36 research outputs found

    Stereotactic Re-irradiation for Local Recurrence in the Prostatic Bed After Prostatectomy: Preliminary Results

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    Objectives: To report the preliminary results of salvage re-irradiation in the prostatic bed after radical prostatectomy and salvage external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) using robotic stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) with CyberknifeÂź for local recurrence of prostate cancer.Materials and Methods: Retrospective monocentric analysis was performed on patients treated with SBRT for isolated macroscopic recurrence in the prostatic bed. All patients had radical prostatectomy and salvage or adjuvant EBRT. Local recurrence was documented using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). Biochemical recurrence was defined as 2 rises in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) of ≄ 0.2 ng/mL above nadir. Internal gold fiducials were used for the tracking of tumor motion during SBRT. The prescription dose was 36 Gy in 6 fractions for all patients. Toxicity was scored according to the CTCAE v4.0.Results: Between July 2011 and November 2017, 12 patients were treated with SBRT for prostatic bed recurrence with a median follow-up of 34.2 (range, 3.5–64.4) months. Isolated non-metastatic recurrence in the prostatic bed was seen at MRI and PET imaging. Two patients were treated with 6 months androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) concomitant with re-irradiation. The median planning target volume was 4.5 cm3 (range, 1.2–13.3). A PSA decrease after SBRT was found in 10 (83%) patients. The 1 and 2 years biochemical recurrence-free survival rates were 79 and 56%, respectively. Biochemical recurrence was observed for 6 patients (50%) after a median time of 18 (4-42) months. Toxicity showed: 3 patients (25%) with grade 1 cystitis and 1 patient (8%) with acute grade 2 proctitis at 4 months. One patient (13%) had grade 1 cystitis at 12 months.Conclusion: Re-irradiation for local recurrence in the prostatic bed using CyberknifeÂź after surgery and salvage or adjuvant EBRT is well-tolerated and associated with 2 years biochemical recurrence-free survival rates of 56%. Longer follow-up and larger series are necessary

    Efficacy and Tolerance of Post-operative Hypo-Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy in a Large Series of Patients With Brain Metastases

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess, in a large series, the efficacy and tolerance of post-operative adjuvant hypofractionated stereotactic radiation therapy (HFSRT) for brain metastases (BMs).Materials and Methods: Between July 2012 and January 2017, 160 patients from 2 centers were operated for BM and treated by HFSRT. Patients had between 1 and 3 BMs, no brainstem lesions or carcinomatous meningitis. The primary endpoint was local control. Secondary endpoints were distant brain control, overall survival (OS) and tolerance to HFSRT.Results: 73 patients (46%) presented with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), 23 (14%) had melanoma and 21 (13%) breast cancer. Median age was 58 years (range, 22–83 years). BMs were synchronous in 50% of the cases. The most frequent prescription regimens were 24 Gy in 3 fractions (n = 52, 33%) and 30 Gy in 5 fractions (n = 37, 23%). Local control rates at 1 and 2 years were 88% [95%CI, 81–93%] and 81% [95%CI, 70–88%], respectively. Distant control rate at 1 year was 48% [95%CI, 81–93%]. In multivariate analysis, primary NSCLC was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of death compared to other primary sites (HR = 0.57, p = 0.007), the number of extra-cerebral metastatic sites (HR = 1.26, p = 0.003) and planning target volumes (HR = 1.15, p = 0.012) were associated with a lower OS. There was no prognostic factor of time to local progression. Median OS was 15.2 months [95%CI, 12.0–17.9 months] and the OS rate at 1 year was 58% [95% CI, 50–65%]. Salvage radiotherapy was administered to 72 patients (45%), of which 49 received new HFSRT. Ten (7%) patients presented late grade 2 and 4 (3%) patients late grade 3 toxicities. Thirteen (8.9%) patients developed radiation necrosis.Conclusions: This large multicenter retrospective study shows that HFSRT allows for good local control of metastasectomy tumor beds and that this technique is well-tolerated by patients

    Whole genome sequencing of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: from genotype to phenotype for improved metabolic engineering applications

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The need for rapid and efficient microbial cell factory design and construction are possible through the enabling technology, metabolic engineering, which is now being facilitated by systems biology approaches. Metabolic engineering is often complimented by directed evolution, where selective pressure is applied to a partially genetically engineered strain to confer a desirable phenotype. The exact genetic modification or resulting genotype that leads to the improved phenotype is often not identified or understood to enable further metabolic engineering.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work we performed whole genome high-throughput sequencing and annotation can be used to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>strains S288c and CEN.PK113-7D. The yeast strain S288c was the first eukaryote sequenced, serving as the reference genome for the <it>Saccharomyces </it>Genome Database, while CEN.PK113-7D is a preferred laboratory strain for industrial biotechnology research. A total of 13,787 high-quality SNPs were detected between both strains (reference strain: S288c). Considering only metabolic genes (782 of 5,596 annotated genes), a total of 219 metabolism specific SNPs are distributed across 158 metabolic genes, with 85 of the SNPs being nonsynonymous (e.g., encoding amino acid modifications). Amongst metabolic SNPs detected, there was pathway enrichment in the galactose uptake pathway (<it>GAL1</it>, <it>GAL10</it>) and ergosterol biosynthetic pathway (<it>ERG8</it>, <it>ERG9</it>). Physiological characterization confirmed a strong deficiency in galactose uptake and metabolism in S288c compared to CEN.PK113-7D, and similarly, ergosterol content in CEN.PK113-7D was significantly higher in both glucose and galactose supplemented cultivations compared to S288c. Furthermore, DNA microarray profiling of S288c and CEN.PK113-7D in both glucose and galactose batch cultures did not provide a clear hypothesis for major phenotypes observed, suggesting that genotype to phenotype correlations are manifested post-transcriptionally or post-translationally either through protein concentration and/or function.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>With an intensifying need for microbial cell factories that produce a wide array of target compounds, whole genome high-throughput sequencing and annotation for SNP detection can aid in better reducing and defining the metabolic landscape. This work demonstrates direct correlations between genotype and phenotype that provides clear and high-probability of success metabolic engineering targets. The genome sequence, annotation, and a SNP viewer of CEN.PK113-7D are deposited at <url>http://www.sysbio.se/cenpk</url>.</p

    Saccharomyces boulardii Improves Intestinal Cell Restitution through Activation of the α2ÎČ1 Integrin Collagen Receptor

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    Intestinal epithelial cell damage is frequently seen in the mucosal lesions of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Complete remission of these diseases requires both the cessation of inflammation and the migration of enterocytes to repair the damaged epithelium. Lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii (Sb, Biocodex) is a nonpathogenic yeast widely used as a therapeutic agent for the treatment and prevention of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders. In this study, we determined whether Sb could accelerate enterocyte migration. Cell migration was determined in Sb force-fed C57BL6J mice and in an in vitro wound model. The impact on α2ÎČ1 integrin activity was assessed using adhesion assays and the analysis of α2ÎČ1 mediated signaling pathways both in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrated that Sb secretes compounds that enhance the migration of enterocytes independently of cell proliferation. This enhanced migration was associated with the ability of Sb to favor cell-extracellular matrix interaction. Indeed, the yeast activates α2ÎČ1 integrin collagen receptors. This leads to an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of cytoplasmic molecules, including focal adhesion kinase and paxillin, involved in the integrin signaling pathway. These changes are associated with the reorganization of focal adhesion structures. In conclusion Sb secretes motogenic factors that enhance cell restitution through the dynamic regulation of α2ÎČ1 integrin activity. This could be of major importance in the development of novel therapies targeting diseases characterized by severe mucosal injury, such as inflammatory and infectious bowel diseases


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    Forme carcĂ©rale rĂ©cente de gouvernement de la jeunesse dĂ©linquante, l’établissement pĂ©nitentiaire pour mineurs (EPM) se prĂȘte Ă  une dĂ©centration du regard sociologique propre Ă  apprĂ©hender la dĂ©tention par le bas. Une sociologie des expĂ©riences de dĂ©tention permet ainsi de saisir les initiatives entreprises par les jeunes prisonniers afin de parvenir Ă  une mise en scĂšne de soi constituant le moyen privilĂ©giĂ© d’amĂ©lioration de leur quotidien carcĂ©ral. Soumis Ă  la double contrainte consistant Ă  rĂ©pondre aux exigences des diffĂ©rents professionnels intervenant dans l’institution tout en satisfaisant aux attentes et codes des codĂ©tenus, les adolescents incarcĂ©rĂ©s font valoir une posture biface qui conditionne leur vie en prison. RegroupĂ©s au sein de nombreuses activitĂ©s collectives organisĂ©es dans des environnements partagĂ©s, les mineurs tentent de tirer parti des dispositions spatio-temporelles prĂ©sentĂ©es par l’EPM pour faire la dĂ©monstration, plus ou moins ostensiblement, de leurs capacitĂ©s Ă  investir des comportements et des conduites susceptibles de leur garantir la production d’une impression idĂ©alisĂ©e d’eux-mĂȘmes livrĂ©e Ă  tous.The Juvenile Correctional Institution (Ă©tablissement pĂ©nitentiaire pour mineurs - EPM) is a recent form of confinement to manage delinquent youth in France. This penal institution allows for a decentering of the sociological perspective allowing the apprehension of detention from the bottom up. A sociology of confinement experiences makes it possible to grasp the strategies developed by young prisoners in order to stage a production of themselves aimed at improving their everyday life intra-muros. Bound by the double constraint to respond to different professional demands of the institution and to satisfy expectations and codes of co-detainees, confined teenagers put forward a dual posture which conditions their life in prison. These minors try to use the spatial-temporal layout of the EPM to the best of their advantage to demonstrate, more or less ostensibly, their ability to adopt behaviours and actions likely to guarantee the production of an idealized impression of themselves, staged for all to see

    L’hyperactivitĂ© forcĂ©e : un mode de gestion des mineurs incarcĂ©rĂ©s

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    International audienceLe contrĂŽle social des individus et des populations se transforme. Au travail, Ă  l’école, dans le domaine de l’action sociale, la logique sĂ©curitaire ne tend-elle pas Ă  se gĂ©nĂ©raliser ? Mais toutes les formes de contrĂŽle ne sont-elles que coercition ? Et quelles sont les formes de rĂ©sistance Ă  ces Ă©volutions ? Les auteurs, sociologues, politistes et historiens, prĂ©sentent et analysent les rĂ©sultats d’enquĂȘtes concernant les nouvelles rĂ©glementations et catĂ©gories qui dĂ©finissent le contrĂŽle social, mais aussi les dispositifs qui les mettent en oeuvre et les pratiques ordinaires qui parfois s’y opposent. Ils Ă©clairent et mettent en regard les enjeux sociaux liĂ©s aux transformations du contrĂŽle dans les domaines de la statistique publique et du travail social, de la surveillance des salariĂ©s, des immigrĂ©s et des Ă©lĂšves, des institutions pĂ©nitentiaires et mĂ©dico-sociales. Ils montrent comment ces mĂ©tamorphoses du contrĂŽle social doivent ĂȘtre comprises dans les rĂ©centes Ă©volutions de l’économie, du travail et de l’État, liĂ©es au nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme. Cet Ă©tat des lieux, nuancĂ© et engagĂ©, Ă©claire la bataille politique qui confronte le souci de prĂ©server les libertĂ©s individuelles fondamentales Ă  celui d’assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© civile ou l’efficacitĂ© des organisations. Appelant Ă  renouveler, en thĂ©orie et en pratique, notre approche du contrĂŽle social, il s’adresse aux citoyens, chercheurs et militants qui souhaitent mieux comprendre, pour les rĂ©former ou s’y opposer, les diverses formes contemporaines du contrĂŽle des individus et des populations

    L’hyperactivitĂ© forcĂ©e : un mode de gestion des mineurs incarcĂ©rĂ©s

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    International audienceLe contrĂŽle social des individus et des populations se transforme. Au travail, Ă  l’école, dans le domaine de l’action sociale, la logique sĂ©curitaire ne tend-elle pas Ă  se gĂ©nĂ©raliser ? Mais toutes les formes de contrĂŽle ne sont-elles que coercition ? Et quelles sont les formes de rĂ©sistance Ă  ces Ă©volutions ? Les auteurs, sociologues, politistes et historiens, prĂ©sentent et analysent les rĂ©sultats d’enquĂȘtes concernant les nouvelles rĂ©glementations et catĂ©gories qui dĂ©finissent le contrĂŽle social, mais aussi les dispositifs qui les mettent en oeuvre et les pratiques ordinaires qui parfois s’y opposent. Ils Ă©clairent et mettent en regard les enjeux sociaux liĂ©s aux transformations du contrĂŽle dans les domaines de la statistique publique et du travail social, de la surveillance des salariĂ©s, des immigrĂ©s et des Ă©lĂšves, des institutions pĂ©nitentiaires et mĂ©dico-sociales. Ils montrent comment ces mĂ©tamorphoses du contrĂŽle social doivent ĂȘtre comprises dans les rĂ©centes Ă©volutions de l’économie, du travail et de l’État, liĂ©es au nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme. Cet Ă©tat des lieux, nuancĂ© et engagĂ©, Ă©claire la bataille politique qui confronte le souci de prĂ©server les libertĂ©s individuelles fondamentales Ă  celui d’assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© civile ou l’efficacitĂ© des organisations. Appelant Ă  renouveler, en thĂ©orie et en pratique, notre approche du contrĂŽle social, il s’adresse aux citoyens, chercheurs et militants qui souhaitent mieux comprendre, pour les rĂ©former ou s’y opposer, les diverses formes contemporaines du contrĂŽle des individus et des populations

    Analyse d'impact de l'évolution des applications distribuées multi-langages et à bases de données hétérogÚnes

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    Les travaux de recherche, menĂ©s dans le domaine de l'ingĂ©nierie de l'Ă©volution et de la maintenance des logiciels, visent principalement les approches, les mĂ©thodes, les techniques et les outils d'assistance aux activitĂ©s sous-jacente Ă  l'Ă©volution. Cela nĂ©cessite, en autres, une comprĂ©hension dĂ©taillĂ©e de la structure et du comportement des composants logiciels, l'analyse a priori des effets ou impacts du changement, la mise en oeuvre effective des modifications et l'analyse a posteriori des effets de ces modifications. Dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons une modĂ©lisation structurelle des composants logiciels distribuĂ©s et hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Ces composants peuvent en effet ĂȘtre, des codes source procĂ©duraux ou orientĂ©s objet, des schĂ©mas de bases de donnĂ©es relationnelles ou orientĂ©es objets ou des mĂ©diateurs de communication. La modĂ©lisation repose sur une formalisation du logiciel par un graphe typĂ© dont les noeuds et les arcs reprĂ©sentent respectivement les composants de diffĂ©rents niveaux de granularitĂ© et leurs relations...CALAIS-BU Sciences (621932101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Controverses et coalition de causes autour des figures du sport en prison.: Les conditions du dĂ©saccord et les formes du compromis entre les surveillants de l’Administration PĂ©nitentiaire et les Ă©ducateurs de la Protection Judiciaire de la Jeunesse au sein de l’établissement pĂ©nitentiaire pour mineurs de Lavaur (Tarn)

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    International audienceL’ouvrage se propose d’explorer la notion de controverses largement dĂ©battue dans le domaine des sciences sociales et structurant mĂȘme de vĂ©ritables courants de pensĂ©e. Alliant analyses thĂ©oriques et Ă©tudes de cas concrets empruntĂ©s au monde sportif pris dans un sens Ă©tendu, il balaie un vaste panorama tant thĂ©orique qu’empirique. Sont ainsi analysĂ©es diffĂ©rentes dimensions du phĂ©nomĂšne sportif chĂšres Ă  la sociologie du sport : le rĂŽle des institutions et des organisations sportives, le poids de l’histoire sociale et politique, l’impact des trajectoires des acteurs sportifs, le rĂŽle des mĂ©dias..., tout en proposant une entrĂ©e originale donnant Ă  voir des processus nouveaux et des Ă©lĂ©ments plus rarement travaillĂ©s : le rĂŽle des objets et des dispositifs, les formes d’argumentations, les changements d’échelles spatio-temporelles, les normes et les processus de qualification. Cet ouvrage permet Ă  la fois au nĂ©ophyte d’avoir une lecture approfondie et Ă©tayĂ©e du sport dans ses aspects parfois les plus mĂ©diatiques (le cas Pistorius par exemple), au sociologue d’apprĂ©hender ce phĂ©nomĂšne Ă  la lumiĂšre des outils du spĂ©cialiste des sciences sociales et au sociologue du sport d’envisager de nouveaux angles d’attaque de ses objets d’étude

    Contribution Ă  l'analyse d'impact des modifications des architectures logicielles

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    Le travail développé dans cette thÚse fait partie des travaux consacrés à la gestion de l évolution des architectures logicielles, à l analyse d impact a priori sur l architecture ainsi que sur le code source correspondant à la description architecturale. Nous avons proposé dans ce travail un modÚle pour la représentation des informations communes à la plupart des langages de description d architecture. Nous avons également établi des liens entre le niveau de représentation architecturale et celui du code source. Notre modélisation repose sur une formalisation à base de graphe typé et attribué, dont les noeuds et les arcs représentent respectivement les éléments extraits du logiciel et les relations entre eux. Nous avons défini des opérations de modifications exprimées d une maniÚre assertionnelle. L exécution de ces opérations de modification ainsi que la propagation de leurs impacts sont assurées par un systÚme à base de connaissances. Les fonctionnalités que l on vient de décrire sont supportées par une plate-forme réalisée sous la forme de plusieurs extensions intégrés à l environnement Eclipse et entiÚrement développée en Java. Elle fournit une interface utilisateur permettant la visualisation des représentations logicielles ainsi que de la propagation de leurs impacts de modification. Les rÚgles du systÚme expert sont exprimées moyennant le systÚme de gestion de rÚgles métier DROOLS.The work developed in this thesis deals with software architecture evolution, the architectural impact analysis and the impact analysis on the source code corresponding to the architectural description. We proposed in this work a model for representing common elements for the most of architecture description languages. We established links between architectural and source code representation. Our modelisation is based on the use of the graph formalism where nodes and arcs represent respectively the software elements and the links. We proposed a set of modification operations that are expressed by assertions. A knowledge based system implements the change operations and their impacts. These features are implemented in a platform entirely developed in Java and integrated as plugins into Eclipse. This platform provides a user interface for the graph visualization and for browsing the change impact propagation. Expert system rules are developed using the business rule management system DROOLS.CALAIS-BU Sciences (621932101) / SudocSudocFranceF