
Semi-parametric estimation of the hazard function in a model with covariate measurement error


We consider a model where the failure hazard function, conditional on a covariate ZZ is given by R(t,θ0Z)=η_γ0(t)f_β0(Z)R(t,\theta^0|Z)=\eta\_{\gamma^0}(t)f\_{\beta^0}(Z), with θ0=(β0,γ0)Rm+p\theta^0=(\beta^0,\gamma^0)^\top\in \mathbb{R}^{m+p}. The baseline hazard function η_γ0\eta\_{\gamma^0} and relative risk f_β0f\_{\beta^0} belong both to parametric families. The covariate ZZ is measured through the error model U=Z+ϵU=Z+\epsilon where ϵ\epsilon is independent from ZZ, with known density f_ϵf\_\epsilon. We observe a nn-sample (X_i,D_i,U_i)(X\_i, D\_i, U\_i), i=1,...,ni=1,...,n, where X_iX\_i is the minimum between the failure time and the censoring time, and D_iD\_i is the censoring indicator. We aim at estimating θ0\theta^0 in presence of the unknown density gg. Our estimation procedure based on least squares criterion provide two estimators. The first one minimizes an estimation of the least squares criterion where gg is estimated by density deconvolution. Its rate depends on the smoothnesses of f_ϵf\_\epsilon and f_β(z)f\_\beta(z) as a function of zz,. We derive sufficient conditions that ensure the n\sqrt{n}-consistency. The second estimator is constructed under conditions ensuring that the least squares criterion can be directly estimated with the parametric rate. These estimators, deeply studied through examples are in particular n\sqrt{n}-consistent and asymptotically Gaussian in the Cox model and in the excess risk model, whatever is f_ϵf\_\epsilon

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