8 research outputs found

    Analise das proporções verticais dos tecidos moles faciais. Estudo cefalometrico pre e pro-operatorio de pacientes submetidos ao retroposicionamento mandibular

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    Orientador: Luis Augusto PasseriDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O presente estudo avaliou as alterações do perfil do tecido mole facial em pacientes com prognatismo mandibular submetido a recuo, utilizando para isto a análise cefalométrica de proporções verticais dos tecidos moles faciais, descrita por EPKER & FISH (1986). Foram confeccionados cefalogramas sobre as telerradiografias tomadas em norma lateral pré-operatória e pós-operatória, no mínimo de seis meses, de 10 pacientes submetidos a este tipo de procedimento cirúrgico- ortognático. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição estatisticamente significante em duas proporções (G-Sn:Sn-Me' e Sn-Stms:Stms-Me¿) entre os traçados pré e pós-operatório. Já a razão Sn-Li:Li-Me', apesar de apresentar-se reduzida após a cirurgia, não foi estatisticamente significante. A distância interlabial (Stms-Stmi) se manteve dentre os padrões normais descritos por EPKER & FISH (1986), tanto no pré como no pós-operatórioAbstract: The present study evaluated the alteration of fa.cial soft tis sue in patients who underwent surgical correction of mandibular prognathism. Cephalometric analysis based on vertical proportions in facial soft tissues described by EPKER & FISH (1986) was perfomed. Cephalograms were made in pre-op and pos-op (with a minimum six months follow up) lateral cephalometric X-rays in tem patients with set back mandibular surgery.Results showed a decreased significant difIerence in two proportions (G-Srz:Sn-Me' e Sn-Stms:Stins-Me ') between the pre-operative and post-operative cephalometrics traces. The ratio Sn-Li:Li-Me " despite showed decreased after surgery, there was no significant difIerence. The interlabial distance (Stms-Stmi)remained in standards values described by EPKER & FISH (1986) for the pre-opera tive as post-operative resultsMestradoCirurgia Buco-Maxilo-FacialMestre em Clínica Odontológic

    Horizontal Maxillary Osteotomy Approach for Resection of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma

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    Juvenile angiofibroma is a benign fibroangiomatous tumor of relatively rare occurrence, developing most frequently in male adolescents. It has local characteristics of aggressiveness and expansion. The treatment of choice is surgical excision. In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of the surgical technique using the Le Fort I osteotomy are described, and the literature correlated with 2 case reports

    Conservative Treatment of Comminuted Mandibular Fracture Involving Maxillomandibular Fixation With Miniplates

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    Bars and steel wires are the most commonly used methods to achieve maxillomandibular fixation, although there are numerous alternatives described for this same purpose. In cases of edentulous candidates for the conservative treatment of facial fractures, none of the conventional methods can be instituted for maxillomandibular fixation. Fixation in such cases is achieved with the aid of the total dentures of the patient or the confection of splints, but these methods lead to eating and oral hygiene problems. This article reports the case of an edentulous patient with a comminuted mandible fracture treated with a rarely described technique in which intermaxillary fixation was achieved with titanium miniplates