47 research outputs found

    Vocal repertoires and insights into social structure of sperm whales (<i>Physeter macrocephalus</i>) in Mauritius, southwestern Indian Ocean

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    Sperm whales communicate using codas (stereotyped click sequences). Females and juveniles live in long-term social units, and units with similar coda repertoires share vocal clan membership. Vocal clans exhibit culturally defined differences in their multilevel social structure. Here, we aimed to identify different social units among sperm whales in Mauritius in the southwestern Indian Ocean, and to describe and compare their coda repertoires to investigate the presence of different vocal clans. We conducted six boat-based surveys between 2008 and 2013, during which 101 different individuals were photo-identified. Analysis of associations between 22 resighted individuals divided them into four candidate social units, but a lack of resightings impedes solid delineation of social units. Based on number and rhythm of clicks, at least 24 discrete coda types were detected among 4,767 analyzed codas using two different classification methods. Comparison of coda repertoires recorded from seven sperm whale groupings revealed the possible existence of two sympatric vocal clans, but the size differences of recorded repertoires warrant caution of interpretation. To further evaluate social structuring and the presence of different vocal clans in this region, future surveys should aim at obtaining long-term sighting and acoustic data, and cover a more extensive area

    Bothrops lanceolatus Bites: Guidelines for Severity Assessment and Emergent Management

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    Approximately 20-30 declared snakebite cases occurin Martinique each year. Bothrops lanceolatus, a member of the Crotalidae family, is considered to be the only involved snake. B. lanceolatus, commonly named “Fer-de-Lance”, is endemic and only found on this Caribbean island. Envenomation local features include the presence of fang marks, swelling, pain, bleeding from punctures, and ecchymosis. Severe envenomation is associated with multiple systemic thromboses appearing within 48 h of the bite and resulting in cerebral, myocardial or pulmonary infarctions. Diagnosis requires first of all identification of the snake. Coagulation tests are helpful to identify thrombocytopenia or disseminated intravascular coagulation. A clinical score based on 4 grades is helpful to assess envonimation severity. A specific monovalent equine anti-venom (Bothrofav®, Sanofi-Pasteur, France) to neutralize B. lanceolatus venom is available. Its early administration within 6h from the biting in case of progressive local injures, general signs or coagulation disturbances is effective to prevent severe thrombosis and coagulopathy. Its tolerance is considered to be good. Despite an increasing incidence of bites, no deaths have been recently attributed to B. lanceolatus in Martinique, probably due to the currently recommended strategy of early antivenom administration when required

    Hypnose (actualités en odonto-stomatologie)

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Syndrôme d'apnée-hypopnée obstructive du sommeil (actualités en odontologie)

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    Le syndrome d'apnée-hypopnée obstructive du sommeil est une maladie respiratoire peu connue du grand public, mais qui frappe un nombre important et croissant de patients. Cette population présente une hypersomnolence dûe à un sommeil de mauvaise qualité s'accompagnant de pauses respiratoires, ayant comme conséquence une prévalence augmentée de pathologies associées telles que l'infarctus du myocarde, l'accident cardio-vasculaire, la dépression... Le chirurgien dentiste peut tenir un rôle important dans le dépistage de ce syndrome, ainsi que dans son traitement par la confection d'orthèse. Pour cela, le chirurgien-dentiste doit pouvoir identifier les sujets à risque grâce à l'interrogatoire et à l'examen clinique. Il doit également savoir orienter ses patients vers un centre du sommeil."TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les infections d'origine dentaire et la prise d'anti-inflammatoires (analyse du risque infectieux)

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Raisonner le choix d’un itinéraire d’implantation des cultures

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    Prod 2020-1c pole EA pole SPE GESTAD AGROSUPInternational audienceL’itinéraire d’implantation Diversité des modes de travail du sol Diversité des outils de semis et de plantation Typologie des itinéraires d’implantation Comment choisir un itinéraire d’implantation

    Faut-il travailler le sol ?: Acquis et innovations pour une agriculture durable

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    Les impacts des différentes modalités de travail du sol (labour, semis direct) sur l’environnement et les états du sol, sur la biodiversité ou sur le climat font l’objet de débats parfois passionnés mais souvent trop peu instruits sur les plans scientifique et technique. Que nous enseignent les expérimentations les plus récentes sur ce sujet ? Quelles sont les innovations qui se dessinent à l’heure actuelle ? Cet ouvrage propose une synthèse des connaissances les plus récentes dans ce domaine