229 research outputs found

    Undoing the Effects of Seizing and Freezing: Decreasing Defensive Processing of Personally Relevant Messages

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    Health messages are directed at those who are at risk of incurring adverse consequences. However, previous experiments have found that people process personally relevant health messages in a biased, defensive manner. We examine the role of elaboration as a mechanism to encourage less biased processing of personally relevant health appeals. Results demonstrate that high‐relevance consumers freeze on the threatening information, leading to lower change appraisal (perceived severity, self‐efficacy, and response efficacy) and decreased message persuasion. For these individuals, renewed elaboration on the consequences of caffeine (Experiment 1) and olestra (Experiment 2) consumption reduces defensive processing. This elaboration “unfreezes” message processing, leading to greater change appraisal and increased persuasion. These experiments provide guidelines for practitioners to design more effective messages

    Access and Continuity: A Multidisciplinary Education Workshop to Teach Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Principles

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    Introduction: As more practices move to patient-centered medical home (PCMH) models, future health care professionals must train to work in collaborative settings. We implemented a 3-hour workshop for multidisciplinary trainees on the PCMH principles of access and continuity based on the EFECT framework (eliciting a patient-centered narrative, facilitating an interprofessional team discussion, evaluating the clinical evidence, creating a shared care plan, and tracking outcomes). Methods: Participants included internal medicine residents and medical, physician assistant (PA), and clinical psychology students. The workshop incorporated reflective activities identifying patient and provider health care delivery priorities, plus a PCMH presentation and group activities focusing on access and continuity. Evaluations were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Results: The workshop had 39 participants (seven physicians, one PA, one educator, one psychologist, three staff, nine residents, one PA student, one psychology extern, and 15 medical students). On a 0-10 Likert scale (0 = don\u27t agree at all, 10 = completely agree), learners reported higher knowledge of PCMH principles (M = 8.8), feeling better prepared for PCMH work (M = 8.6), and having obtained real-world skills (M = 8.3). Open-ended responses describing the workshop\u27s take-home message included the role of patient-centeredness in clinical redesign, the value of the multidisciplinary team in optimizing access and continuity, and how to use a quality improvement approach for access and continuity. Discussion: This workshop increased PCMH-related knowledge and encouraged discussion of professional roles within the team. Learners recognized the benefits of team-based rather than provider-centric approaches to access and continuity

    Opinions about Anti-Tobacco Marketing Strategies from the Undergraduate Student Perspective

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    The purpose of this project was to assess undergraduate college students’ opinions of anti-tobacco marketing strategies. The college environment offers an excellent setting for implementation of smoking abstinence interventions for young adults. Freshmen students at Valparaiso University were invited to join group sessions in the residence halls to evaluate anti-tobacco YouTube videos, print materials, and Quit Kit materials. Undergraduate nursing students functioned as group session facilitators. Participants (N = 39) included: 59% males, 87% non-smokers, and 92% who chose to attend for CORE credit. YouTube videos were found to be effective if a dramatic, age appropriate, simple message was connected to tobacco use. Print materials were effective if they included bright colors, brief statistics, few words, humor, and were immediately relevant. Quit Kit materials were selected if they included humor, pictures, had few words, and were useful. Quit Kits items included cozies, chip clips, stress relievers, and cinnamon flavored gum. Ninety-two percent indicated that their opinions about smoking, second-hand smoke exposure, and decisions whether to smoke were affected by these sessions. Data from this study will add to the growing body of evidence about college students’ opinions concerning marketing strategies and form a foundation for a longitudinal study of students’ changing opinions toward smoking

    Advancing Health Policy and Advocacy Education in Medical School through a Student-run Elective

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    Introduction: Training medical students in the policy topics of healthcare economics, delivery systems, disparities, and reform helps to prepare them for the growing role of advocacy in medicine. We used a near-peer educational model to create an elective to advance learners’ policy knowledge and advocacy skills, while simultaneously offering student directors hands-on experience in educational program development. Methods: The 4-week elective for fourth year medical students included weekly readings, policy seminars, advocacy workshops, and journal clubs. Longitudinally, students prepared for a policy debate and prepared a research project or Op-Ed article on a healthcare disparity topic of their choice. The elective was designed, coordinated, and implemented by a team of first, second, third, and fourth-year medical students with faculty adviser oversight. Pre- and post-surveys were utilized to assess student learners’ knowledge of subject material and their perceptions of the effectiveness of the curriculum. Student directors self-assessed their confidence with the subject material and acquired skill in educational program development. Results: Student learners (n=6) noted significant improvement in their knowledge of health policy (P=0.0002) and advocacy (P=0.0064). They also reported improvement in several subtopics under policy and advocacy, with significant improvements seen in healthcare reform (P=0.0131) and writing skills (P=0.0099). Student directors (n=4) reported improved skills in curriculum development, educational evaluation, and leadership. Discussion: This novel student-run elective provided effective training in health policy and advocacy that extends beyond traditional curricula in medical school. Employing a near-peer model, the elective offers a sustainable system to educate interested students in these subjects and provide student directors unique experience in medical education. Further evaluation of future iterations will help determine the effectiveness of the curriculum in advancing individual policy and advocacy subtopics to guide future curricular modifications

    Social interaction and pain:An arctic expedition

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    Complex human behaviour can only be understood within its social environment. However, disentangling the causal links between individual outcomes and social network position is empirically challenging. We present a research design in a closed real-world setting with high-resolution temporal data to understand this interplay within a fundamental human experience – physical pain. Study participants completed an isolated 3-week hiking expedition in the Arctic Circle during which they were subject to the same variation in environmental conditions and only interacted amongst themselves. Adolescents provided daily ratings of pain and social interaction partners. Using longitudinal network models, we analyze the interplay between social network position and the experience of pain. Specifically, we test whether experiencing pain is linked to decreasing popularity (increasing isolation), whether adolescents prefer to interact with others experiencing similar pain (homophily), and whether participants are increasingly likely to report similar pain as their interaction partners (contagion). We find that reporting pain is associated with decreasing popularity – interestingly, this effect holds for males only. Further exploratory analyses suggest this is at least partly driven by males withdrawing from contact with females when in pain, enhancing our understanding of pain and masculinity. Contrary to recent experimental and clinical studies, we found no evidence of pain homophily or contagion in the expedition group

    Intake of Lycopene and other Carotenoids and Incidence of Uterine Leiomyomata: A Prospective Ultrasound Study

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    BACKGROUND: Uterine leiomyomata (UL) are the leading indication for hysterectomy in the United States. Dietary supplementation with lycopene was associated with reduced size and incidence of oviduct leiomyoma in the Japanese quail. Two US prospective cohort studies of women reported little association between intake of lycopene, or other carotenoids, and UL incidence. However, these studies relied on self-reported physician-diagnosed UL, which is prone to misclassification. OBJECTIVE: This study examines the association between dietary intake of carotenoids and UL incidence. DESIGN: Data were derived from the Study of the Environment, Lifestyle, and Fibroids, a prospective cohort study. Women completed self-administered baseline questionnaires on demographic characteristics, reproductive history, and lifestyle, including a 110-item validated food frequency questionnaire, from which dietary intakes of carotenoids-including alpha carotene, beta carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein-zeaxanthin, and lycopene-and vitamin A were estimated. PARTICIPANTS/SETTING: One thousand two hundred thirty Black women aged 23 to 35 years who did not have a previous diagnosis of UL, cancer, or autoimmune disease were eligible for enrollment (2010-2012). Participants were residents of the Detroit, MI, metropolitan area. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Transvaginal ultrasound was used to assess UL at baseline and 20, 40, and 60 months of follow-up. STATISTICAL ANALYSES PERFORMED: Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios and 95% CIs, adjusted for energy intake, age at menarche, education, body mass index, parity, age at first birth, years since last birth, current use of oral contraceptives or progestin-only injectables, alcohol intake, and cigarette smoking. RESULTS: Among 1,230 women without prevalent UL at baseline, 301 incident UL cases during follow-up were identified. Intakes of lycopene, other carotenoids, and vitamin A were not appreciably associated with UL incidence. Hazard ratios comparing quartiles 2 (2,376 to 3,397 ÎŒg/day), 3 (3,398 to 4,817 ÎŒg/day), and 4 (≄4,818 ÎŒg/day) with quartile 1 (\u3c2,376 ÎŒg/day) of lycopene intake were 1.03 (95% CI 0.72 to 1.47), 1.22 (95% CI 0.86 to 1.72), and 0.95 (95% CI 0.67 to 1.36), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Study findings do not support the hypothesis that greater carotenoid intake is associated with reduced UL incidence

    PCORnet Antibiotics and Childhood Growth Study: Process for Cohort Creation and Cohort Description

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    OBJECTIVES: The National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet) supports observational and clinical research using health care data. The PCORnet Antibiotics and Childhood Growth Study is one of PCORnet’s inaugural observational studies. We sought to describe the processes used to integrate and analyze data from children across 35 participating institutions, the cohort characteristics, and prevalence of antibiotic use. METHODS:We included children in the cohort if they had at least one same-day height and weight measured in each of 3 age periods: 1) before 12 months, 2) 12 to 30 months, and 3) after 24 months. We distributed statistical queries that each institution ran on its local version of the PCORnet Common Data Model, with aggregate data returned for analysis. We defined overweight or obesity as age- and sex-specific body mass index ≄85th percentile, obesity ≄95th percentile, and severe obesity ≄120% of the 95th percentile. RESULTS: A total of 681,739 children met the cohort inclusion criteria, and participants were racially/ethnically diverse (24.9% black, 17.5% Hispanic). Before 24 months of age, 55.2% of children received at least one antibiotic prescription; 21.3% received a single antibiotic prescription; 14.3% received 4 or more; and 33.3% received a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Overweight and obesity prevalence was 27.6% at age 4 to(n = 362,044) and 36.2% at 9 to(n = 58,344). CONCLUSIONS: The PCORnet Antibiotics and Childhood Growth Study is a large national longitudinal observational study in a diverse population that will examine the relationship between early antibiotic use and subsequent growth patterns in children

    A dedicated flavin-dependent monooxygenase catalyzes the hydroxylation of demethoxyubiquinone into ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) in \u3ci\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/i\u3e

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    Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q) is a vital respiratory cofactor and liposoluble antioxidant. In plants, it is not known how the C-6 hydroxylation of demethoxyubiquinone, the penultimate step in ubiquinone biosynthesis, is catalyzed. The combination of cross-species gene network modeling along with mining of embryo-defective mutant databases of Arabidopsis thaliana identified the embryo lethal locus EMB2421 (At1g24340) as a top candidate for the missing plant demethoxyubiquinone hydroxylase. In marked contrast with prototypical eukaryotic demethoxyubiquinone hydroxylases, the catalytic mechanism of which depends on a carboxylatebridged di-iron domain, At1g24340 is homologous to FADdependent oxidoreductases that instead use NAD(P)H as an electron donor. Complementation assays in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli demonstrated that At1g24340 encodes a functional demethoxyubiquinone hydroxylase and that the enzyme displays strict specificity for the C-6 position of the benzoquinone ring. Laser-scanning confocal microscopy also showed that GFP-tagged At1g24340 is targeted to mitochondria. Silencing of At1g24340 resulted in 40 to 74% decrease in ubiquinone content and de novo ubiquinone biosynthesis. Consistent with the role of At1g24340 as a benzenoid ring modification enzyme, this metabolic blockage could not be bypassed by supplementation with 4-hydroxybenzoate, the immediate precursor of ubiquinone’s ring. Unlike in yeast, in Arabidopsis overexpression of demethoxyubiquinone hydroxylase did not boost ubiquinone content. Phylogenetic reconstructions indicated that plant demethoxyubiquinone hydroxylase is most closely related to prokaryotic monooxygenases that act on halogenated aromatics and likely descends from an event of ho

    Expert opinion on detecting and treating depression in palliative care: A Delphi study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a dearth of data regarding the optimal method of detecting and treating depression in palliative care. This study applied the Delphi method to evaluate expert opinion on choice of screening tool, choice of antidepressant and choice of psychological therapy. The aim was to inform the development of best practice recommendations for the European Palliative Care Research Collaborative clinical practice guideline on managing depression in palliative care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>18 members of an international, multi-professional expert group completed a structured questionnaire in two rounds, rating their agreement with proposed items on a scale from 0-10 and annotating with additional comments. The median and range were calculated to give a statistical average of the experts' ratings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was contention regarding the benefits of screening, with 'routine informal asking' (median 8.5 (0-10)) rated more highly than formal screening tools such as the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (median 7.0 (1-10). Mirtazapine (median 9 (7-10) and citalopram (median 9 (5-10) were the considered the best choice of antidepressant and cognitive behavioural therapy (median 9.0 (3-10) the best choice of psychological therapy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The range of expert ratings was broad, indicating discordance in the views of experts. Direct comparative data from randomised controlled trials are needed to strengthen the evidence-base and achieve clarity on how best to detect and treat depression in this setting.</p
