39 research outputs found

    The Great Recession and its Impact on Families

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    In 2009, Clark University was accepted as the university to represent Massachusetts in the National Policy Institute for Family Impact Seminars at the University of Wisconsin – Madison (http://familyimpactseminars.org). Family Impact Seminars are a series of annual seminars, briefing reports, and discussion sessions that provide up-to-date, solution-oriented research on current issues for state legislators, legislative staff, and executive branch personnel. The seminars provide objective, nonpartisan research on current issues and do not lobby for particular policies. Seminar participants discuss policy options and identify common ground where it exists

    A Search for Radio Supernova Remnants in Four Irregular Galaxies

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    We survey four nearby irregular galaxies for radio supernova remnants (SNRs) using deep (1 sigma ~ 20 microJy), high resolution (~20 pc) VLA continuum data at 20, 6, and 3.6 cm. We identify discrete sources in these galaxies and use radio spectral indices and H alpha images to categorize them as SNRs, H II regions, or background radio galaxies. Our classifications are generally in good agreement agreement with the literature. We identify a total of 43 SNR candidates: 23 in NGC 1569, 7 in NGC 4214, 5 in NGC 2366, and 8 in NGC 4449. Only one SNR--the well-studied object J1228+441 in NGC 4449--is more luminous at 20 cm than Cas A. By comparing the total thermal flux density in each galaxy to that localized in H II regions, we conclude that a significant fraction must be in a diffuse component or in low-luminosity H II regions.Comment: Accepted by AJ. 17 pages, 9 figures. 23 additional figures will be available in the online version of the Astronomical Journa

    Perception versus polysomnographic assessment of sleep in CFS and non-fatigued control subjects: results from a population-based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complaints of unrefreshing sleep are a prominent component of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS); yet, polysomnographic studies have not consistently documented sleep abnormalities in CFS patients. We conducted this study to determine whether alterations in objective sleep characteristics are associated with subjective measures of poor sleep quality in persons with CFS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined the relationship between perceived sleep quality and polysomnographic measures of nighttime and daytime sleep in 35 people with CFS and 40 non-fatigued control subjects, identified from the general population of Wichita, Kansas and defined by empiric criteria. Perceived sleep quality and daytime sleepiness were assessed using clinical sleep questionnaires. Objective sleep characteristics were assessed by nocturnal polysomnography and daytime multiple sleep latency testing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Participants with CFS reported unrefreshing sleep and problems sleeping during the preceding month significantly more often than did non-fatigued controls. Participants with CFS also rated their quality of sleep during the overnight sleep study as significantly worse than did control subjects. Control subjects reported significantly longer sleep onset latency than latency to fall asleep as measured by PSG and MSLT. There were no significant differences in sleep pathology or architecture between subjects with CFS and control subjects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>People with CFS reported sleep problems significantly more often than control subjects. Yet, when measured these parameters and sleep architecture did not differ between the two subject groups. A unique finding requiring further study is that control, but not CFS subjects, significantly over reported sleep latency suggesting CFS subjects may have an increased appreciation of sleep behaviour that may contribute to their perception of sleep problems.</p

    A Pilot Survey of an M Dwarf Flare Star with Swift's UV Grism

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    The near-ultraviolet (NUV) spectral region is a useful diagnostic for stellar flare physics and assessing the energy environment of young exoplanets, especially as relates to prebiotic chemistry. We conducted a pilot NUV spectroscopic flare survey of the young M dwarf AU Mic with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory's UltraViolet and Optical Telescope. We detected four flares and three other epochs of significantly elevated count rates during the 9.6 hours of total exposure time, consistent with a NUV flare rate of ∼\sim0.5 hour−1^{-1}. The largest flare we observed released a minimum energy of 6×\times1033^{33} erg between 1730-5000 \r{A}. All flares had durations longer than the ∼\sim14-17 minute duration of each Swift visit, making measuring total flare energy and duration infeasible.Comment: Published in Research Notes of the AAS (RNAAS

    Social Service Availability & Proximity And The Over-Representation Of Minority Children in Child Welfare

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    The capstone group assessed whether child welfare services were available and proximal in predominantly low income, black areas with high foster care rates in three southern cities. GIS mapping of services contained in a State 211 community services database revealed that there were no treatment services and/or no public transportation and/or lengthy public transportation times in nearly 25% of the identified areas in the three cities combined. The authors suggest that increasing child welfare service availability and proximity could reduce the overrepresentation of black children in foster care by making services available and proximal to black parents. The authors recommend that child welfare administrators perform annual GIS analyses of State 211 community services databases to assess child welfare service availability. The authors offer a number of recommendations for increasing child welfare service availability and proximity in high foster care areas

    The Mysterious Affair of the H2_2 in AU Mic

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    Molecular hydrogen is the most abundant molecule in the Galaxy and plays important roles for planets, their circumstellar environments, and many of their host stars. We have confirmed the presence of molecular hydrogen in the AU Mic system using high-resolution FUV spectra from HST-STIS during both quiescence and a flare. AU Mic is a ∼\sim23 Myr M dwarf which hosts a debris disk and at least two planets. We estimate the temperature of the gas at 1000 to 2000 K, consistent with previous detections. Based on the radial velocities and widths of the H2_2 line profiles and the response of the H2_2 lines to a stellar flare, the H2_2 line emission is likely produced in the star, rather than in the disk or the planet. However, the temperature of this gas is significantly below the temperature of the photosphere (∼\sim3650 K) and the predicted temperature of its star spots (≳\gtrsim2650 K). We discuss the possibility of colder star spots or a cold layer in the photosphere of a pre-main sequence M dwarf.Comment: accepted to ApJ, 20 pages, many figure

    Atmospheric Escape From Three Terrestrial Planets in the L 98-59 System

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    A critically important process affecting the climate evolution and potential habitability of an exoplanet is atmospheric escape, in which high-energy radiation from a star drives the escape of hydrogen atoms and other light elements from a planet's atmosphere. L 98-59 is a benchmark system for studying such atmospheric processes, with three transiting terrestrial-size planets receiving Venus-like instellations (4-25 S⊕_\oplus) from their M3 host star. We use the VPLanet model to simulate the evolution of the L 98-59 system and the atmospheric escape of its inner three small planets, given different assumed initial water quantities. We find that, regardless of their initial water content, all three planets accumulate significant quantities of oxygen due to efficient water photolysis and hydrogen loss. All three planets also receive enough XUV flux to drive rapid water loss, which considerably affects their developing climates and atmospheres. Even in scenarios of low initial water content, our results suggest that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be sensitive to observations of retained oxygen on the L 98-59 planets in its future scheduled observations, with planets b and c being the most likely targets to possess an extended atmosphere. Our results constrain the atmospheric evolution of these small rocky planets, and they provide context for current and future observations of the L 98-59 system to generalize our understanding of multi-terrestrial planet systems.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Factors Associated With Ocular Health Care Utilization Among Hispanics/Latinos: Results From an Ancillary Study to the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)

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    Regular ocular care is critical to early detection and prevention of eye disease and associated morbidity and mortality; however, there have been relatively few studies of ocular health care utilization among Hispanics/Latinos of diverse backgrounds

    The K2-3 system revisited: testing photoevaporation and core-powered mass loss with three small planets spanning the radius valley

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    Multi-planet systems orbiting M dwarfs provide valuable tests of theories of small planet formation and evolution. K2-3 is an early M dwarf hosting three small exoplanets (1.5-2.0 Earth radii) at distances of 0.07-0.20 AU. We measure the high-energy spectrum of K2-3 with HST/COS and XMM-Newton, and use empirically-driven estimates of Ly-alpha and extreme ultraviolet flux. We use EXOFASTv2 to jointly fit radial velocity, transit, and SED data. This constrains the K2-3 planet radii to 4% uncertainty and the masses of K2-3b and c to 13% and 30%, respectively; K2-3d is not detected in RV measurements. K2-3b and c are consistent with rocky cores surrounded by solar composition envelopes (mass fractions of 0.36% and 0.07%), H2O envelopes (55% and 16%), or a mixture of both. However, based on the high-energy output and estimated age of K2-3, it is unlikely that K2-3b and c retain solar composition atmospheres. We pass the planet parameters and high-energy stellar spectrum to atmospheric models. Dialing the high-energy spectrum up and down by a factor of 10 produces significant changes in trace molecule abundances, but not at a level detectable with transmission spectroscopy. Though the K2-3 planets span the small planet radius valley, the observed system architecture cannot be readily explained by photoevaporation or core-powered mass loss. We instead propose 1) the K2-3 planets are all volatile-rich, with K2-3d having a lower density than typical of super-Earths, and/or 2) the K2-3 planet architecture results from more stochastic processes such as planet formation, planet migration, and impact erosion.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure, published in AJ, HLSPs at https://archive.stsci.edu/hlsp/mstarpanspe