14 research outputs found

    Continued Neurogenesis in Adult Drosophila as a Mechanism for Recruiting Environmental Cue-Dependent Variants

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    Background The skills used by winged insects to explore their environment are strongly dependent upon the integration of neurosensory information comprising visual, acoustic and olfactory signals. The neuronal architecture of the wing contains a vast array of different sensors which might convey information to the brain in order to guide the trajectories during flight. In Drosophila, the wing sensory cells are either chemoreceptors or mechanoreceptors and some of these sensors have as yet unknown functions. The axons of these two functionally distinct types of neurons are entangled, generating a single nerve. This simple and accessible coincidental signaling circuitry in Drosophila constitutes an excellent model system to investigate the developmental variability in relation to natural behavioral polymorphisms. Methodology/Principal Findings A fluorescent marker was generated in neurons at all stages of the Drosophila life cycle using a highly efficient and controlled genetic recombination system that can be induced in dividing precursor cells (MARCM system, flybase web site). It allows fluorescent signals in axons only when the neuroblasts and/or neuronal cell precursors like SOP (sensory organ precursors) undergo division during the precedent steps. We first show that a robust neurogenesis continues in the wing after the adults emerge from the pupae followed by an extensive axonal growth. Arguments are presented to suggest that this wing neurogenesis in the newborn adult flies was influenced by genetic determinants such as the frequency dependent for gene and by environmental cues such as population density. Conclusions We demonstrate that the neuronal architecture in the adult Drosophila wing is unfinished when the flies emerge from their pupae. This unexpected developmental step might be crucial for generating non-heritable variants and phenotypic plasticity. This might therefore constitute an advantage in an unstable ecological system and explain much regarding the ability of Drosophila to robustly adapt to their environment

    Trade-Off between Toxicity and Signal Detection Orchestrated by Frequency- and Density-Dependent Genes

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    Behaviors in insects are partly highly efficient Bayesian processes that fulfill exploratory tasks ending with the colonization of new ecological niches. The foraging (for) gene in Drosophila encodes a cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). It has been extensively described as a frequency-dependent gene and its transcripts are differentially expressed between individuals, reflecting the population density context. Some for transcripts, when expressed in a population at high density for many generations, concomitantly trigger strong dispersive behavior associated with foraging activity. Moreover, genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI) analysis has highlighted a dormant role of for in energetic metabolism in a food deprivation context. In our current report, we show that alleles of for encoding different cGMP-dependent kinase isoforms influence the oxidation of aldehyde groups of aromatic molecules emitted by plants via Aldh-III and a phosphorylatable adaptor. The enhanced efficiency of oxidation of aldehyde odorants into carboxyl groups by the action of for lessens their action and toxicity, which should facilitate exploration and guidance in a complex odor environment. Our present data provide evidence that optimal foraging performance requires the fast metabolism of volatile compounds emitted by plants to avoid neurosensory saturation and that the frequency-dependent genes that trigger dispersion influence these processes

    Biochemical characterization of MI-ENG1, a family 5 endoglucanase secreted by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita

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    International audienceA beta-1,4-endoglucanase named MI-ENG1, homologous to the family 5 glycoside hydrolases, was previously isolated from the plant parasitic root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. We describe here the detection of the enzyme in the nematode homogenate and secretion and its complete biochemical characterization. This study is the first comparison of the enzymatic properties of an animal glycoside hydrolase with plant and microbial enzymes. MI-ENG1 shares many enzymatic properties with known endoglucanases from plants, free-living or rumen-associated microorganisms and phytopathogens. In spite of the presence of a cellulose-binding domain at the C-terminus, the ability of MI-ENG1 to bind cellulose could not be demonstrated, whatever the experimental conditions used. The biochemical characterization of the enzyme is a first step towards the understanding of the molecular events taking place during the plant-nematode interaction

    In Drosophila Hemolymph, Serine Proteases Are the Major Gelatinases and Caseinases

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    After separation on gel zymography, Drosophila melanogaster hemolymph displays gelatinase and caseinase bands of varying sizes, ranging from over 140 to 25 kDa. Qualitative and quantitative variations in these bands were observed during larval development and between different D. melanogaster strains and Drosophila species. The activities of these Drosophila hemolymph gelatinase and caseinase were strongly inhibited by serine protease inhibitors, but not by EDTA. Mass spectrometry identified over 60 serine proteases (SPs) in gel bands corresponding to the major D. melanogaster gelatinases and caseinases, but no matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) were found. The most abundant proteases were tequila and members of the Jonah and trypsin families. However, the gelatinase bands did not show any change in the tequila null mutant. Additionally, no clear changes could be observed in D. melanogaster gel bands 24 h after injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) or after oviposition by Leptopilina boulardi endoparasitoid wasps. It can be concluded that the primary gelatinases and caseinases in Drosophila larval hemolymph are serine proteases (SPs) rather than matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Furthermore, the gelatinase pattern remains relatively stable even after short-term exposure to pathogenic challenges

    Profiling the repertoire of phenotypes influenced by environmental cues that occur during asexual reproduction

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    The aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum population is composed of different morphs, such as winged and wingless parthenogens, males, and sexual females. The combined effect of reduced photoperiodicity and cold in fall triggers the apparition of sexual morphs. In contrast they reproduce asexually in spring and summer. In our current study, we provide evidence that clonal individuals display phenotypic variability within asexual morph categories. We describe that clones sharing the same morphological features, which arose from the same founder mother, constitute a repertoire of variants with distinct behavioral and physiological traits. Our results suggest that the prevailing environmental conditions influence the recruitment of adaptive phenotypes from a cohort of clonal individuals exhibiting considerable molecular diversity. However, we observed that the variability might be reduced or enhanced by external factors, but is never abolished in accordance with a model of stochastically produced phenotypes. This overall mechanism allows the renewal of colonies from a few adapted individuals that survive drastic episodic changes in a fluctuating environment

    Environment Exploration and Colonization Behavior of the Pea Aphid Associated with the Expression of the <i>foraging</i> Gene

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    <div><p>Aphids respond to specific environmental cues by producing alternative morphs, a phenomenon called polyphenism, but also by modulating their individual behavior even within the same morph. This complex plasticity allows a rapid adaptation of individuals to fluctuating environmental conditions, but the underlying genetic and molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. The <i>foraging</i> gene is known to be associated with behavior in various species and has been shown to mediate the behavioral shift induced by environmental changes in some insects. In this study, we investigated the function of this gene in the clonal forms of the pea aphid <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i> by identifying and cloning cDNA variants, as well as analyzing their expression levels in developmental morphs and behavioral variants. Our results indicate that the expression of <i>foraging</i> changes at key steps of the aphid development. This gene is also highly expressed in sedentary wingless adult morphs reared under crowded conditions, probably just before they start walking and foraging. The cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) enzyme activity measured in the behavioral variants correlates with the level of <i>foraging</i> expression. Altogether, our results suggest that <i>foraging</i> could act to promote the shift from a sedentary to an exploratory behavior, being thus involved in the behavioral plasticity of the pea aphid.</p></div

    Structure of the <i>Apfor1</i> and <i>Apfor2</i> transcripts.

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    <p>Exons 3–16 are identical, only exons 1 and 2 differs as the result of alternative splicing. Scaffold 409 containing the two transcripts is represented at the top. Exons are indicated by grey boxes and introns by dotted lines. White triangles indicate the position of start codons, black triangles indicate the position of the stop codon.</p

    Expression of the Idefix retrotransposon in early follicle cells in the germarium of Drosophila melanogaster is determined by its LTR sequences and a specific genomic context

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    Retrotransposons are transcriptionally activated in different tissues and cell types by a variety of genomic and environmental factors. Transcription of LTR retrotransposons is controlled by cis-acting regulatory sequences in the 5' LTR. Mobilization of two LTR retroelements, Idefix and ZAM, occurs in the unstable RevI line of Drosophila melanogaster, in which their copy numbers are high, while they are low in all other stocks tested. Here we show that both a full-length and a subgenomic Idefix transcript that are necessary for its mobilization are present in the Rev1 line, but not in the other lines. Studies on transgenic strains demonstrate that the 5' LTR of Idefix contains sequences that direct the tissue-specific expression of the retroelement in testes and ovaries of adult flies. In ovaries, expression occurs in the early follicle and in other somatic cells of the germarium, and is strictly associated with the unstable genetic context conferred by the RevI line. Control of tissue-specific Idefix expression by interactions between cis-acting sequences of its LTR and trans-acting genomic factors provides an opportunity to use this retroelement as a tool for the study of the early follicle cell lineage in the germarium

    PKG enzyme activity among behavioral variants of adults pea aphids.

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    <p>(A) PKG enzyme activity in whole bodies. (B) PKG enzyme activity in heads. PKG enzyme activity is expressed as the OD for 5 µg of total proteins for each behavioral variant. Error bars represent the standard errors converted to the same arbitrary scale as the means. A one-way ANOVA followed by a Fisher's PLSD test was performed. The statistically significant differences between groups denoted by different letters (<i>P</i><0,05).</p