151 research outputs found

    Is the ecosystem services concept relevant to capture the multiple benefits from farming systems using livestock biodiversity? A framework proposal

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    peer reviewedLocal breeds are key components of livestock farming systems. They are part of livestock biodiversity and this diversity has been threatened since the second half of the 20th century by their replacement with animals from specialized breeds. The multiple benefits of farming systems using local breeds – provision of goods, landscape and environmental management, and uses related to cultural and heritage dimensions – have long been recognized and used to argue for their conservation. However, the notion of ecosystem services is rarely used to analyze those benefits. This article presents a qualitative approach to the provision of ecosystem services by farming systems that use livestock biodiversity. Based on diverse case studies of breeds from several species, we propose an analytical framework that accounts for how a service is qualified, who is concerned by the services identified, the role of the breed in the process of service provision, and interactions between services. Finally, the framework considers the links between the provision of services and the management of the breeds. We discuss to what extent the notion of ecosystem services is useful in dealing with the multiple benefits from farming systems using local breeds

    Valorisation des races animales locales par des produits liés à leur territoire : cinq leçons tirées de cas variés en France

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    Sur la base de cas concrets relatifs à plusieurs espèces domestiques, en France, on tire cinq enseignements relatifs à la valorisation des races locales via leurs produits. Premièrement, il n’existe pas de solution unique pour valoriser une race, une grande diversité des moyens se rencontrant et parfois se combinant sur le terrain. Deuxièmement, il est nécessaire de construire et de maintenir une clientèle et d’adapter en temps réel la production et demande. Troisièmement, un défi de taille est de maintenir un contrôle étroit des éleveurs sur la filière, de sorte que la valeur ajoutée leur bénéficie pleinement. Quatrièmement, il convient de veiller à la cohésion entre les différents acteurs et de porter une attention équilibrée au développement des produits et à la gestion des races. Cinquièmement, les collectifs concernés doivent gérer avec habileté la question de l’appropriation, par la race ou par le produit, du nom porteur d’une image favorable auprès du public.Added value for local breeds by products linked to their territory: five lessons learned from various cases in France. On the basis of concrete cases from several domestic species, in France, five lessons were drawn on how to obtain an added value to local breeds via their products. First, there is no single way to find an added value, a wide variety of means being encountered and sometimes combined on the field. Second, it is necessary to build and maintain a customer base and to adapt production and demand in real time. Third, a major challenge is to maintain a close control of farmers on the value chain, so that the added value benefits them fully. Fourth, there is a need to ensure cohesion between the different actors and to pay attention to the balance between product development and breed management. Fifth, the groups of concerned people must skillfully manage the issue of the appropriation of the name carrying a favorable image, by the breed or by product

    Des races localement adaptées et adoptées, une condition de la durabilité des activités d'élevage

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    International audienceUsing the diversity of animal genetic resources is considered as one possible way towardsustainability of livestock farming systems. Emphasis is generally put on local breeds regarding theiradaptation to the conditions and farming systems in their territory of origin. In this paper, we show how usingsome breeds, local or not, may modify farming systems and, then, contribute to their sustainability. Two casestudies were conducted on dairy farming systems in Western France, one dealing with two cattle breedsrecently introduced in this region, namely the Montbéliarde and Simmental breeds, the other one dealing withthe rare and local Bretonne Pie Noir breed. The results of these studies were interpreted within a conceptualframework inspired by the pragmatist theory of inquiry. We conclude that the concept of “locally adaptedbreed” has to be associated with the concept of “locally adopted breed”.Dans une perspective de durabilité des activités d’élevage, le recours à la diversité des ressourcesgénétiques animales disponibles est présenté comme un levier potentiel. Les races locales notamment sontmises en avant pour leur adaptation aux territoires et aux systèmes d’élevage de leur berceau d’origine. Cetarticle vise à comprendre comment la mobilisation de ressources animales, locales ou non, peut contribuer àune adaptation des systèmes de production et à leur durabilité. Deux études de cas ont été conduites surl’élevage bovin laitier dans le Grand Ouest de la France, l’une concernant deux races récemment introduitesdans la région, la Montbéliarde et la Simmental, l’autre concernant la Bretonne Pie Noir, race locale à petiteffectif. Les résultats de ces études ont été mis en perspective à l’aide d’un cadre conceptuel inspiré de lathéorie pragmatiste de l’enquête. Cela nous conduit à réinterroger la notion même de « race localementadaptée » et à lui associer celle de race « localement adoptée »

    Can systems using hyper specialized breeds be considered as localized agrifood systems? The example of the Belgian Texel breed

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    The Belgian Texel sheep breed is a meat purpose breed, the Belgian form of the Dutch Texel breed, with muscular hypertrophy. Comparing the situation of this breed to others hyper specialized breeds in Belgium raise the question of the existence of a Belgian breeding model. We interviewed 11 stakeholders concerned by the Texel breed (breeders, scientists, veterinary, extension service technician, and butcher). Those interviews have allowed us to discuss three dimensions of the Texel breed management: ‐ The breed is actually a breeding animals propose breed. Sheep meat is few consumed in Belgium and butchers seem to prefer crossbreed meat than pure Texel meat. As a consequence the main aim for breeding Texel is breeding animals selling. The breeders consider the selection activity as their activity, and underline that it is more interesting for them from an economical point of view to sell breeding animals abroad (United Kingdom). ‐ The breed management follows a Belgian model and is as a consequence localized! The Blanc Bleu Belge cattle breed is clearly a model for the Texel breeders and several of them mention the “Belgian eye of the breeder”. Producing meat in quantity is the core motivation in this breeding model (a breeding model that echoes an engineering culture where performance is a core motivation). Among the organization of breeding in Belgium, the breeding shows contests are important places where this model is shared by breeders, even among deferent species. ‐ The breed is very well adapted to its breeding situation but what about it adaptive capacities? The breed is mentioned as adapted to grazing (good quality grassland) and it is as well adapted to socio-territorial conditions of belgium (small area). The breed is easy to breed (except during the lambing period very time consuming which means that flocks are often small flocks). It’s considered as well adapted to breeding animal production for crossbreeding. However, most of the interviewed persons have mentioned failures in adaptation to changes in breeding conditions (bigger flocks, breeding in hot climate area for instance). Thanks to this case study, we discuss the fact that qualifying an agrifood system as “localized” is not enough and that it is crucial to understand and analyze the anchorages in local as dynamics and in their dynamics

    Diversité et dimension territoriale des dispositifs de gestion des races locales à petits effectifs

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    Variety of contributions of livestock farming systems based on local breeds. The points of view of breeders of three Mediterranean sheep breeds

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    The diversity of contributions provided by livestock farming systems based on local breeds alongside to the food and non-food production is rarely analyzed. However, it is essential to a better understanding of the ways to manage these breeds. This research examines the diversity of these contributions brought to light by soliciting the points of view of breeders raising one of three local sheep breeds from the Mediterranean hinterland. Eight contributions were highlighted with analyzing 22 surveys in livestock farming systems. In addition, to "providing livestock products", these livestock farming systems based on local breeds contribute to "managing agrobiodiversity", "promoting the local resource" or to "elaborate a network of exchange between breeders". These contributions can be, on the one hand, specified for each farmer and, on the other hand, linked to other contributions which are also identified. The authors detail the contributions that are linked to a multiplicity of livestock breeders' relationships, with each other and with other actors, and the contributions that are linked to a particular inscription in the community, before discussing these results

    Conservation et valorisation des populations animales locales : des dynamiques diverses

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    Conservation et valorisation des populations animales locales : des dynamiques diverses

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