77 research outputs found


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    Fasta file of 120 BP probe sequences commercially synthesized to target UCE loci in ray-finned-fishes


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    PHYLIP-formatted alignment file for use with CLOUDFOREST. Polypterus senegalus and Acipenser fulvescens are present in all alignements. Alignment matrices may be incomplete for other taxa


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    SQLITE database of LASTZ matches (from fish-lastz-probe-matches-to-uce-contigs.tar.gz) between assembled contigs in fish-contigs-from-uce-enrichments.tar.gz and the UCE probes in fish-500-loci-enrichment-probes.fasta.gz. This database is used to construct data sets containing loci that are shared across taxa and prep data for alignment


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    SQLITE database of LASTZ matches between data from genome-enabled taxa and the UCE probes in fish-500-loci-enrichment-probes.fasta.gz. This database is used to construct data sets containing loci that are shared across taxa and prep data for alignment


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    README file providing details about computer code used as part of this research project


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    NEXUS alignment files for all taxa across UCE loci, having entries for taxa with missing data


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    LASTZ matches of probes to species-specific contigs in fish-contigs-from-uce-enrichments.tar.g
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