20 research outputs found

    Assessing the risk of bias in randomized controlled trials in the field of dentistry indexed in the Lilacs (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde) database

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    Comportamento anoréxico e percepção corporal em universitários Anorexic behavior and body self-perception on universitarians

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a percepção corporal e a prevalência de sintomas de anorexia nervosa em estudantes universitários. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, no qual a seleção da amostra foi realizada por conveniência. Aplicou-se o questionário teste de atitudes alimentares (EAT- 26) e teste de imagem corporal, para avaliar os sintomas de anorexia nervosa e a percepção corporal, respectivamente. Para a análise estatística dos dados utilizou-se o teste binomial para verificar a existência de associação entre as variáveis qualitativas. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 149 estudantes de nutrição e 78 estudantes de educação física. Observou-se que 10,3% e 14,1% dos estudantes de educação física e nutrição, respectivamente, apresentaram fatores de risco para desenvolver anorexia nervosa e o teste de imagem corporal evidenciou proporções elevadas de insatisfação com a forma corporal, em ambos os cursos: 75,8% e 78,2% para os cursos de nutrição e educação física, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Os estudantes de nutrição mostraram maior tendência de apresentar comportamento de risco para anorexia nervosa, com predominância no sexo feminino. Além disso, os resultados evidenciaram proporções elevadas de insatisfação com a imagem corporal, em ambos os cursos. Estes resultados são preocupantes, tendo em vista que são futuros profissionais que possuem papel fundamental na detecção e, no caso do nutricionista, no manejo destes distúrbios.<br>OBJECTIVE: To assess body perception and prevalence of symptoms of nervous anorexy in college students. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with convenience sample. We used the Eating Attitudes Test questionnaire (EAT-26) and the Body Image Test to evaluate symptoms of nervous anorexy and the body perception on the participants, respectively. In the statistical analysis, Binomial test was used to assess the association between qualitative variables. RESULTS: This study included 149 nutrition and 78 physical education students. The results showed that 10.3% and 14.1% of the physical education and nutrition students, respectively, presented risk factors for the development of anorexy, and the Body Image Test revealed high levels of dissatisfaction regarding body shape of students in both courses: 75.8% and 78.2% in nutrition and physical education, respectively. CONCLUSION: Students of nutrition showed greater tendency to present risk behavior for developing nervous anorexy, predominantly in females. Moreover, the results showed high proportions of dissatisfaction with body image in both courses. These results raise concern, since the physical education teachers and nutritionists are the professionals who play a key role in detecting and, in the case of a nutritionist, managing these disorders

    Neutrophilic panniculitis

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    Panniculitis is an inflammatory disorder of the subcutaneous fat, whose diagnosis and classification relies on histologic features, mainly the location of the subcutaneous inflammatory infiltrate (septal, lobular, mixed or vascular) [1]. In the setting of lobular panniculitis in which the inflammation predominantly involves the fat lobules, there is neutrophilic panniculitis (NP), a rare condition that belongs to the group of neutrophilic dermatoses [2]. Clinically, NP manifests as a subcutaneous nodular eruption and, histologically, shows a lobular infiltrate mainly consisting of neutrophils [3\u20137]. NP has been reported to be significantly associated with myelodysplasia, which is a well-known association for neutrophilic dermatoses in general [3\u20137]. From a therapeutic point of view, it is regarded as highly sensitive to oral corticosteroids, similarly to Sweet\u2019s syndrome [2]. In this chapter, the clinical and histological features of NP are described, with emphasis on the differential diagnosis from the main panniculitides sharing a neutrophilic histological pattern