2,277 research outputs found

    Implementation of information security controls in small and medium-sized businesses

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    Abstract. Information systems and networks play an important role in today’s working environments. To keep offering their products and services, companies need to handle large amounts of data. Businesses need to be prepared to face criminals, who see this data as a high value target. While large enterprises can spend great amount of money for keeping their systems secure, SMEs are struggling with their limited resources. In this paper, a group of Finnish companies with 10–250 employees are surveyed to find out what information security controls they are using as defense measures against hostile actors. Although no alarming shortcomings are discovered, there is a lot of variation in what controls different companies are using.Tietoturvakontrollien toteutus pk-yrityksissä. Tiivistelmä. Tietojärjestelmät ja -verkot ovat tärkeä osa nykypäivän työympäristöjä. Jatkaakseen tuotteidensa ja palveluidensa tarjoamista yritysten on käsiteltävä suuret määrät dataa. Yritysten täytyy valmistautua kohtaamaan rikollisia, jotka näkevät tämän datan arvokkaana kohteena. Suuret yhtiöt voivat käyttää suuria summia järjestelmiensä suojaamiseen, kun taas pk-yritykset koettavat selviytyä rajallisten resurssiensa kanssa. Tässä tutkielmassa ryhmältä 10–250 henkeä työllistäviä suomalaisia yrityksiä selvitetään kyselyn avulla, mitä tietoturvakontrolleja niillä on käytössä järjestelmien suojaamiseen vihamieliseltä toiminnalta. Vaikka kyselyssä ei ilmene mitään hälyttäviä puutteita, kontrollien käytössä on eri yritysten osalta paljon vaihtelua

    Well water management assessment for the city of Osseo, Wisconsin

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    Nano- and femtosecond laser coloring methods and their investigation using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    Abstract. Color production by lasers is created when micro- to nanometer sized structures are created on the surface of matter. These structures are the result of interference with light or intrinsic color of new compounds formed on a surface. The basics of atom physics and the understanding of interaction of matter with radiation through photoemission, Auger emission and x-ray production are introduced. Then, mechanically polished AISI 304 and 301 LN slabs were picked for nanosecond and femtosecond laser treatment. The structure on the surface was studied through X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) ans Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The results show that the source of color was different in the case of nanosecond treated surface compared to the femtosecond treated surface. With nanosecond color coming from the intrinsic color of oxide layers formed and with femtosecond color coming from the structure interfering with light. It is clear that the research in the field will continue because of the potential of cheap and environmentally friendly way of producing color

    Geological 3D-modeling of the Virtasalmi Cu deposit in eastern Finland

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    Abstract. Modern computing power and advanced 3D-modeling software have made the modeling of geological, geophysical, geochemical and structural data a widely used method in active mine production as well as in brownfield exploration, where it can be used for visualization, planning and target generation. In this study, the Paleoproterozoic Cu-dominated VMS deposit of Virtasalmi and related mine were modeled to produce the first modern 3D-model of the deposit and to test the accuracy of the digitized historical datasets. A total of 239 drill holes from the Virtasalmi mine area were used, from which the collar locations, downhole surveys, lithological logs and geochemical assays were digitized and added to a geological database. Around 3000 Cu analyses were utilized for modeling of the general low-grade (0.2–0.7 wt.% Cu) and high-grade (>0.7 wt.% Cu) mineralization solids. The results show that before the mining operations were started, the Virtasalmi deposit consisted of several high-aspect-ratio lenses, which had a combined strike length of ~626 m near the surface and extended up to ~344 meters below the surface. The performed unofficial resource estimation indicates that the area contained a total of 4.83 Mt of mineralized material, of which ~3.51 Mt was low-grade mineralization and 1.32 Mt high-grade mineralization. Based on the model, roughly 500 000 tons of mineralized material is still left unmined in the Virtasalmi mine area

    Cyber security of smart building ecosystems

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    Abstract. Building automation systems are used to create energy-efficient and customisable commercial and residential buildings. During the last two decades, these systems have become more and more interconnected to reduce expenses and expand their capabilities by allowing vendors to perform maintenance and by letting building users to control the machines remotely. This interconnectivity has brought new opportunities on how building data can be collected and put to use, but it has also increased the attack surface of smart buildings by introducing security challenges that need to be addressed. Traditional building automation systems with their proprietary communication protocols and interfaces are giving way to interoperable systems utilising open technologies. This interoperability is an important aspect in streamlining the data collection process by ensuring that different components of the environment are able to exchange information and operate in a coordinated manner. Turning these opportunities into actual products and platforms requires multi-sector collaboration and joint research projects, so that the buildings of tomorrow can become reality with as few compromises as possible. This work examines one of these experimental project platforms, KEKO ecosystem, with the focus on assessing the cyber security challenges faced by the platform by using the well-recognised MITRE ATT&CK knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques. The assessment provides a detailed categorisation of identified challenges and recommendations on how they should be addressed. This work also presents one possible solution for improving the detection of offensive techniques targeting building automation by implementing a monitoring pipeline within the experimental platform, and a security event API that can be integrated to a remote SIEM system to increase visibility on the platform’s data processing operations

    Momentum:autocovariances, cross-covariances or unconditional expected returns?

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    Abstract. Returns to momentum strategies can be decomposed into three sources of return: positive autocovariances in returns, negative cross-covariances in returns and cross-sectional variation in unconditional expected returns across assets. While theoretical literature on momentum generally assumes that positive autocovariances drive momentum returns, empirical literature presents inconsistent evidence on the importance of each component in explaining momentum returns. However, this prior literature ignores a key empirical issue related to short return histories and extreme return observations. These extreme returns cause a negative bias to sample estimates of return autocovariances and cross-covariances, and a positive bias to the cross-sectional variation in unconditional expected returns. Furthermore, prior literature focuses on portfolios of stocks instead of individual stocks, because the decomposition requires estimating a cross-covariance matrix, which is difficult for individual stocks with short and non-overlapping return histories. I propose a novel, strategy-based decomposition, which allows for estimating the contribution of each component to momentum without bias in the presence of extreme returns and non-overlapping return histories. Empirical evidence from the strategy-based decomposition in a sample of US individual stocks and portfolios of US stocks extending from 1926 to 2018 suggests, that positive return autocovariances are the most important driver of momentum. This evidence is consistent with most behavioral theories on momentum but does not preclude a rational interpretation. When the contributions are allowed to vary over time, positive autocovariances consistently remain the most important driver of momentum returns throughout the sample period. However, the time-series predictability in individual stock returns slowly erodes after momentum is initially documented in the literature in 1993, potentially explaining the poor recent performance of momentum

    Up-regulation of Sexual Desire in Long-term Relationships: Self-report and Electrophysiological Data

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    Diminished sexual desire is a common in long-term relationships yet little research has examined strategies to promote sexual desire within healthy intact couples. This study focused on three regulation strategies: 1) positive reappraisal of the partner, 2) reappraisal of sexual desire decline, and 3) sexual imagery. These regulation strategies were used to test for an increase in sexual desire, infatuation, attachment, and relationship satisfaction for the partner. We additionally examined whether these strategies increased motivated attention to the partner as indicated by the late positive potential (LPP), an event-related potential (ERP) component. Participants (N=25, age=18-32 yrs, 6 men) in long-term relationships of at least two years completed the three regulation conditions and a no regulation condition while their electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded. At the end of each condition block they completed four ratings: sexual desire, attachment, infatuation, and relationship satisfaction. Participants felt more sexual desire for and felt more infatuated with their partner after sexual imagery than after no regulation. There were no additional changes in sexual desire, infatuation, attachment, or relationship satisfaction resulting from the strategies tested. Further, there were no significant differences in the LPP amplitude between conditions. Given that sexual desire typically declines over the course of a relationship, the use of sexual imagery could help those in long-term relationships who wish to maintain or increase sexual desire for their partner and could also help increase infatuation for their partner

    Portfolio management:adjusting optimal portfolios with momentum and sentiment factors

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    Abstract. This thesis aims to find whether a stock portfolio using Markowitz (1952) optimization method can achieve improved performance with addition of momentum and sentiment factors. The optimization method does by itself have its drawbacks, but the aim is to find whether the addition of momentum or sentiment factor can improve optimized portfolio’s performance while still keeping the simplified methods for optimization. The results suggest that momentum factor, which is based on time series momentum, provides consistent improvement on optimized portfolio with increased returns and increased Sharpe ratios over a long investment period. Sentiment factor was used as a contrarian indicator, and it provided more mixed results while having less significant effect on the portfolio performance than momentum factor. To measure sentiment a sentiment index was built out of indicators prone to capture investor sentiment

    Leading multicultural team in a Finnish company:Nokia

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    Abstract. Study about how Nokia’s corporation culture affects the leading of a multicultural team. First, the study focuses on multicultural team, communication and culture. Second, the study focuses on leaders of a multicultural team, different leadership styles and what could be best practices. Last part of the study is the case of Nokia and how Nokia’s culture affects the leading of a multicultural team

    Bentuk dan Makna Ende Jeir pada Masyarakat Mandailing di Kelurahan Wek V Padangsidimpuan

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    Lauri Novita Sinaga. NIM 2131140024. Forms And Meaning Of Ende Jeir In The Mandailing Society InWek V Village Padangsidimpuan. Faculty of Language and Art. State University of Medan 2017.This study aims to determine the form and significance of the Ende Jeir in the Mandailing Society inKelurahan Wek V Padangsidimpuan. The purpose of this research is to find out the form of Ende Jeirsong in Mandailing community in Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village, to know the meaning contained inEnde Jeir in Mandailing community in Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village, to know the function of EndeJeir in Mandailing community in Wek V Village Padangsidimpuan, to know the response of local peopleto preserve Ende Jeir on Mandailing community in Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village.The theory used is form, meaning, function, and Ende. The shape is the arrangement of the frame of asong that is determined according to the parts of the sentence. Meaning is the purpose that is derivedfrom things that want to be shown by something or want to be expressed, exposed, with the word actuallydoes not interfere with the value of taste. The function of music is to express the taste, and simultaneouslyas an activity of various types of human communication. Ende is a traditional song (folksong), whichrepresents the representation of structure, function and cultural values.Methods in this research using qualitative descriptive method. The samples in this study were the lectureand audio visuals of Ende Jeir, singer Ende Jeir, artist and community Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village.This data collection is done by observation method or observation, interview, and documentation. Thisresearch was taken at Kelurahan Wek V Padangsidimpuan, and this research was conducted from August2017.The results of this study indicate that the form of Ende Jeir song consists of a one part song form, with AA \u27form. the meaning of Ende Jeir is a prayer, plea, expectation of parents to his daughter who is doingthis marriage and singing to advise on a good domestic life. Ende Jeir function is as symbolicrepresentation media, media of emotional expression and media of cultural preservation. Ende Jeir needsto be preserved because it begins to be forgotten and left behind. For that, it needs to be developed andintroduced in the young generation so as not to just disappear