran porte

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    OBJETIVO Avaliar o grau de implantação da estratégia de tratamento diretamente observado (Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course - DOTS) para tuberculose (TB) em um município de grande porte. MÉTODO Avaliação de implantação por meio de modelo lógico, cujos casos novos de TB pulmonar bacilífera foram recrutados em ambulatórios especializados e acompanhados nas unidades básicas de saúde. Utilizou-se matriz de julgamento que abrange os cinco componentes da estratégia DOTS. RESULTADOS O resultado do modelo lógico indica DOTS implantada parcialmente. Nos contextos externo, organizacional e de implantação, a estratégia DOTS está implantada parcialmente; e, na efetividade não está implantada. CONCLUSÃO A implantação parcial da estratégia DOTS, na cidade de Manaus, reflete na não conformidade do controle da TB, levando à baixa efetividade do programa.OBJECTIVE To assess the degree of implementation of the Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course - DOTS for tuberculosis (TB) in a large city. METHOD Assessment of the implementation of the logic model, whose new cases of infectious pulmonary TB were recruited from specialized clinics and followed-up in basic health units. The judgment matrix covering the five components of the DOTS strategy were used. RESULTS The result of the logic model indicates DOTS was partially implemented. In external, organizational and implementation contexts, the DOTS strategy was partially implemented; and, the effectiveness was not implemented. CONCLUSION: The partial implementation of the DOTS strategy in the city of Manaus did not reflect in TB control compliance, leading to low effectiveness of the program.OBJETIVO Evaluar el grado de implantación de la estrategia de tratamiento directamente observado (Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course - DOTS) para tuberculosis (TB) en un municipio de gran porte. MÉTODO Evaluación de implantación por medio de modelo lógico, cuyos casos nuevos de TB pulmonar bacilífera fueron obtenidos en ambulatorios especializados y seguidos en la unidades básicas de salud. Se utilizó matriz de juicio que abarca los cinco componentes de la estrategia DOTS. RESULTADOS El resultado del modelo lógico señala DOTS implantada parcialmente. En el marco exterior, organizacional y de implantación, la estrategia DOTS está implantada parcialmente; y, en la efectividad, no está implantada. CONCLUSIÓN La implantación parcial de la estrategia DOTS, en la ciudad de Manaus, refleja la no conformidad del control de la TB, llevando a la baja efectividad del programa

    Evaluation of the implementation of the directly observed treatment strategy for tuberculosis in a large city

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess the degree of implementation of the Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course - DOTS for tuberculosis (TB) in a large city. METHOD Assessment of the implementation of the logic model, whose new cases of infectious pulmonary TB were recruited from specialized clinics and followed-up in basic health units. The judgment matrix covering the five components of the DOTS strategy were used. RESULTS The result of the logic model indicates DOTS was partially implemented. In external, organizational and implementation contexts, the DOTS strategy was partially implemented; and, the effectiveness was not implemented. CONCLUSION: The partial implementation of the DOTS strategy in the city of Manaus did not reflect in TB control compliance, leading to low effectiveness of the program