18 research outputs found

    Rebalancing urban mobility: a tale of four cities

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    The key of mobility in urban planning is not in dispute. Integrated strategies that take into account the interrelations among land use, transport supply and demand and the different transportation modes are more necessary than ever. In Europe, regulatory tools such as local mobility plans or traffic plans have been enforced for a long time, evolving into so-called sustainable urban transport plans (SUTP) ? that is, plans thatmerge urban planning,mobility governance, social awareness and environmental safeguards to develop a vision based on sustainability and equity. Indeed, SUTP are aimed at solving typical problems in current land use, such as urban sprawl, which make clear the need for a paradigm shift from transport (or mobility) planning to land use (or city) planning, thereby producing urban mobility plans that are fully aligned with integrated urban development plans. This paper describes how SUTP are articulated across Europe according to four case studies: Peterborough (UK), Chambe¿ry (France), Ferrara (Italy) and Pinto (Spain), to highlight variations and commonalities, both among the four national legal frameworks and the actual planning processes at the local level. Objectives, measures and indicators used in the monitoring and evaluation phases have been analysed and the results assessed. The main conclusion of the paper is that, as seen in these real-life examples, the lack of integration between spatial planning and transport strategies results in the unsustainability of urban areas and, therefore, in a significant loss of competitiveness

    Governing urban accessibility: moving beyond transport and mobility

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    Access to people, goods, ideas and services is the basis of economic development in cities. The better this access, the greater the economic benefits through economies of scale, agglomeration effects and networking advantages. The way in which cities facilitate accessibility also impacts directly on other key aspects of human development, social inclusion and well-being. Accessibility is created through a complex interplay of urban form and transport systems. Thus, governing urban accessibility requires moving beyond conventional urban transport considerations linked to mobility and movement. Such a re-framing implies a far greater recognition of urban form characteristics like land use, distribution of densities and urban design, in addition to transport characteristics like infrastructures, service levels and travel speeds. A new interface between these characteristics has emerged as a result of shared mobility systems, putting additional pressure on city governments to act as system integrators. Based on a literature review, empirical insights from a global survey and the case-study cities of London, NYC and Berlin, this paper explores the institutional capacities of shifting from governing urban transport to urban accessibility. The evidence shows that there are entrenched misalignments which may impact negatively on the capacity to pair planning and policies essential for delivering better accessibility. Furthermore, it is clear that “hierarchies” and “networks” are not mutually exclusive when it comes to integrated governance of accessibility. The findings also suggest that cities may be better equipped to integrate shared mobility and consider mobility as a service than to pursue more wide-ranging metropolitan accessibility policies

    An assessment and critique of capabilities for examining the long-term social sustainability of transport and land-use strategies

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    The development of transport and land use strategies tends to rely, to a large degree, on inputs from large strategic models. Although it is commonplace for such models to assess the economic and environmental impacts of transport strategies, few provide any real understanding of their social impacts. This paper reports on a study that aims to improve how the social sustainability of transport strategies is considered. The study is part of a wider project conducted to improve the ability to assess the overall sustainability of transport decisions. It describes the fourstage method that was adopted. The approach is pioneering, focusing as it does on accessibility to key services and facilities as a primary measure of social sustainability. Nevertheless, the approach has a number of serious limitations in both selecting indicators and applying them in practice. It is also clear from the experiences with adapting the outputs of state-of-the-art models that the technical capacity for assessing the social implications of transport continues to fall well short of the technical capacity for assessing the economic and environmental impacts of strategies. A series of recommendations to improve the technical capacity in this respect is provided