18,618 research outputs found

    The balance of power between producers and retailers : a differentiation model

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    This paper argues that the balance of power between producers and retailers depends on the relative degrees of differentiation at the two levels of the vertical structure. We propose an extension of Hotelling's model in which two producers, competing in prices with horizontally differentiated products, face two horizontally differentiated retailers also competing in prices. We study the setting of producers' and retailers' margins. We show that when retailers are more differentiated than producers, they dominate the relationship and their margin is higher than producers'.Vertical relationships, differentiation

    Semi-parametric estimation of the hazard function in a model with covariate measurement error

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    We consider a model where the failure hazard function, conditional on a covariate ZZ is given by R(t,θ0Z)=η_γ0(t)f_β0(Z)R(t,\theta^0|Z)=\eta\_{\gamma^0}(t)f\_{\beta^0}(Z), with θ0=(β0,γ0)Rm+p\theta^0=(\beta^0,\gamma^0)^\top\in \mathbb{R}^{m+p}. The baseline hazard function η_γ0\eta\_{\gamma^0} and relative risk f_β0f\_{\beta^0} belong both to parametric families. The covariate ZZ is measured through the error model U=Z+ϵU=Z+\epsilon where ϵ\epsilon is independent from ZZ, with known density f_ϵf\_\epsilon. We observe a nn-sample (X_i,D_i,U_i)(X\_i, D\_i, U\_i), i=1,...,ni=1,...,n, where X_iX\_i is the minimum between the failure time and the censoring time, and D_iD\_i is the censoring indicator. We aim at estimating θ0\theta^0 in presence of the unknown density gg. Our estimation procedure based on least squares criterion provide two estimators. The first one minimizes an estimation of the least squares criterion where gg is estimated by density deconvolution. Its rate depends on the smoothnesses of f_ϵf\_\epsilon and f_β(z)f\_\beta(z) as a function of zz,. We derive sufficient conditions that ensure the n\sqrt{n}-consistency. The second estimator is constructed under conditions ensuring that the least squares criterion can be directly estimated with the parametric rate. These estimators, deeply studied through examples are in particular n\sqrt{n}-consistent and asymptotically Gaussian in the Cox model and in the excess risk model, whatever is f_ϵf\_\epsilon

    To assemble to resemble? A study of tax disparities among French municipalities

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of inter-municipal cooperation on local taxation. Municipalities that join/create an inter-municipal jurisdiction choose between three tax regimes, which may induce both horizontal and vertical tax externalities. Using the differences in differences method with a quasi-exhaustive panel for French municipalities over the 1994-2010 period, we show a positive causal effect of cooperation on the level of cumulative tax rates (i.e. the sum of municipal and inter-municipal tax rates). In addition, we show that cooperation leads to a convergence of tax rates within an inter-municipal structure, which thus reduces tax disparities among municipalities.Inter-municipal cooperation, tax competition, ?scal disparities.

    To assemble to resemble? A study of tax disparities among French municipalities

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of inter-municipal cooperation on local taxation. Municipalities that join/create an inter-municipal jurisdiction choose between three tax regimes, which may induce both horizontal and vertical tax externalities. Using the differences in differences method with a quasi-exhaustive panel for French municipalities over the 1994-2010 period, we show a positive causal effect of cooperation on the level of cumulative tax rates (i.e. the sum of municipal and inter-municipal tax rates). Moreover, we show that cooperation leads to a convergence of tax rates within an inter-municipal structure, which thus reduces tax disparities among municipalities.Inter-municipal cooperation, tax competition, fiscal disparities

    The missing link: Bringing institutions back into the debate on economic globalisation

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    In der Auseinandersetzung mit der Globalisierung von Wirtschaftsprozessen kann sich die sozialwissenschaftliche Institutionentheorie nicht mehr auf die Untersuchung nationaler Konfigurationen beschränken, sondern sollte der transnationalen Rekombination institutioneller Arrangements mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken. Für die Untersuchung solcher Prozesse sind veränderte analytische Werkzeuge erforderlich. Die Autorinnen dieses Beitrags schlagen eine Synthese von National Business Systems- und Varieties of Capitalism- Ansätzen mit kulturalistischen und phänomenologischen Varianten der Institutionentheorie vor. Es werden drei Aspekte der institutionellen Analyse vertieft, die zu einem besseren Verständnis des Verhältnisses von Globalisierung und Institutionen beitragen: Institutionalisierung als Prozeß, Rekombination als Mechanismus der Institutionengenese und des Institutionenwandels und eine Mehrebenenanalyse des Zusammenspiels von institutionellen Veränderungen auf nationaler und transnationaler Ebene. Die vorgeschlagene Synthese verschiedener institutionalistischer Ansätze bietet einerseits Ansatzpunkte für die Untersuchung der Rolle nationaler Akteure in der Genese und Entwicklung transnationaler Institutionen. Andererseits trägt sie zu einem besseren Verständnis der Rekombination von Elementen verschiedener institutioneller Arrangements sowie der Herausbildung neuer Institutionen auf transnationaler Ebene bei. Diese Entwicklungen im transnationalen Raum wirken wiederum auf Institutionen in nationalen Sozial- und Wirtschaftsräumen ein. Die Autorinnen des vorliegenden Beitrages argumentieren, daß die Abfolge und Kombination einer Reihe gradueller und zunächst geringfügiger Veränderungen über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg zu einem signifikanten Wandel von gesellschaftlichen Institutionen führen können. -- Faced with ongoing debates on globalisation, societal institutionalism in its traditional form is showing its limits. In this paper, we suggest that a serious sociologically grounded and institutional contribution to the ongoing debate on global governance calls for a shift in focus away from the preoccupation with national configurations and towards an attempt at understanding transnational recombinations. The investigation of transnational recombination calls for new analytical tools. Here we argue that the solution may come from an hybridisation of NBS and VOC approaches with other variants of the institutionalist argument in particular those we label cultural or phenomenological. We elaborate on three aspects of institutional analysis that we identify as key to getting a better understanding of the relationship between globalisation and institutions. Firstly, we propose an interpretation of institutionalisation as a process and not a state of things. Secondly, we reinterpret institutional genesis and institutional change as revealing recombination. Thirdly, we argue for a more systematic analysis of the interplay of such processes of recombination across different levels of analysis, particularly the national and the transnational. With a conceptual framework so reformulated, it is possible to take in the transnational reality in its full complexity. We show, on the one hand, how the NBS and VOC perspectives are an interesting starting base to look at the structuration and stabilisation of the transnational reality. On the other hand, we gain new insights in the ways in which institution building and recombination at the transnational level become reflected often progressively and somewhat incrementally at the national business system level. Our proposition is that the succession and combination, over a long period of time, of a series of incremental and sometimes minor transformations could lead in the end to consequential and significant change.

    Retail structure and product variety

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    Nous examinons l'impact de la structure horizontale et verticale d'un marché sur les incitations à l'innovation et sur la variété des produits. Nous considérons le marché d'un bien homogène où un producteur peut innover pour étendre sa gamme de produits en créant un nouveau produit substitut. Le coût de lancement du nouveau produit est fixe, et réparti entre les activités de production et de distribution. Nous montrons qu'une chaîne intégrée verticalement offre une plus grande variété de produits qu'une chaîne de monopoles. Si le coût de lancement du nouveau produit est réparti équitablement entre les deux secteurs, ou supporté essentiellement par l'amont, une concurrence imparfaite dans le secteur aval ne restaure que partiellement les incitations à innover de la structure verticale. En revanche, si ce coût est supporté principalement par le secteur aval, la concurrence en aval peut amener plus d'innovation que dans une structure verticalement intégrée.

    Loss leaders banning laws as vertical restraints.

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    Cet article étudie un effet pervers inflationniste de l'interdiction de la revente à perte. Dans un modèle où un producteur en monopole vend son produit par l'intermédiaire de distributeurs différenciés, nous montrons que l'interdiction de la revente à perte peut permettre au producteur de limiter la concurrence intra-marque et d'améliorer son profit en augmentant son prix de gros, rétribuant les distributeurs par le biais des marges arrière. L'interdiction de la revente à perte transforme le prix de gros en prix-plancher, augmentant le prix de détail et diminuant le surplus des consommateurs.Distribution;Relations verticales;Revente à perte;Marges arrière

    Outage Analysis of Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Cooperative Network with Best Relay Selection

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    In this paper, we study the performance of a downlink hybrid satellite-terrestrial cooperative network. The decode-andforward scheme is used and a selection of the best relay terminal is implemented. In this proposed system, a two time-slot scenario is considered. The first time slot is used by the satellite for broadcasting the information to the terrestrial relays and the destination. In the second time slot, only the best relay which provides the maximal received signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio at the destination is selected for forwarding the information. Then, both signals are combined using the maximum ratio combining (MRC) technique. The analytical expression of the outage probabiliy is evaluated and is then verified with the simulation. The results show that our analytical expression matched well to the simulation results at the high SNR regime

    Adapting DVB-SH system parameters to mobile environments

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    A performance analysis of the digital video broadcasting - satellite to handheld (DVB-SH) system in presence of ground mobile terminals (GMTs) is presented. The paper focuses on the Doppler spread issue. Indeed, the mobility of GMTs induces a Doppler spread in the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal that destroys the orthogonality of subcarriers. The loss of orthogonality produces inter-carrier interference (ICI) and hence a degradation of the system performance in terms of symbol error probability. The paper presents the conditions in which this degradation can be compensated for by an increase in the signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver side. The result depends on both the modulation scheme and the speed of GMTs. Inversely, having a maximum allowable margin on the received SNR allows us to determine an upper bound on the mobile station velocity